D.C. Download: Miriam Adelson: Jews have a 'sacred duty' to vote for Trump: The Nevada Independent
Donald Trump supporters, protesters come out for his first Pittsburgh events: WTAE
Local news story from 2016 about the the guy that Roger Stone said is the real shooter.
Thomas Matthew Crooks of Bethel Park identified as gunman at Trump rally: WTAE
Local news story about the suspect.
Former President Trump injured in attempted assassination at Butler County rally; shooter, bystander dead: WTAE
Local news story with video of the event.
This is an early report with some unconfirmed and probably inaccurate information
Trump Says Little on Gaza, and Nothing About What He'd Do Differently: New York Times
Nobody knows what Trump will do because he doesn't know what he will do. Besides, whatever he tries will be undermined and manipulated.
The Economist/YouGov Poll January 21 - 23, 2024 - 1664 U.S. Adult Citizens: YouGov
Just of bunch of polling data.
print-icon Ray Epps To Be Criminally Charged For Role In January 6th, Blames Tucker: Zero Hedge
How gay is that?
MAGA and Christian nationalism: Bigger threat to America than Hamas could ever be: Salon
Nobody should read this unless you are looking for an example of just how Jewish and gay and out of touch the MSM is.
Counting Electoral Votes: An Overview of Procedures at the Joint Session, Including Objections by Members of Congress: Congressional Research Service
The Constitution and federal law establish a detailed timetable following the presidential election
during which time the members of the electoral college convene in the 50 state capitals and in the
District of Columbia, cast their votes for President and Vice President, and submit their votes
through state officials to both houses of Congress. The electoral votes are scheduled to be opened
before a joint session of Congress on January 6, 2021. Federal law specifies the procedures for
this session and for challenges to the validity of an electoral vote. This report describes the steps
in the process and precedents set in prior presidential elections governing the actions of the House
and Senate in certifying the electoral vote and in responding to challenges of the validity of
electoral votes.
Updated December 8, 2020
11 times VP Biden was interrupted during Trump's electoral vote certification: CNN
On January 6, 2017, anti-Trump demonstators were allowed in Congress and Democrat Congressman tried to overturn the election due to Russian meddling and voter suppression.
Here Are The Billionaires Who Donated To Joe Biden's 2020 Presidential Campaign: Forbes
Most of his money came from a bunch of Jews. Not a single Chinaman on the list. Beijing Joe? Don't be a retard.
Accused 'Oath Keepers' Capitol rioter worked for FBI, attorney says: New York Post
A court motion filed Monday by attorney Thomas Plofchan says Thomas Edward Caldwell — who prosecutors say has a "leadership role" in the Oath Keepers militia group — worked as an FBI section chief from 2009 to 2010 following his retirement from the Navy as a lieutenant commander.
Also check here.
And here.
And here.
The fact is that the feds infiltrated and directed the Oath Keepers as well as the Proud Boys, the Three Percenters, and Antifa and made sure there would be a riot that would short circuit any attempt to delay the certification of the election through the Congressional objection process.
Citigroup chose Obama's 2008 cabinet, WikiLeaks document reveals: World Socialist Web Site
The Jew Robert Rubin was on Citi's board at the time. Citi is not as Jewish as some other banks, but it's Jewish enough.
'Our Family's Sick': Why Hunter Biden Lied About Paying $50k Monthly Rent : The Free Beacon
Are you ready for Chlamydia?
Former President Trump Holds Pennsylvania Rally for Dr. Oz: C-SPAN
An oldie but goodie. Trump never figured out how to govern, but he knows how to campaign and is funny.
Past Election Results: City of Philadelphia
Here is some election result raw data, for those who want to crunch numbers. Here are a couple of other sources:
Spredsheet for Philly
Allegheny County
Allegheny County
Meet Ray Epps, Part 2: Damning New Details Emerge Exposing Massive Web Of Unindicted Operators At The Heart Of January 6: Revolver.news
This is a year old, but it is an excellent expose of how the feds orchestrated January 6th.
Nick Fuentes, Kanye's campaign manager who has been the target of a vicious slander campaign from low IQ Wignats and jealous podcasters who fear his power level, explains Kanye's recent appearance on the Alex Jones Show.
S. 3522: Ukraine Democracy Defense Lend-Lease Act of 2022: GovTrack
Only 10 members of the House of representatives, all of them republican, voted against this key Aid bill for Ukraine. Most Republicans suck donkey.
Texas Republicans declare Biden 'not legitimately elected': RT
They call Biden the "Acting President"
U.S. Vice President Harris' deputy chief of staff to depart: Reuters
They say his name is Michael Fuchs, I think that's just his Only Fans name.
Dermokratiya, USA: BY SEAN GUILLORY, Jakobin Magazine
"With rampant talk of Russian interference, it's worth recounting Washington's role in undermining Russia's 1996 election."
This is very relevant to understanding the role played by Zio-America in fostering Jewish oligarchic rule in Russia during the 1990s.
Oath Keepers founder's Jan 6. charges revealed: RT
This guy is not a sympathetic character.
Mark Dankof remembers the Kennedy Assassination: 58 Years Later : From Vkontakte
58 years ago on this November 22nd, the Grassy Knoll gunmen fired the fatal shot from this vantage point at President John F. Kennedy as his motorcade on Elm Street approached the Triple Underpass. X in the middle lane marks the spot (Zapruder film, Frame 313). Mark Dankof photo, 2010/Dallas and his newspapers from 1963 in Montgomery, Alabama (USAF family station). November 1963 photo: Mark Dankof, Floyd Elementary School, Augusta Avenue, Montgomery, Alabama.
Photo from the Sixth Floor of the Texas School Book Depository at 411 Elm Street from the Earth Cam at exactly 12:30 pm Central Time on November 22nd, 2021. https://www.earthcam.com/usa/texas/dallas/de…
Thanksgiving Eve: National Intel Report on RBN: Mark Dankof with Jeremy of Kentucky : From Vkontakte
vember 24th is Thanksgiving Eve in the United States. Mark Dankof is the Special Guest for 2 hours on the late John Stadtmiller's National Intel Report for the Republic Broadcasting Network (RBN). Jeremy of Kentucky is the Guest Host. 5-7 pm Central Time. The show will Archive for later listeners.
Topics Include:
1) Biden naming a militant LGBTQ activist and avowed lesbian to supervise American military chaplains out of the Pentagon.
2) The Rittenhouse verdict and the Waukesha tragedy and the implications of both.
3) Illegal and idiotic American and NATO military operations targeting the Donbass, the Black Sea, the Baltics, and the western borders of Russia via the militarization of Eastern Europe.
4) The absolute complicity of American MSM in both blatant lying and deliberate cover-up in all of these areas and more.
5) Commending Dave Martin's outstanding books on the assassinations of James Forrestal and Vince Foster.
6) Mark looks back at the Kennedy Assassination and his childhood memories of the event, with a salute to his late colleague Michael Collins Piper, whose book, "Final Judgment," has proven to be the final word on who did it and why.
Masako Ganaha analyzes video of Ashlee Babbitt shooting: Youtube
If you have 14 minutes, watching this video is a good use of your time.
New videos capture fatal shooting of Ashli Babbitt during Capitol siege: New York Post
This article and accompanying video were discussed on the Patrick and Jeremy Show. The article is from January 7.
Nikki Fried, a former marijuana lobbyist with an office mezuzah, wants to be Florida's first woman governor. She's ready for a rough fight.: Ron Kampeas from Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Fried, a self-described "good Jewish girl from Miami" who can also mudsling with the best of them, is running to replace the Republican DeSantis in next year's statewide elections. DeSantis, who has his eyes on a 2024 presidential run and is not afraid to plant his flags firmly in the middle of the culture war battlefield — see his threat last week to fine school districts that impose mask mandates or his sharp rebuke to President Joe Biden just this week — makes the matchup a prime test of the Trump doctrine and a chance for Fried to grab a national profile.
The campaign would also pit two of the state's archetypes against one another: a gregarious Miami-raised Jewish liberal who reviles the state's most famous resident (Donald Trump) and a prickly Roman Catholic from Florida's deeply conservative north who is one of the former president's closest acolytes.
Liberal LA Billionaire Ed Buck convicted for drugging, raping, killing gay Black men: Deon Osborne from The Black Wall Street Times
A jury also convicted him on four counts of distribution of methamphetamine, a single count of maintaining a drug-involved premises and two counts of enticement to travel in interstate commerce for prostitution.
For years, family members of Buck's victims sought criminal charges against the wealthy donor, but the politically connected predator wasn't arrested until 2019.
While prosecutors used the deaths of Gemmel Moore, 26, Timothy Dean, 55, and a third victim to finally indict Ed Buck, investigators say he abused as many as 10 or more victims in his effort to fulfill his fetish for injecting gay men with methamphetamine, who then become unconscious or unable to move while Buck sexually tortures them.
Mark Dankof's "Kosher Ed Butt Convicted Video at https://vk.com/wall468804996_20877
David Martin's Second Edition: The Assassination of James Forrestal : From Vkontakte
Mark Dankof: "Did America's first Secretary of Defense commit suicide? Or was he deliberately pushed out of an upper story window of Bethesda Naval Hospital in Maryland, the site of the JFK official autopsy over 14 years later?
"David Martin makes a compelling case for the latter, with his take on the probable suspects, given Forrestal's point man opposition in the Truman Administration to American recognition of the Zionist State of Israel—-and what he may have come to know about the secrets of Pearl Harbor."
David Martin's 2nd Edition of "The Assassination of James Forrestal."
David Martin
Mark Dankof for Sputnik International: Biden's Absurd Border Policies: From Mark Dankof's Catacomb
Press reports estimate that as many as 10 million illegal aliens could eventually be placed on a path to citizenship.
Between 'Catch and Release' and a blanket amnesty program, both would establish the legitimacy of a literal and ongoing foreign invasion of the United States. How many illegals are already here are unknown, but the best estimates figure approximately 20 million.
FAIR estimates this costs some $113 billion dollars a year. In terms of the concerns of Governor Abbott, it is noteworthy that 'only' $29 billion of this involves the Federal Government. $84 billion in costs are born by the States, even as Merrick Garland, Joe Biden, and a Democratic House and Congress plot a course of action in a demographic revolution via illegal immigration that will keep the Democratic Party in power in perpetuity at every level of government in the United States.
Alexandra Datig of Front Page Index (FPI) and Mark Dankof of The Freedom Times on Biden's Border Policies for Sputnik International : From Vkontakte
Alexandra Datig of Front Page Index (FPI) and Mark Dankof of The Freedom Times both pan Biden's pathetic border policies:
Interview with Mark Dankof. Originally published at the Tehran Times.
"I saw a Russia Today story of June 24th quoting Sergei Naryshkin, the head of Russia's Foreign Intelligence Service, as saying that the United States held up as a 'model of liberal democracy is rapidly turning into a totalitarian regime reminiscent of the former Soviet Union," Mark Dankof tells the Tehran Times.
"I absolutely agree with this as the development of a domestic police state and the 'irremovability of oligarchic elites'," Dankof notes.
NRA Member Dubs Biden's ATF Pick 'Far-Left Advocate For Disarmament' of 'Every Law-Abiding American': From Sputnik International
Mark Dankof, a member of the National Rifle Association (NRA), a former candidate for the US Senate, and an investigative journalist, shared his concerns with Sputnik, characterizing Chipman as a "far-left advocate for the virtual disarmament of every law-abiding American in the country", referring to what Biden's nominee told the Senate in late May about his definition of an assault weapon, which he urged Congress to ban.
"Upon questioning, Chipman defined an 'assault weapon' as 'any semi-automatic weapon capable of accepting a detachable magazine above the caliber of .22.'", Dankof said. "This would ban every modern sporting rifle in the United States. And in terms of what little would be left to own legally, Chipman would force the gun owner to register his or her weapon with the Federal Government and pay a $200 tax on the gun. None of this nonsense addresses the statistical evidence of who is actually committing crimes with firearms, and why multiple convicted violent felons are getting recycled in American society."
VIDEO: (47 Seconds): Subscribe to Don Wassall's "The Freedom Times" : Mark Dankof from Vkontakte
The Freedom Times of Editor Don Wassall and the American Freedom Union.
Phone: (+1 for international callers) 724-939-7393. New website and email are being established.
Subscription Rates: $49 one year, $95 two years, $135 3 years.
Canada $65 one year.
Elsewhere outside the United States: $75 one year.
Payable to: The Freedom Times, P.O. Box 218, Wildwood, PA 15091 USA. For subscriptions outside the United States, payment must be made by international money order, a check drawn on a U.S. bank, or with U.S. cash.
Trump Wins CPAC Straw Poll As Conservatives Urge Him To Run Again In 2024: Yahoo News
Well, is there someone else you would rather see at the top of this poll?
Far-Right Extremist Finds an Ally in an Arizona Congressman: New York Times
This is about Nick Fuentes.
The Dankof Report for ACH: Number #11 on July 6th, 2021: From Vkontakte and ACH
News Links and Promo Video included in both URLs above, but also available at:
https://vk.com/wall468804996_19915 (Links)
Roadmap Video: https://vk.com/wall468804996_19901 (Video)
The Dankof Report With ACH: June 8th, 2021 News Roadmap : From Vkontakte
Tons of the most critical stories and links for ACH and NBR on RBN Fans!
The Dankof Report With ACH;: From Vkontakte
The Roadmap: Mark Dankof joins Patrick Slattery on RBN on Friday, May 28th: 1 pm Central : From Vkontakte
Tons of news stories for the show are listed here, with potential updates up to showtime.
NRA Opposes David Chipman for ATF Director: From the NRA-ILA
Chipman is a Gun Control Extremist
David Chipman's current employer, Giffords, co-founded by United States Senator Mark Kelly, filed a brief in the landmark Second Amendment case, District of Columbia v. Heller. The brief argued that, "The Second Amendment Does Not Limit the Options Available to Cities to Address the Problem of Gun Violence." Notably, Giffords argued that the District's complete ban on the possession of handguns by law-abiding Americans was constitutional. Such an interpretation would have completely eviscerated the Second Amendment.
This extremist view put Giffords sharply out-of-touch with the American people. Nearly, three-quarters of Americans at the time thought the Second Amendment "guaranteed an individual right to own gun." For those who might think that Giffords has moved on from such extreme views, their law center's website still proudly notes that they filed the brief arguing "that the right to possess a firearm is not based on an individual right of self-defense, but rather related to service in a militia based on the prefatory language in the Amendment."
Mark Dankof responds to Jewish Heiress Jenny Cherniavskaya on Belarus and Lukashenko: From Vkontakte and Haaretz
Mark Dankof on National Bugle Radio's news board today in reference to Jenny Cherniavskaya's remarks on Belarus and President Lukashenko in Haaretz. I've asked her to react to the provable crimes I listed for the Tehran Times on April 23rd.
The Jewish Heiress Battling Belarus' Media Crackdown - From Tel Aviv: From Haaretz
Jewish heiress Jenny Cherniavskaya and Haaretz may want to tell us about the crimes cited by Mark Dankof on April 23, 2021 in the Tehran Times:
Q: What is Israel's history in sabotage operations and assassinations of scientists and political figures?
A: Israel's history of terrorism goes back to its inception with the Deir Yassin massacre, the bombing of the King David Hotel, and the assassination of Count Bernadotte.
In the case of Iran, the involvement of Israel in the assassinations of Iranian nuclear scientists and acts of terror in Tehran, Baluchistan Province, Khuzestan Province, and Iranian Azerbaijan is a matter of record. So Sabra and Shatila in 1982, the ongoing murders of Palestinians, the atrocities in Gaza, and all of the illegal military operations and support of terrorist acts directed against Lebanon, Libya, and Assad's Syria are among others.
But what is most incredible is the record of Israeli acts of subversion, espionage and terror directed against the United States, its chief supporter. Look at the record: The Lavon Affair; the Ben Gurion-Meyer Lansky link to the Kennedy Assassination in Dallas over Dimona; the USS Library attack in June of 1967; the NUMEC nuclear materials thefts in Apollo, Pennsylvania; the PROMIS Affair; the Pollard, Ben-Ami, and AIPAC spy cases; the Israeli role with Saudi Arabia in 9-11; and the Mossad connection to the Epstein-Maxwell sex trafficking ring used to blackmail American and Western politicians.
And yet, the American public still doesn't get it: Iran isn't their enemy. Assad isn't their enemy; Putin and Russia aren't their enemies; the Palestinians aren't their enemy. Israel and the Zionist Occupied Government they have are their enemies.
Bishop Moves To Remove Beloved Priest Who Preaches Against Sins Of Liberalism, Vaccine Mandates, Wicked Clergy: Christopher Bedford from The Federalist
Internationally popular priest Fr. James Altman was asked to resign from St. James the Less Catholic Church in La Crosse, Wisconsin, Friday.
The priest, who was happily surprised (and noticeably bashful) to grow in national and international status among traditional Catholics over the past year, was asked to resign by Bishop of La Crosse William Callahan Friday, Altman announced at Sunday Mass. Although the letter hasn't been released, Altman told the parish the charges were that he was ineffective and caused division in the Catholic Church — two charges that are contradicted by fundraising and attendance records set for the parish under the priest's leadership.
In Wales, 23-year-old becomes world's first 'non-binary,' 'genderqueer,' 'agender' mayor: From LifeSiteNews
BANGOR, Gwynedd, Wales, May 24, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) – City councilors in the Welsh city of Bangor have appointed a "genderqueer," "agender," "non-binary" 23-year-old named Owen J. Hurcum to be mayor.
Hurcum, who appears to be a biological male and goes by "they," is apparently the first "non-binary" mayor in the world.
BBC reported that Hurcum identifies as "genderqueer" or "agender" and is also the youngest mayor in Wales. He has served as a councilor for five years and a deputy mayor for one year.
Mark Dankof on RBN: "This guy makes Pete Buttigieg look like Pat Buchanan."
US National Security State Imports Siege Tactics From Iraq for a New 'War on Domestic Terror' : Ben Bartee from Lew Rockwell
The terminologies tossed into the word salad vary ("domestic extremist," "homegrown terrorist," "right-wing fanatics," "bitter clingers,") but they all mean more or less the same thing: the conservative, Christian, gun-owning, mostly white, non-compliant remnants of the Middle America middle class.
Man arrested in India for Facebook appeal to hoist Palestine flag: From Al Jazeera
Muslim man held in Uttar Pradesh's Azamgarh district for asking people to put the Palestinian flag on houses and vehicles in solidarity over Gaza offensive.
Did the GOP Just Dodge a Bullet?: Pat Buchanan from Lew Rockwell
But if it was an insurrection, an act of sedition, an attempted coup, an act of domestic terrorism, the conspirators should be charged in court, for each of these is a specific crime. And if anyone plotted to kill Mike Pence, then they should be charged with that and put on trial.
But it would be folly for the GOP to cooperate in a Democratic scheme to indict the GOP and Trump presidency in the court of public opinion for abetting something close to treason, which did not happen.
The Jan. 6 national commission idea, understandably supported by every congressional Democrat, belongs in the dumpster.
War is peace, segregation is 'diversity'? A Chicago mayor banning white reporters proves the US has entered dangerous territory: Robert Bridge from RT
Robert Bridge isn't going to say this but a black racist who is also a Kosher Carpet Muncher is certainly no Richard Daley.
In an effort to 'break up the status quo' in the press corps, Mayor Lori Lightfoot banned reporters, based on their skin color, from conducting interviews with her. Lightfoot has abused her powers before the people.
The sheer audacity of the US progressives, who have been on a crusade to stamp out any and all manifestations of 'systemic racism' and 'white supremacy' in the United States, could not have prepared anyone for the shocking display of bigotry committed by none other than the leader of Chicago, America's third-most populous city.
On the second anniversary of her imperial rein, Mayor Lightfoot, flying the tricolor of "Inclusivity, Diversity and Equity," boldly crossed the racist Rubicon, laying bare her total disregard, if not disgust, for that pale-faced tribe of natives that makes up almost 50 percent of Chicago's population of 2.7 million, and over 70 percent of the national total. Yes, you guessed it. The white Caucasian race, that, overnight, has become the scapegoat for every single headache now plaguing the nation.
Tulsi Gabbard calls for Chicago mayor Lightfoot to resign over 'anti-white racism' causing social media uproar: From RT
Gabbard was referring to Lightfoot's decision this week to grant interviews only to "Black or Brown journalists," citing the need for "diversity and inclusion" in the media.
It was the words "anti-white" that drew the ire of online Democrats, however, as they piled on Gabbard to insist there is no such thing. Many sought to redefine the very notion of racism, not as discrimination based on race – as US laws do – but as the "power plus privilege" relationship championed by Critical Race Theory.
Mark Dankof joins Patrick Slattery on National Bugle Radio on the Republic Broadcasting Network (RBN) on Friday, May 21st, 2021: From Vkontakte
Cybersecurity tycoon Kaspersky claims CIA hackers could actually be behind US Colonial Pipeline attack blamed on Russian group: From RT
A cyberattack that crippled fuel supplies on the East Coast of the US and sent gas prices soaring could have been an inside job conducted by American spooks, rather than foreign hackers, a prominent Russian IT expert has claimed.
After a massive systems failure caused the Colonial Pipeline to shut down, Natalya Kaspersky, the founder and former CEO of security software firm Kaspersky Lab, as well as one of Russia's wealthiest women, made the explosive suggestions in an interview with RIA Novosti on Friday. She alleges that the US' top foreign intelligence agency, the CIA, has a crack team of digital warriors who are able to masquerade as overseas hacking groups.
According to her, the group, known as UMBRAGE, is adept at hiding its online footprints. The existence of the team first came to light in a series of documents published by WikiLeaks in 2017 and subsequently picked up by American media. At the time, USA Today said that the shadowy operatives "may have been cataloguing hacking methods from outside hackers, including in Russia, that would have allowed the agency to mask their identity by employing the method during espionage."
News Story Links: Dankof Roadmap for TradCatKnight on May 13th: From Vkontakte
USS Liberty Links a must. New USS Liberty Movie.
Good Riddance, Liz Cheney: David Stockman from Antiwar.com
But what is profoundly offensive about the Cheneys is their central role in high-jacking the Republican Party in behalf of the demented worldview of a small priesthood of neocon intellectuals. The latter have turned the Warfare State of the now defunct cold war with the Soviet Union into a globe-spanning imperialist monster that has bled America dry fiscally and unleashed unjustified destruction and mayhem all around the planet in a manner that would have put even Imperial Rome to shame.
Bogus story of Iranian interference in Scottish politics shows Western media to be the true election meddler: Kit Klarenberg from RT
The source of this shocking claim was a preview of a report issued by neoconservative think tank the Henry Jackson Society (HJS), authored by academic Paul Stott, who in turn was said to have relied on data provided by social media analysis firm Graphika.
Facebook: 'Co-ordinated Inauthentic Behavior' 🤠🤠🤠
Michael Gove
Graphika's own dubious track-record was also absent from news outlets' rehashes of The Times' suspect exclusive. The company, which modestly brands itself "the best in the world at analyzing how online social networks form, evolve, and are manipulated" – counts among its partners the US Department of Defense, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, and the Senate Select Intelligence Committee, and has an eerie habit of cropping up at politically-charged junctures.
Ben Nimmo: Toiling at NATO propaganda arm the Atlantic Council. Analysis was cited in the House of Commons Intelligence and Security Committee's evidence-free Russia report, released in June 2020, as "credible open source commentary" indicating that Moscow undertook "influence campaigns" in relation to the 2014 Scottish independence referendum.
Internal emails reveal that the Dutch government suppressed White Helmets' financial fraud – what else are they hiding?: Kit Klarenberg from RT
The epic establishment clean-up operation launched in the wake of James Le Mesurier's apparent suicide was effective in the short term, but determined digging by critical journalists means the scandal definitely isn't over yet.
A Dutch newspaper, De Volkskrant, has published a stunning exclusive based on internal government emails, exposing how officials conspired to prevent a minister publicly raising concerns about fraudulent activity at Mayday Rescue, the now-defunct "humanitarian" organization behind Syria's highly controversial White Helmets.
Service with Pride or more Woke-Washing? CIA recruitment ad featuring gay agency librarian prompts backlash: From RT
That was before he "noticed a rainbow" on former agency director John Brennan's lanyard during his oath-taking ceremony. "Imagine my surprise," says the man, who added that he was "stunned" to discover that the lanyard had been designed by ANGLE – the 'Agency Network of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Officers and Allies' agency resource group.
Melinda Gates 'warned' husband Bill about meeting sex predator Jeffrey Epstein, divorce reportedly 'not friendly' – reports: From RT
The Shape of Things to Come: Philip Giraldi for the Unz Review
In other words, this is not about Chauvin at all. It is about the fear of the mob, the election of craven politicians and the bleatings of pundits like Moore. And above all it is about the direction our country is going in. If the people do not wake up to this the United States of America will soon be gone, gone, gone.
Philip Giraldi has a PhD in modern history from University College London and served in the US Army during the Vietnam War followed by 18 years as an operations officer with the Central Intelligence Agency.
Sign up for RFK, Jr.'s The Defender newsletter : From RFK, Jr.'s Children's Health Defense
COVID-19 Resource Page: From LifeSiteNews
What MSM doesn't want you to hear or read.
Great show from Nick Fuentes: YouTube
News Stories: Roadmap for The Dankof Report for ACH on May 4th, 2021: From Vkontakte
he Dankof Report for ACH from London: Roadmap for Tuesday May 4th posting: https://andrewcarringtonhitchcock.com
The Economist: Putin's Next Move : From Vkontakte
The Economist: Trash MSM Cover Story of the Week (April 24th-30th 2021) for The Dankof Report for ACH in London on May 4th.
Executive Order on Blocking Property with Respect to Specified Harmful Foreign Activities of the Government of the Russian Federation: Whitehouse.gov
This is the most seriously messed up executive order ever. It doesn't target Russia, it targets you for indirectly helping Russia "interfere" in our elections and what not.
Mark Dankof with Patrick Slattery: NBR on RBN: From Vkontakte
April 30th, 2021: 1 pm Central: Mark Dankof discusses his interview with the Tehran Times re-posted by South Front; Donbass Insider; the disgusting cover story this week on Vladimir Putin in The Economist; and today's offerings on Lew Rockwell from Pat Buchanan and Vasko Kohlmayer.
Catch The Dankof Report from London with ACH on Monday, May 3rd.
WATCH: Legislator seeks to prevent Maryland from forcing COVID vaccines on college students: Doug Mainwaring from LifeSiteNews
At the core of this lies the question: 'Do you actually respect the individual in the image of God or do you believe that the state is God?'
Tyranny Alert: The West and the Woke Totalitarian Left : Vasko Kohlmayer from LifeSiteNews via Lew Rockwell
Biden admin sues to force doctors to perform 'sex change' surgeries, attacks Catholic nuns: Raymond Wolfe from LifeSiteNews
WASHINGTON, April 22, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — The Biden administration on Tuesday sued to force doctors and hospitals to perform transgender surgeries, regardless of religious or conscientious objections.
The lawsuit was filed by Secretary Xavier Becerra of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and attempts to overturn a recent court ruling against the Obama-Biden administration's "transgender mandate." The Sisters of Mercy, a Michigan-based order of Catholic religious sisters, are listed as defendants in the case, making this Becerra's second attack against Catholic nuns.
Biden Bets the Farm -- to 'Change the World' : Pat Buchanan from Lew Rockwell
While Biden's $6 trillion in total spending is spread over several years, it represents a claim on the nation's wealth equal to 30% of GDP — a figure comparable to FDR's New Deal and LBJ's Great Society.
The Tehran Times Interview with Mark Dankof: From the Tehran Times
A: Israel's history of terrorism goes back to its inception with the Deir Yassin massacre, the bombing of the King David Hotel, and the assassination of Count Bernadotte.
In the case of Iran, the involvement of Israel in the assassinations of Iranian nuclear scientists and acts of terror in Tehran, Baluchistan Province, Khuzestan Province, and Iranian Azerbaijan is a matter of record. So Sabra and Shatila in 1982, the ongoing murders of Palestinians, the atrocities in Gaza, and all of the illegal military operations and support of terrorist acts directed against Lebanon, Libya, and Assad's Syria are among others.
But what is most incredible is the record of Israeli acts of subversion, espionage and terror directed against the United States, its chief supporter. Look at the record: The Lavon Affair; the Ben Gurion-Meyer Lansky link to the Kennedy Assassination in Dallas over Dimona; the USS Library attack in June of 1967; the NUMEC nuclear materials thefts in Apollo, Pennsylvania; the PROMIS Affair; the Pollard, Ben-Ami, and AIPAC spy cases; the Israeli role with Saudi Arabia in 9-11; and the Mossad connection to the Epstein-Maxwell sex trafficking ring used to blackmail American and Western politicians.
And yet, the American public still doesn't get it: Iran isn't their enemy. Assad isn't their enemy; Putin and Russia aren't their enemies; the Palestinians aren't their enemy. Israel and the Zionist Occupied Government they have are their enemies.
Mark Dankof Profile and New Site Name : From Mark Dankof's Catacomb
Mark Dankof is an ordained Lutheran pastor and radio broadcaster found frequently on National Bugle Radio, the Republic Broadcasting Network, Rense Radio, TradCatKnight Radio, and EuroFolkRadio on the Andrew Carrington Hitchcock Show. A member of the Taft/Buchanan wing of the Republican Party historically, his radio show and print op-ed productions for the American Free Press, The Nationalist Times, Russia Insider, and numerous international news agencies warn of the dangers of a takeover of the American Republic by the advocates of globalism, central banking, and World Zionism. He is a severe critic of the Bush/Obama/Trump Administration's War on Terror, the influence of Jewish Neo-Conservatives on American foreign policy and culture, and the increasing utilization of American military might abroad as a first resort rather than the last. A member of the Old American Right, Dankof represents a minority viewpoint within the American Right Wing in advocating an independent, autonomous Palestinian State and the serious curtailment of the domestic influence of the Israeli lobby in the government and news media of the United States.
Mark is a Patron Member of the National Rifle Association (NRA), a Life Member of the Texas State Rifle Association (TSRA), and the Evangelical Theological Society.
Mark Dankof on In Plain Sight on RBN: Eschatology and the New World Order Part 3: From RBN
Mark Dankof on Gregg Popovich and "Social Justice" : From Vkontakte
Mark Dankof asks Coach Gregg Popovich of the NBA San Antonio Spurs a few questions the media won't.
The Executive Order Assault on 2A Begins : From the White House
Erich Pratt, GOA: Biden and Kamala just announced an executive order to attack your 2A rights. After GOA's recent court victory against the tyrannical ATF, we're preparing to take Biden to court over this unconstitutional abuse of power. Please make an emergency contribution to our 2A Protection Fund: http://a.protect2a.co/Yh95hGJId
2 More Brown Associates Get Well-Paid Posts : Government: The Speaker appoints his frequent companion and a longtime friend to state boards as his hold on his own powerful position wanes.: The Los Angeles Times (from 1994)
There's a reason everyone calls her "The Jamaican Whore." For more information, CLICK HERE.
Former S.F. Mayor Willie Brown writes about dating Kamala Harris, appointing her to posts: USA Today
When they met, she was 29 and Brown was 60.
Due Process, Adult Sexual Morality and the Case of Rep. Matt Gaetz: Glenn Greenwald
Mark Dankof's America (dated): From Sadhana2
Some gems of the past are located here. Sadly, Mark Dankof's performance against Richard Millett of London on Press TV has been sanitized by Mainstream Social Media, Google, and You Tube.
News Items from The Dankof Report on April 5th : From Vkontakte
A good list of the best articles and items of analysis from both Alt Right and foreign sources through April 5th can be accessed here.
The Dankof Report for ACH: April 5th: From ACH
National Bugle Radio and RBN fans can catch up on some of the best items in news and analysis used on the show at: https://vk.com/wall468804996_17136
Biden to hold first press conference as president on March 25: CBS News
This Week With Dankof, Duke, and Slattery: From Vkontakte
Catch the Rense and RBN shows this week with plenty of news links. 🍺🍺🍺
News Links: Mark Dankof with David Duke on Rense Radio Live: March 8th, 2021: From Vkontakte
Syria, Iran, and the Biden Zio-Speed March to World War III.
Mark Dankof to Pro-Life Evangelicals for Biden: A Free Anal Swab from Rachel Levine for "Evangelicals?": From Vkontakte
I'm signing [the petition] because I think Pro-Life Evangelicals for Biden is full of Sheep Dip for supporting a crook, a tool of the LGBTQ and Abortion Industries, and a GloboHomo warmonger who is inching the United States constantly closer to an immoral and illegal attack on Iran to fulfill the wishes of False Israel, Central Bankers, and the Military Industrial Complex. Pro Life Evangelicals for Biden can Take a Hike.
"What's the real story behind 'Pro Life Evangelicals for Biden?' Did Rachel Levine offer all of you folks a free Anal Swab for COVID-19?"
Pastor Mark Dankof
San Antonio
Mark Dankof Joins Patrick Slattery on NBR on RBN: ROADMAP for February 26th, 2021: From Vkontakte
Top Stories of The Week for the Slattery-Dankof Dynamic Duo on National Bugle Radio on the Republic Broadcasting Network (RBN).
Proud Boys splintering after Capitol riot, revelations about leader. Will more radical factions emerge?: USA Today
It depends if the FBI directs the splinter groups to be more radical.
'The last straw': the US families ending love affair with grocery chain after Capitol riot: The Guardian
"It was the last straw," said Mize, 57, an advertising copywriter from Orlando. "Insurrection at the Capitol, images of the police officer with his head being crushed..." How many images of the police officer with the crushed head could he have possibly seen, seeing as it never happened!
2 frames 2 min apart...Deep fake?: Twitter
This is from Trump's speech condemning the Occupy Congress event. What do you think?
Police battle Trump supporters storming Capitol, five killed - Raw Video: YouTube
Five were not "killed." Five people died, mainly from medical issues, although Capitol Police shot Ashli Babbit in the face.
It's Official! Donald Trump Wins! Joint Session Of Congress Certifies [2016] Electoral College Vote Count: YouTube
Watch Democrats make bogus objections against Trump's 2016 electoral votes based on Russian hacking and whatnot. Also, anti-Trump protestors disrupted the proceedings until based Joe Biden had the sergeants-at-arms haul them away. Also, at the 20:00 minute mark butt-ugly Representative Indira Paypal (or whatever her name is) does her best to prove Richard Nixon correct. Nixon once wondered aloud "how Indians reproduce at all, given how repulsive their women are."
Live: Giuliani attends election hearing in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania: YouTube
This is from Nov 25, 2020.
FBI moves on alleged members of extremist groups Oath Keepers, Three Percenters: Archive.fo
Originally from the Washington Post.
Nick Fuentes: We Are Going to Destroy the GOP Establishment: The Alex Jones Show
Nick Fuentes has so much potential.
This is the legal brief prepared by Trump's lawyers for the 2nd impeachment trail in the U.S. Senate.
The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election: Time
This is the article everyone is talking about where they seem to be admitting they stole the election.
Two known Antifa members posed as pro-Trump to infiltrate Capitol riot: sources: The New York Post
Wisconsin election results: Wisconsin Secretary of State
This is a spreadsheet that can be downloaded.
Wisconsin election results: Wisconsin Secretary of State
This is a spreadsheet that can be downloaded.
This is a treasure trove.
WATCH: What REALLY Happened At The Capital DOOR? The Real People, The Real Story. [RAW]: Banned.Video
Someone needs to go through all this video and put together a comprehensive birds-eye view of what happened where and when.
RNC Monitor Catches Election Worker in Georgia Switching Trump Votes to Biden: American Greatness
Nothing to see here...
NYT Retracts Claim That 'Pro-Trump Rioters' Smashed Officer Sicknick In The Head With A Fire Extinguisher: Information Liberation
The cop, who was a Trump voter, wasn't killed by Trump supporters.
Police battle Trump supporters storming Capitol, one killed - Raw Video: YouTube
A lot of good footage from the Occupy Congress event.
Paid Capitol Hill troublemaker confesses on today's "Organized Effort": Investment Watch
Make what you will of this "confession."
Questions About The Chaos At The Capitol That Desperately Need To Be Answered: Investment Watch
The first video in this post shows a Capitol Police officer seeming to guide a crowd of people through the halls of the Capitol to get them to the right location. It's just all so bizarre!
Why Was Founder Of Far-Left BLM Group Filming Inside Capitol As Police Shot Protester?: Zero Hedge
More John Sullivan stuff. At the bottom of the page is a video shot from a different angle of the Trump supporters stopping suspected Antifa members from breaking a window of the Capitol.
CNN's Anderson Cooper interviews BLM/Antifa leader who was part of Capitol siege, recently arrested for RIOTING, caught on video threatening to beat a woman… Treats him like he was a reporter on the scene: Patriot Risng
More John Sullivan stuff. Includes his interview with Anderson Cooper on CNN.
'Suspected Agent Provocateur' John Sullivan Arrested On Federal Charge: Information
More John Sullivan stuff.
Masako Ganaha analyzes John Sullivan and other antifa agitators' roles in the Occupy Congress affair: YouTube
There is a lot going on here and people like her are doing the work of piecing things together.
Laws governing recall of state government officials: Ballotopia
We need to launch recall efforts against the treacherous Republicans who betrayed our people! This will put fear into their hearts.
New videos capture fatal shooting of Ashli Babbitt during Capitol siege: New York Post
This includes a video with four cell phone angles of the incident synched together.
The Mark Dankof ACH Report and Dankof+ Slattery at RBN: The Links for January 6th: From Vkontakte
Links and Photos: https://vk.com/wall468804996_14814
Direct link to the video showing Trump supportors stopping Antifa from breaking Capitol window: YouTube

Patriots stopped Antifa from breaking in through a window as the crowd chanted "Fuck Antifa!"
Newly released video shows Trump supporters stopping suspected Antifa from breaking Capitol windows. This is what it means…: Patrick Slattery
This video is important and this analysis is spot on!
The Dankof Report on ACH: From Vkontakte and ACH
The Dankof Report on ACH on Tuesday, January 5th, 2021 with accompanying promo photos and news links is at Vkontakte.
The ACH link for the show, provided at the Vkontakte link, is: https://andrewcarringtonhitchcock.com/2021/01/05/ach-1422-mark-dankof-the-dankof-report-5-i-guess-thats-just-the-way-the-limey-talks/
The Dankof Report: Top News Stories for ACH on December 29th: Mark Dankof from Vkontakte
The listings include a link to the Mark Dankof appearance on Eric Gajewski's TradCatKnight Traditional Catholic Radio on December 28th.
Ivan Raiklin – President Trump's Path to Re-election: Praying Medic
This was the #PenceCard, for what it's worth: Ivan Raiklin's twitter feed
Mark Dankof With Patrick Slattery on RBN on December 18th: Mark Dankof from Vkontakte
News stories and links for the National Bugle Radio broadcast on RBN on Friday, December 18th, 2020.
This is what happened last time Congress counted electoral votes: National Bugle Radio
Listening to this podcast will give you an idea of what to expect on January 6, 2021
Show description from January 6, 2017:
Dr. Patrick Slattery and Professor Richard Sloan broadcast the counting of the electoral votes and the attempt by Democratic Congressmen to disqualify Trump electors so they can install Colin Powell as President instead of Donald Trump. The spectacle is an illustration of the incredible danger of our current Electoral College system, which allows Congress to overturn the presidential election by simple majority votes. Just because is hasn't happened yet doesn't mean it won't four years from now.
Fake electors try to deliver Arizona's 11 votes for Trump: Arizona Republic
"Fake electors" are the true heroes.
3 U.S. Code § 15 - Counting electoral votes in Congress: Cornell University Law School
We need to get down into the nitty gritty nerdy.
Wisconsin's 10 Electoral College votes cast for Biden as GOP pushes an alternate slate: Milwaukee Journal Sentinal
The Trump electors have also voted. That is the key point.
Trump Allies Still Push False Hope of Overturning Election Despite Electoral College Vote: Newsweek (Yeah, I didn't know they still existed either.)
Totally fake news.
Michigan judge allows release of report from Dominion voting equipment forensic audit in Antrim County: Washington Examiner
Stephen Miller: 'Alternate' electors will keep Trump election challenge alive: MSN
Georgia Witness Hearing: John Eastman, American Professor of Law (12-03-20): YouTube
This professor explained to the Georgia legislature the legal basis of The SLattery Plan.
Iowa Democrat to challenge 6-vote loss in appeal to US House: AP News
This Democratic candidate who wasn't able fraud up enough votes on her own is going to ask the Democrat-controlled Congress to overturn the election and install her in the House of Representatives. This is actually a thing.
https://apnews.com/article/election-2020-iowa-mariannette-miller-meeks-elections-iowa-city-3e6af839aca5c2c802e746d7348d7206 Click to copy RELATED TOPICS Election 2020 Politics U.S. News Iowa Mariannette Miller-Meeks Elections Iowa City Campaigns House elections Election recounts Iowa Democrat to challenge 6-vote loss in appeal to US House: AP News
This Democratic candidate who wasn't able fraud up enough votes on her own is going to ask the Democrat-controlled Congress to overturn the election and install her in the House of Representatives. This is actually a thing.
PA State Sen. Mastriano Introduces Resolution To Take Elector Power Back From The Secretary Of State: The Federalist Papers
This dude has gone totally on the Slattery Plan. If the Pennsylvania General Assembly takes back the role of appointing electors, then other states will follow.
Giuliani attends election hearing in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania: YouTube
Thanks go to State Senator Doug Mastriano for possibly saving the Republic.
Sidney Powell's full lawsuit in Georgia: Just the News
This is for you legal minds out there.
Sidney Powell's Bombshell Michigan Election Lawsuit Explained: The Federalist Papers
This is the Kraken.
Why Scott Adams of Dilbert Fame And I Say Trump Wins This Thing - Bigly: The American Thinker
AGAIN, as I predicted, as strong evidence of fraud emerges, there will be a move towards having state legislatures select slates of Trump electors.
The Law is Clear: If An Election is Stolen, State Legislatures Can Restore The Will of The People: Revolver News
As I predicted, as strong evidence of fraud emerges, there will be a move towards having state legislatures select slates of Trump electors.
The Law is Clear: If An Election is Stolen, State Legislatures Can Restore The Will of The People: Revolver News
The Democrats committed massive and widespread election fraud and are continuing to act in bad faith after having been caught. Democratic governors, secretaries of State, and other election officials were complicit in this. Republican dominated state legislatures in six of the seven disputed states must appoint clean slate of Trump electors.
Georgia GOP says hand recount intended to ratify fraudulent vote: Letter from Doug Collins and David Shafer
The authors of this letter is a US congressman from Georgia and the head of the Georgia state GOP. They are effectively pointing out that the hand recount ordered by the Georgia Secretary of State, who is a Democrat, is simply intended to recount the same fraudulent ballots.
Stop the Steal website: stopthesteal.us
Find a demonstration near you. Stand up for civilization!
Maria Bartiroma interviews Rudy Giuliani about Election Fraud Lawsuit Cases Launching (11/8/2020): Fox business news via YouTube
This is a good overview of what the Trump legal team is preparing for the lawsuit.
Blast from the past: "Florida Legislature calls special session to name presidential electors": CNN from December 6, 2000
Most people don't remember this, even if they were aware of it in the first place, but in December 2000 the Florida state legislature was poised to reject the election results and appoint a slate of electors. If there is a preponderance of evidence that voter fraud was widespread and decisive, Republican dominated legislatures in these swing states could do just that.
3 U.S. Code § 5.Determination of controversy as to appointment of electors: Cornell University Law School
This is reference for us nerds who want to know all the rules for counting electoral votes.
What Happens if No One Wins?: John Yoo and Robert Delahunty
This is a must read. John Yoo was a notorious high official in the Bush White House, and is now a law professor at Berkeley. He confirms what Patrick Slattery has been saying about state legislatures having the constitutional authority to overturn the elections in their states and appoint their own slates of electors. And a bunch of other stuff!
Glenn Greenwald, who helped publish Snowden files, RESIGNS from outlet he co-founded after editors censor his Biden reporting: From RT
Resigning from the Intercept, Glenn Greenwald cited as the last straw the decision of "authoritarian, fear-driven, repressive" editors in New York to suppress his article critical of Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden.
Greenwald co-founded the outlet in 2014, with Laura Poitras and Jeremy Scahill, in part as a vehicle to publish the revelations from NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden. Editorial freedom was supposed to be the Intercept's core mission, he explained in a letter of resignation posted on Thursday.
The publication "now bears absolutely no resemblance to what we set out to build – not in content, structure, editorial mission or purpose," Greenwald wrote.
Abp. Viganň warns Trump about 'Great Reset' plot to 'subdue humanity,' destroy freedom (6:26 VIDEO): From Life Site News
The Disappearing America: Progressives Want a Revolution, Not Just Change: Philip Giraldi from the Unz Review
In any given news cycle it is sometimes the lesser articles that are more illuminating in terms of where everything in a country as vast as the United States is heading. This is particularly true in terms of what the U.S. has been experiencing in 2020: a pandemic, civil unrest, wars and continued turmoil overseas plus an election that promises to result in one of two radically different visions of what America should be.
Ironically, Joe Biden is being depicted as the establishment candidate but the Democratic Party program is actually far more radical than that of the Republicans. The Democrats are locked into support of policies that are ostensibly meant to address racial disparities and gender related issue but will instead increasingly turn government into an intrusive mechanism for social engineering, abandoning America's traditional meritocracy while also creating categories that some might describe as fostering reverse racism and sexism. There could be devastating impact on American education, on maintaining law and order, on controlling immigration, on setting hiring quotas and on First and Fourth Amendment rights relating to free speech and association. A glorious multicultural and gender bending future shaped by Democratic Party social justice hacks will be nothing but a disaster for most Americans, effectively disenfranchising many citizens based on the color of their skin or for other attributes yet to be determined.
And the widespread support for Biden by neoconservatives, who would return to power with his administration, would mean that the likes of Bill Kristol, Max Boot, and Jennifer Rubin will be driving a pro-Israel anti-Iran policy that might even outdo what Trump and Mike Pompeo have contrived, which now will include labeling international human rights agencies as anti-Semitic. The Senate Foreign Relations Committee would be headed by Robert Menendez, corrupt even by congressional standards, who is a totally owned shill for the Israel Lobby. Dan Shapiro, who has apparently become Biden's leading adviser on the Middle East, is an American Jew now living in Israel and working for an Israeli think tank who should be registered as a Foreign Agent.
Communist California: Governor Bans Thanksgiving - Only 2 Hours with Family, and No Singing: Father John Peck from Russian Faith
If you live in California, Thanksgiving is going to look a lot different this year, and be a lot less fun. The California Department of Public Health released its new guidelines for Turkey Day, and each rule is more insane than the last.
U.S. weighs labeling leading human rights groups 'anti-Semitic': Nahal Toosi from Politico
The Trump administration is considering declaring that several prominent international NGOs — including Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and Oxfam — are anti-Semitic and that governments should not support them, two people familiar with the issue said.
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is pushing for the declaration, according to a congressional aide with contacts inside the State Department. Pompeo is eyeing a future presidential run and has taken a number of steps to gain favor with pro-Israel and evangelical voters who make up a key part of Trump's electoral base.
Review: the Trial of the Chicago 7: Andrew Joyce from the Unz Review
Richard Nixon was wrong when he assumed that every member of the Chicago 7 was Jewish, but he was close enough. The 1969 trial of seven leftwing activists for inciting a riot at August 1968's Democratic National Convention was an intensely Jewish moment in American history. Of the seven activists on trial, three were Jews (Abbie Hoffman, Jerry Rubin, Lee Weiner), and a further two (Tom Hayden and David Dellinger) lived their lives in a heavily Jewish milieu and dedicated themselves to Jewish causes.
The judge in the trial, Julius Hoffman, was Jewish, as were both defense attorneys (William Moses Kunstler and Leonard Weinglass) and one of the prosecutors (Richard Schultz). For several reasons, I've always regarded the ultimately chaotic and clownish trial of the Chicago 7 as nothing more than a piece of degenerate Jewish political performance art, demoralising to the American justice system and energising to a new generation of Judeo-Anarchist activists.
These shambolic events of 1968/9 have now been disinterred for Netflix's propagandistic and revisionist account of the episode, The Trial of the Chicago 7, in which Jewish writer/director Aaron Sorkin attempts to refashion its "lessons" for application in Trump's America. The result is both historically disingenuous and artistically bland.
A Biden Family Special Prosecutor in 2021?: Pat Buchanan from Lew Rockwell
The Memo: Five reasons why Trump could upset the odds: Niall Stanage from The Hill
US election polls: Joe Biden has slight lead over Trump in pivotal state of Texas: Matt Mathers from the UK Independent
Analysts say the shift in Texas may have been caused by Mr Biden's increasing support among the Hispanic community, whose 11.5 million residents make up almost a third of the state's population.
US Senate Votes to Limit Debate on Amy Coney Barrett's Nomination for Supreme Court Post - Video: From Sputnik
The final vote on 48-year-old Amy Coney Barrett's nomination as a new justice is expected to be held on 26 October.
ADDICTION: Diary Entries Show Ashley Biden's Alleged Battle With Cocaine, 'Hard' Drugs – Whistleblower: Patrick Howley from National File
Judge Permits Sex Assault Case Against Joint Chiefs Vice Chairman: From RT
LOS ANGELES — A federal judge on Thursday refused to dismiss a lawsuit alleging the vice chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff sexually assaulted a former top aide during a Southern California trip.
Air Force Gen. John Hyten has denied the allegations brought by former Army Col. Kathryn Spletstoser that he attacked her during a December 2017 trip to attend the Reagan National Defense Forum at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, northwest of Los Angeles.
Judge Permits Sex Assault Case Against Joint Chiefs Vice Chairman: From Military Dot Com
LOS ANGELES — A federal judge on Thursday refused to dismiss a lawsuit alleging the vice chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff sexually assaulted a former top aide during a Southern California trip.
Air Force Gen. John Hyten has denied the allegations brought by former Army Col. Kathryn Spletstoser that he attacked her during a December 2017 trip to attend the Reagan National Defense Forum at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, northwest of Los Angeles.
Why Did Leon Black Pay Jeffrey Epstein $50 Million?: Tyler Durden from Zero Hedge
A New Book Warns of the Imminent Danger of a Kamala Harris Presidency: Max Parry from the Unz Review
Even Saturday Night Live recently joked about Biden's poor first debate performance as a Harris term in-the-making — but as journalist Caleb Maupin explains in his new book Kamala Harris and the Future of America: An Essay in Three Parts, the prospect of her becoming president is no laughing matter.
Pennsylvania County Screwed up 30,000 Ballots; They Say They Will Review Them.... After the Election: From Red State
Westminster and Allegheny Counties in Pennsylvania: Major League Fraud and Incompetence in the key battleground state in Pennsylvania. 90,000 illegitimate ballots to be reissued in a state where Trump won by 45,000 ballots in 2016. And now John Roberts and SCOTUS say Pennsylvania must count ballots which arrive after the Nov 3rd election—-minus postmarks. . . .
Zionist Sheldon Adelson injects $75 million into flagging Trump campaign: From Press TV
US Republican mega-donor and hardline Zionist Sheldon Adelson and his wife, Miriam, have poured a whopping $75 million into a super PAC to help President Donald Trump get reelected in November, according to reports.
The couple's donations to Preserve America PAC, delivered in several installments in August and September, accounting for nearly 90 percent of the group's fundraising in September, POLITICO reported.
The Adelsons have so far donated $176 million to Republican candidates and committees for the 2020 election cycle, according to FEC data.
They had previously given $50 million to a Republican super PAC focused on defending the Senate majority, and additional $40 million in donations to a GOP super PAC focused on the House.
Preserve America raised a total of $83.76 million between its creation on August 31 and the end of September. Home Depot co-founder Bernard Marcus contributed $5 million to it, and Wisconsin roofing magnate Diane Hendricks gave $1 million.
The group has spent heavily on Trump's behalf in key battleground states that is aimed at providing last-minute help to Trump against his Democratic rival, Joe Biden.
Another Phony Conservative Judge Nominated To The Supreme Court: Chuck Baldwin from Lew Rockwell
Transition Integrity Project: Is this Soros Linked Group Plotting a "Color Revolution" Against President Trump?: From Revolver News
Rosa Brooks.
Before the Bidens 'Did' Ukraine, There Was Iraq – and Serbia: James George Jatras from Lew Rockwell
Now It's Coming Home to the U.S.
As explained by Revolver News, what happens in America next to a great extent may be a form of blowback from a specific event: the U.S.-supported 2014 regime change operation in Ukraine:
'A "Color Revolution" in this context refers to a specific type of coordinated attack that the United States government has been known to deploy against foreign regimes, particularly in Eastern Europe deemed to be "authoritarian" and hostile to American interests. Rather than using a direct military intervention to effect regime change as in Iraq, Color Revolutions attack a foreign regime by contesting its electoral legitimacy, organizing mass protests and acts of civil disobedience, and leveraging media contacts to ensure favorable coverage to their agenda in the Western press.
'It would be disturbing enough to note a coordinated effort to use these exact same strategies and tactics domestically to undermine or overthrow President Trump. The ominous nature of what we see unfolding before us only truly hits home when one realizes that the people who specialize in these Color Revolution regime change operations overseas are, literally, the very same people attempting to overthrow Trump by using the very same playbook. Given that the most famous Color Revolution was the [2004] "Orange Revolution" in the Ukraine, and that Black Lives Matter is being used as a key component of the domestic Color Revolution against Trump, we can encapsulate our thesis at Revolver with the simple remark that "Black is the New Orange."'
Operation Warp Speed Is Using A CIA-Linked Contractor To Keep Covid-19 Vaccine Contracts Secret: Whitney Webb from the Last American Vagabond
Last Tuesday, while most Americans were distracted by the first US presidential debate, NPR quietly reported that the US government's Operation Warp Speed, a public-private partnership launched by the Trump administration to rapidly develop and distribute a Covid-19 vaccine, had taken the unusual step of awarding contracts to vaccine companies, not directly, but through a secretive defense contractor.
Though NPR named the defense contractor—South Carolina–based Advanced Technology International—they declined to explore the company's deep ties to the CIA, Department of Homeland Security, and the Department of Defense and how ATI is helping to lead those agencies' efforts to militarize health care and create a surveillance panopticon that not only monitors the world around us but our physiology as well.
The "secret" vaccine contracts awarded through ATI as part of Warp Speed total approximately $6 billion, accounting for the majority of Operation Warp Speed's $10 billion budget. Both Paul Mango, Health and Human Services' deputy chief of staff for policy, and Robert Kadlec, HHS assistant secretary for preparedness and response (ASPR), personally signed off on the contracts.
Operation Warp Speed, which officially involves the combined efforts of HHS and the military to deliver over 300 million Covid-19 vaccines to Americans by next January, is a highly secretive program dominated by military personnel, most of whom have no experience in health care or vaccine production. The Trump administration has often compared Warp Speed to the Manhattan Project, which produced the atomic bomb.
Trump's Anti-Critical Race Theory Order is Necessary But Insufficient: Timon Cline from American Greatness
Angela Davis and Antonio Gramsci enter the agencies of Government, including and especially the American military and its academies.
This Coming Leftist Coup Could Backfire—Like 1991 In Soviet Union: Wayne Allensworth from the Unz Review
In a recent segment on "Critical Race Theory" gaining traction at the Pentagon, Tucker Carlson wondered just why the Left was so intent on capturing the military.
My answer: the Blob was contemplating the possibility of using the military as part of an attempt to block a second Trump term.
It's quite clear that the top military brass has been subject to "the Great Awokening" and Trump Derangement Syndrome as much as the rest of the federal bureaucracy. The military Establishment has steadfastly resisted Trump's inclination to disengage from foreign interventions. Moreover, the Pentagon has also resisted Trump's order to stop indoctrinating its personnel in "Critical Race Theory." [Trump's Anti-Critical Race Theory Order is Necessary But Insufficient, By Timon Cline, AmGreatness.com, October 5, 2020]
'Soft totalitarianism' coming to U.S., author warns: From Virtue Online, the Voice of Global Orthodox Anglicanism
Free Press International News Service
October 5, 2020
The advance of socially liberal ideas like cancel culture and transgender ideology, combined with movements such as Antifa and Black Lives Matter and the intrusion and control of massive technology companies are signs that an anti-religious totalitarian regime is coming to the United States, an author warns.
In his new book "Live Not by Lies: A Manual for Christian Dissidents", Rod Dreher documents the evidence for what he labels "soft totalitarianism" and how American Christians should respond.
"Back in the Soviet era, totalitarianism demanded love for the Party, and compliance with the Party's demands was enforced by the state," Dreher, senior editor at The American Conservative, wrote in the book's introduction.
"Today's totalitarianism demands allegiance to a set of progressive beliefs, many of which are incapable with logic -- and certainly with Christianity."
The title is derived from a quote from famed Russian anti-Communist intellectual Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, who uttered the phrase not long before being exiled from the Soviet Union.
Dreher told The Christian Post that inspiration for the book came after he spoke to a friend's mother who had lived in Soviet-era Czechoslovakia.
The woman, who had been imprisoned for her dissident political views, claimed that the social and political changes in the U.S. mirrored those of the rise of Communism in Eastern Europe.
"That struck me as really alarming," Dreher said. "I didn't know if I believed it, but once I started talking to other people here in the U.S. and in Europe who had lived under Communism and they said, 'Yeah, this is a real thing,' it suddenly became real for me."
Dreher noted that "Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, one of the things he's most known for is saying that people in the West, they make a big mistake if they think it can't happen here, because it can."
The rise of soft totalitarianism could be slowed if President Donald Trump wins re-election, Dreher said, but he warned that it also "could even accelerate it because the Left will be even that much more angry, but that's not a reason not to vote for Trump, mind you. But the thing I try to encourage my readers to keep in mind is whether you vote for Trump or against Trump, these processes that are in place now, these trends that are going on throughout the culture, they would be very hard for any president to stop."
The problem is "it's cultural and it's spiritual," Dreher said. "We can get the right guy in the White House, the right people on the federal bench, and that's important, but no president is going to be able to compel universities and corporations and institutions to stop with the identity politics.
"This is the sort of long-term fight that Christians have got to be prepared for and we also have to keep in mind that for a lot of millennials and Generation Z Americans, they don't have faith, it's a very secular generation and they overwhelmingly accept the identity politics side of all these issues.
America Has Traded God for Empire, Narcissism, Militarism, Usury, Sodomy: Mark Dankof from Russia Insider
Editor Charles Bausman of Russia Insider re-posted the Mark Dankof essay in the wake of the Pope's statements on Same Sex Civil Unions.
Internet Resources Become Weaponized High Tech Oligarchs threaten democracy: Philip Giraldi from the Unz Review
Facebook has in fact become something of a leader in reversing its self-promotion as a site for free exchange of ideas. It has removed large numbers of users and alleged suspect sites and has blocked any "denial or distortion" of the so-called holocaust in response to what it regards as a surge in anti-Semitism. It has hired a former Israeli government official to lead the censorship effort on the site.
As Facebook and Twitter are private companies, they can legally do whatever they want to set the rules for the use of their sites, but when the two most powerful social media companies choose to censor a major newspaper's story about a presidential candidate's possibly corrupt son less than three weeks before the election it suggests a more sinister agenda. They are quite likely banking on a Democratic victory and will expect to be rewarded afterwards.
So much for Russian disinformation: Hunter Biden's signed receipts turn up: Monica Showalter from the American Thinker
Global Reset Survival Guide : From Natural News
World leaders are planning new lock downs to introduce "The World Debt Reset Program" which includes universal basic income and vaccination requirements: Lance D. Johnson from Natural News
Natural News) World leaders are preparing for a second and third wave of covid-19 cases and are fine-tuning their lock down strategies which will be implemented late in 2020 and into 2021. Their planning involves the development of a new world economy, one that introduces medical fascism as a permanent way of life.
A Canadian whistle blower came forward with the plans. The whistle-blower is on the Liberal Party of Canada's Strategic Planning Committee, which operates under the direction of Canada's Office of the Prime Minister (PMO).
The new world economy includes the introduction of a digital currency, a universal basic income, vaccine requirements for travel, and "The World Debt Reset Program." A continuous cycle of lock downs into 2021 will eventually lead to an international economic collapse. Governments worldwide will offer citizens an alluring way out by promising to eliminate all personal debts (mortgages, loans, credit cards, etc.)
In the U.S. this idea has already been implemented in 2020 through the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) – a guaranteed loan program that forgives the debt if the borrower follows specific instructions. Under an impending economic collapse, any and all loans will be forgiven if the citizen agrees to participate in the "World Debt Reset Program, funded by the International Monetary Fund (IMF). In order to get all debts forgiven, citizens will have to forfeit ownership of any and all private property, accept a universal basic income, and enroll in the covid-19 and covid-21 vaccination schedule.
The Left is Coming for Christian Schools: Rod Dreher from TAC
Kamala Harris Features on Contact List of Hunter Biden's Joint Venture With Chinese Company - Report: From Sputnik
Joe Biden's brother Jim reportedly shared "key domestic contacts for the so-called 'phase one target projects'," which included a host of prominent Democrats, including vice presidential nominee Senator Kamala Harris, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, and others.
WASHINGTON, October 22 (Sputnik) - US Vice Presidential nominee Kamala Harris and other prominent Democrats appear on a list of key domestic contacts for a joint-venture involving presidential challenger Joe Biden's relatives and the now bankrupt CEFC China Energy Co., Fox News reported on Thursday.
The broadcaster said it exclusively obtained an email from Joe Biden's brother, Jim Biden, who shared "key domestic contacts for the so-called "phase one target projects."
In addition to Harris, the list also included Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, Senators Amy Klobuchar, Dianne Feinstein and Kirsten Gillibrand, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, among others, the report said.
The report acknowledged that it is unclear whether any of the listed Democrats were contacted about the joint venture's target projects, which reportedly also involved Joe Biden's son - Hunter.
Quadruple Murder Trial Pending for Body-Building, Drug-Dealing Ex-Cop Who Shared Cell With Epstein: From Sputnik
He was found dead, aged 66, in his cell on the morning of 11 August 2019 and almost immediately conspiracy theories began circulating.
Epstein was found hanging in his cell but an autopsy found his hyoid bone had been broken. Although the bone sometimes breaks in suicides by hanging, it is more common in cases of strangulation.
Attention automatically focused on his former cellmate Nicholas Tartaglione, 49, a retired New York police officer and steroid-taking bodybuilder.
Several newspapers highlighted the fact that Tartaglione - who was awaiting trial on murder charges - had been accused of strangling one of his victims with a zip tie.
But a year on Tartaglione still has not gone on trial and questions are being asked about whether a plea deal is being negotiated behind closed doors.
Trump issues order for some career federal employees to lose their civil service protections: The Washington Post
This is a big deal. Better late than never.
Bob Dole calls out Commission on Presidential Debates: 'None of them support Trump': The New York Post
The Unbelievable Story Of The Plot Against George Soros: Buzzfeed
Can America Do it All?: Pat Buchanan from Lew Rockwell
In fiscal year 2020, which ended on Sept. 30, the U.S. government set some impressive new records.
The deficit came in at $3.1 trillion, twice the previous record of $1.4 trillion in 2009, which was set during the Great Recession, and three times the 2019 deficit of about $1 trillion.
Federal spending hit $6.5 trillion, one-third of U.S. gross domestic product, a share unrivaled except for the later years of World War II when federal spending exceeded 40% of GDP.
The U.S. national debt, $14 trillion when Donald Trump took office, now stands at $21 trillion, roughly the same size as U.S. GDP.
In fiscal year 2021, the deficit could be of the same magnitude as 2020.
The Homosexual Papacy? VIDEO : From The Vortex
The damnable evidence on the Pope and the US Conference of Catholic Conference being administrators of a blasphemous Queer Pedophile Glass House.
Jewish Organization Admits to Role Censoring Donald Trump and Conservatives On Facebook and Twitter; Promises More: Eric Striker from the Unz Review
The ADL has been prominent in getting companies to appoint organizations run by its own members as "fact checkers." The Poynter Institute, which certifies Facebook's fact checking team, receives funding from the Jewish sex trafficking profiteer Craig Newmark, who is also a founding member of the ADL's tech censorship pressure group, the Center for Technology and Society.
Davis: CIA Director Gina Haspel Is Blocking Declassification Of Remaining Russigate Documents: The Federalist
CIA Director Gina Haspel is all in on the Jew d'etat of President Trump.
Donald Trump Jr. "wants to stage an intervention" because he thinks his dad's "acting crazy": report: Yahoo News
Ivanka isn't the only enemy in the family.
CIA Director Haspel And The Anti-Trump Conspirators: Zero Hedge
"The current CIA director was an active, knowledgeable party to the efforts to target candidate Trump with a contrived foreign counterintelligence investigation.... that carried forward to a soft coup against President Trump."
Trump likes Dina Powell for U.N. job, but she could face some resistance within the White House: NPR
The Democrats will rue the day they asked all their voters to vote by themselves at home with nobody to read the instructions to them.
MAGA, Inc.: Pedro Gonzalez from AG
Jim Jatras: "Devastating read. How Trump failed to help his base.
"We'll still vote for him. Like in 2016 the alternative is much much much worse."
The "Make America Great Again" movement has become just another Beltway institution on autopilot, disconnected from the people on whose backs it was built.
Naked Ballots, Signature Mismatch, and More: How to Avoid the Biggest Vote-by-Mail Traps: Slate
Democrats may rue the day they encouraged all their voters to cower at home and vote by mail. It turns out that voting by mail is a lot harder than may Democrat voters can handle.
Barrett pick draws attention to small religious group: From CNN
George Floyd's Foundation of Praise aok. Barrett's People of Praise is out. 🤠🤠🤠
President Donald Trump's nomination of federal Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court has drawn new attention to her association with a Christian group called People of Praise.
Barrett has not spoken publicly about her relationship to the religious community, which was founded in 1971 and includes "Roman Catholics, Lutherans, Episcopalians, Methodists, Pentecostals, Presbyterians and other denominational and nondenominational Christians," according to its website.
Mark Dankof to Dick Blumenthal on Twitter: Won't Meet With Barrett? Meet With Scott Weiner : From Twitter
Meet with California State Senator Scott Weiner of the @CAJewishCaucus on how to put forth a US Senate bill modeled after SB 145 in the Golden State legalizing the homosexual sodomy of a 14 year old boy, but fine tune it from your own Bolshevik perspective, and lower it to 2.🖕🖕
Newsweek Magazine Covers Up McCain's Mob Ties: From Twitter and Vkontakte
Newsweek Magazine Covers Up McCain's Mob Ties
One of the biggest stories of modern political history is consistently being suppressed by the controlled media.
By Michael Collins Piper — AFP
vk.com/wall468804996_… @axios @cindymccain @JoeBiden @KamalaHarris @ADL @tgilliesADL
Mark Dankof v Kamala Harris on COVID-19 Statistics : From Twitter
Mark Dankof takes on Kamala Harris on COVID-19 statistics:
"There are 10,000 COVID-19 deaths due solely to the virus in the United States. Check the @CDCgov statistics for themselves. You're 150 times as likely to die as an unborn child in your mother's womb. Advice: Have @BillGates give Joe another shot in the ass. @RobertKennedyJr"
US Deep State, Democrats, Cindy McCain setting up circumstances for civil war: Mark Dankof interview from Press TV
What do Thomas Friedman, Adam Schiff, and Anderson Cooper have in common?
How does Cindy McCain figure into the Big Picture?
And the Amy Comey Barrett v Ruth Bader Ginsburg SCOTUS Culture Wars must be understood against the backdrop of the wider war for the soul and control of America.
The road to the White House leads through southwest Ohio. Here's why.: From Dayton Daily News
Montgomery County: Who carries it will win Ohio and the 2020 election.
Judge Amy Coney Barrett is Donald Trump's 'intended' Supreme Court nomination, network reveals hours before the president's Saturday announcement: From UK Daily Mail
The death of liberal Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and her possible replacement by a conservative appointed by President Donald Trump imperil such unlikely liberal wins in coming years.
The 5-4 conservative majority before Ginsburg's death meant that the liberals on certain key issues only needed one conservative colleague siding with them.
Now, if Trump replaces her, they would need two, with likely implications for headline-grabbing issues on which liberals have prevailed in recent years, including abortion and gay rights, as well as lesser-known cases.
Mark Dankof Reacts to the RT Story: Hail Satan? Liberal mom tells how Ruth Bader Ginsburg's death drove her to SATANISM - only to be DISAVOWED by the Church of Satan: Mark Dankof from Twitter
Thanks to ACH and Dr. Adrian Krieg for the "Weekend at Ruthie's" graphic with Ginsburg and her pals Chuckie Boy Schumer and Dianne Feinstein.
"She Might Be Dead, But She's The Life Of The Party." 🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
Democrats divided on whether to attack Amy Barrett's Catholic faith at SCOTUS hearing: Calvin Freiburger from Life Site News
WASHINGTON, D.C., September 24, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – With Judge Amy Comey Barrett widely assumed to be President Donald Trump's choice to replace the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the U.S. Supreme Court, Senate Democrats are currently weighing whether to pursue the same lines of attack they used against her when she was nominated to the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals.
Mark Dankof to Cindy McCain: Your husband was a Warmonger in a Cheap Suit: Mark Dankof from Twitter
"My husband John lived by a code: country first. We are Republicans, yes, but Americans foremost. There's only one candidate in this race who stands up for our values as a nation, and that is @JoeBiden," McCain tweeted.
Mark Dankof to Cindy McCain (The daughter of Jim Hensley, a Bagman for the Meyer Lansky Israeli Crime Syndicate in Arizona whose money was used by Cindy to bankroll John McCain's demonic political career):
@axios @cindymccain @JoeBiden
Here's a couple of samples of the real John McCain, a supporter of ISIS and al-Qaeda in Syria, and the MEK-MKO terrorist organization. He's a Warmonger in a Cheap Suit.
FBI used Steele Dossier to spy on Trump, KNOWING its primary sub-source was a suspected 'Russian agent,' DOJ reveals: From RT
The FBI was aware of a counterintelligence investigation into the man Christopher Steele relied on for his Trump-Russia dossier, but kept renewing the FISA warrant to spy on the president anyway, according to a damning new letter.
The dossier compiled by British spy Christopher Steele, paid through the firm Fusion GPS by Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign, was used by the FBI to obtain a warrant to spy on Trump campaign aide Carter Page in October 2016, prior to the presidential election. The warrant was renewed after Donald Trump was elected president and finally expired sometime in late 2017.
In a redacted two-page memo made public on Thursday by Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina), the US Department of Justice reveals that Steele's "primary sub-source" (PSS) had been under FBI investigation in 2009 as a possible Russian agent. The FBI team going after Trump (Crossfire Hurricane) became aware of this in December 2016 and interviewed the PSS in January 2017 – then renewed the Page FISA warrant three more times anyway.
Are These Antifa/BLM Riots A Jewish Coup?: Kevin MacDonald from the Unz Review
Will scholars eventually find that the Black Lives Matter moral panic that has convulsed the U.S. in 2020 also had a substantial Jewish component—that it is, in fact, a Color Revolution-style attempted Jewish coup?
Trump gives 'blessing' to TikTok deal with Oracle: From UK Independent
Donald Trump has given his "blessing" to a proposed deal between Oracle and Walmart that will allow the video app TikTok to continue operating in the United States.
The proposed deal will see Oracle and Walmart partner with TikTok – currently owned by the Chinese firm ByteDance – to create a new company that will likely be based in Texas.
Oracle and Walmart could acquire up to a cumulative 20 per cent stake in the new company, that could hire some 25,000 people in the US, said Mr Trump.
The deal will make Oracle responsible for hosting all TikTok's US user data and securing computer systems to ensure national security requirements are satisfied.
Walmart said it will provide its ecommerce, fulfillment, payments and other services to the new company.
Biden claims 200 MILLION Americans will die of Covid-19 'by the time I finish THIS TALK': From RT
Presidential hopeful Joe Biden issued a stark warning to Americans, saying that "200 million people will die" of Covid-19 by the end of his short speech. Biden's wacky math once again raised concern over his mental fitness.
Speaking in Philadelphia on Sunday, Biden hammered President Donald Trump's handling of the coronavirus pandemic, but one of his statements stood out from the rest of the speech.
"It's estimated that 200 million people will die, probably by the time I finish this talk," he announced, waving his arms for emphasis.
The Nightmare Scenario That Keeps Election Lawyers Up At Night -- And Could Hand Trump A Second Term: Yahoo news
There is no doubt that they are pushing a contested election scenario. Voters will play only a minor role in selecting the next president. The real battles will be in the media, in the streets, in the courts, and ultimately in Congress. Unless the military intervenes, which would probably be on behalf of Democrats.
Trump Supporters Disrupt Early Voting in Virginia: Yahoo news
I don't know if this is fake news or not. But I do know Zio Lives Matter will engage in violence in order to intimidate Trump voters on Election Day. Remember, the Democrats will be voting early and voting by mail, and Trump voters are all waiting till the last minute to vote. So by all means, do not engage in anything that could be called voter intimidation before election day.
Pence and Heels Up Harris Have One-On-One in Salt Lake City October 7th: From Twitter
"Their vice-presidential nominees Mike Pence and Kamala Harris will have a one-on-one in Salt Lake City on October 7."🤠🤠🤠rt.com/usa/501188-tru… @VP @KamalaHarris @Franklin_Graham @IsraeliPM @MittRomney @PastorJohnHagee @PastorMattHagee @HageeMinistries @philipgiraldi @RBNLive
BLM's War on the Deplorables: Mike Whitney from the Unz Review
And who are the contributors? Check out this excerpt from an article at The Unz Review:
"In the wake of the racial unrest which followed Freddie Gray's death in Baltimore in 2015, George Soros's Open Society Institute donated $650,000 to Black Lives Matter...According to one watchdog group, "In 2016 organizations in the Black Lives Matter movement received $33 million in grants from the Open Society Foundations, founded by Hungarian hedge fund manager George Soros in 1993, and the Center for American Progress, founded by former White House chief of staff and Hillary Clinton campaign chair John Podesta in 2003." According to the Washington Times, access to Soros money insured another $100 million from "a series of wealthy liberal foundations including The Ford Foundation, in addition to $33 million in grants from the Open Society Foundations, with additional grant-making from the Center for American Progress." ("The Invisible Man at the Race Riots", E Michael Jones, The Unz Review)
Democrats' Day of Infamy: The Pernicious Influence of Multiculturalism: Vasko Kohlmeyer from Lew Rockwell
On June 8 a group of some twenty leading Congressional Democrats – including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer – knelt down and bowed their heads in the Emancipation Hall of the US Capitol building in Washington in DC. Contrary to appearance, the purpose of this solemnity was not to honor God. The Democrats performed this act of self-abnegation in capitulation to Black Lives Matter whose members have been pressurizing citizens of this country to kneel down in acknowledgment of their claims and grievances. Black Lives Matter (BLM) is a Marxist organization that claims that America is an irredeemably racist and unjust society that oppresses black people. Because of this deeply rooted racism, BLM insists, American institutions and ways of doing things must be torn down and replaced with a new order. To make this point clear, BLM has organized and spearheaded riots across the country that attacked symbols of American culture and destroyed dozens of cities. The burning of the American flag and chants of "F-ck America!" have been commonplace at such events. In one of the recent events the protestors also chanted "F-ck your Jesus!" It is difficult to see the relevance of this blasphemous obscenity except as the nihilistic desire to desecrate anything and everything that has to do with this country's history and heritage.
Will a Military Coup Undo the November Elections, Donald Trump and the Republic Itself?: Matthew Ehret from Strategic Culture Foundation
On September 5, Colonel Richard Black (Former State Senator and Judge Advocate) delivered a presentation at a Schiller Institute seminar where the colonel warned of the interconnected pattern of statements by former high ranking military officials either openly calling for a military coup (Lt. Colonels Paul Yingling and John Nagl on August 11) or celebrating the anarchist mobs threatening to tear the republic apart. To the latter group, Col. Black named former Defense Secretary James Mattis, Colin Powell, and Col. John Allen who have all questioned the authority of the President and touted their belief that Trump would not leave the White House willingly in January 2021. The actual source for those concerns didn't come from any actual evidence obtained from reality however, but in fact arose out of "November chaos scenario war games" advanced by Soros/Clinton/Neocon-affiliated think tanks like the Transition Integrity Project which ran Event 201-like "fictional" scenario "war games".
Mark Dankof on the Higher Court Verdict on Ruth Bader Ginsburg : From Twitter and Vkontakte
Mark Dankof: "I suspect Ginsburg was convicted in the Higher Court depicted in the attached cartoon, and as a Christ-Denying Jewish Cultural Marxist was assigned a permanent place in Hell.
"Read the excerpt below from Life Site News":
Among other decisions, Ginsburg had voted to strike down a law banning partial-birth abortions in Nebraska. "A state regulation that 'has the purpose or effect of placing a substantial obstacle in the path of a woman seeking an abortion of a nonviable fetus' violates the Constitution," she argued.
Ginsburg was also in favor of so-called homosexual "marriage." Only a few months after the Supreme Court struck down the Defense of Marriage Act in 2013, Ginsburg became the first Supreme Court justice to officiate a homosexual "wedding" ceremony.
"I think it will be one more statement that people who love each other and want to live together should be able to enjoy the blessings and the strife in the marriage relationship," Ginsburg said afterwards. She subsequently officiated at several other same-sex "weddings," before imposing homosexual "marriage" on the nation in the 2015 case Obergefell v. Hodges.
Counting Electoral Votes: An Overview of Procedures at the Joint Session, Including Objections by Members of Congress: Congressional Research Service
This is your guide to the struggle in Congress over the electoral votes.
One happy family? Twitter's public policy director reportedly leaves social media giant to join Biden transition team: From RT
Twitter's public policy director has left the massive social media platform for a job on the Joe Biden transition team, which will help the Democratic challenger ease into office in case he defeats Donald Trump in November.
While it's unclear what role he will play on the team, Carlos Monje has helped to host fundraisers for the Biden campaign and has been hired to assist with his potential transition to the White House, Politico reported on Thursday, citing "a person familiar with the move." Monje, who is also co-chair on Biden's infrastructure policy committee, has yet to comment on the report.
Before landing the position at Twitter, Monje worked for a number of high-profile Democratic politicians, serving on Hillary Clinton's transition team during her failed 2016 presidential bid and as deputy policy director for Barack Obama's 2008 campaign. He was hired as a special assistant to Obama after his 2008 victory, working on his Domestic Policy Council, and later in the Transportation Department.
Cure worse than the disease? 30 MILLION face starvation as Covid-19 economic shutdown hurts most vulnerable, UN food chief warns: From RT
The social and economic consequences of policies purportedly adopted to stop the spread of coronavirus could actually be far more deadly than the actual disease, the head of the UN's hunger-fighting body has cautioned.
Thirty million people are at risk of perishing if the World Food Program (WFP) doesn't receive more funding, the agency's chief, David Beasley, told the UN Security Council. So far this year the WFP has provided aid to 85 million people, but the coronavirus pandemic has strained resources and created a greater need for assistance, he said. $4.9 billion will be needed to ensure that the tens of millions of people completely dependent on UN aid to survive do not die. He called on the world's billionaires, many of whom have seen enormous profits during the pandemic, to help prevent mass starvation.
Are These Antifa/BLM Riots A Jewish Coup?: Kevin MacDonald from the Unz Review
It was always obvious to those of us on campus in the Vietnam years that if you fired at random into a mob of student protestors you would hit a lot of Jews, and that is exactly what happened at Kent State in 1970 (three out of the four dead) [Remembering the Jews of Kent State, 45 Years Later, by Anne Cohen, The Forward, May 4, 2015]. Subsequently, Stanley Rothman documented the key Jewish role in the New Left in his definitive 1982 study Roots of Radicalism: Jews, Christians, and the New Left. Similarly, at least one (Joseph Rosenbaum) and possibly two (Anthony W. Huber) of the Antifa shot in self-defense by Kenosha WI lifeguard Kyle Rittenhouse appear to have been Jews. (In a now-deleted post, the Jewish Chronicle tried to downplay Rosenbaum by saying he was "non-practicing.") [Rosenbaum, not Jewish but targeted by antisemitism after death during unrest, by Rob Golub, August 27, 2020]. Will scholars eventually find that the Black Lives Matter moral panic that has convulsed the U.S. in 2020 also had a substantial Jewish component—that it is, in fact, a Color Revolution-style attempted Jewish coup?
Treason: Mike Whitney from Unz Review
The Transition Integrity Project (TIP) is a shadowy group of government, military and media elites who have concocted a plan to spread mayhem and disinformation following the November 3 presidential elections. The strategy takes advantage of the presumed delay in determining the winner of the upcoming election. (due to the deluge of mail-in votes.) The interim period is expected to intensify partisan warfare creating the perfect environment for disseminating propaganda and inciting street violence. The leaders of TIP believe that a mass mobilization will help them to achieve what Russiagate could not, that is, the removal Donald Trump via an illicit coup conjured up by behind-the-scenes powerbrokers and their Democrat allies. Here's a little more background from an article by Chris Farrell at the Gatestone Institute:
The Invisible Man at the Race Riots: E. Michael Jones from the Unz Review
Current Culture Wars cover story is here!
Caitlin Johnstone: Democrats ignore US military's refutation of 'Russian bounties' story: Caitlyn Johnstone from RT
Reconsidering the Presidential Election : The Saker from Unz Review
Top Trump health appointee Michael Caputo warns of armed insurrection after election: Washington Post
Organized Jewry's Game Plan to Win the Election: Mark Dankof from Twitter
California: Homosexual Activist's Bill Reducing Penalties For Man-on-Boy Sodomy Passes State Senate - National Justice: Eric Striker from Russian Faith
Senate Bill 145, a law that exempts mandatory sex offender registration for adult men who sodomize boys as young as 14, has passed the California State Senate and is now on Gavin Newsom's desk.
The bill was authored by San Francisco Senator Scott Wiener, a member of both the LGBT and Jewish Caucus. Six out of seven Senators in Wiener's Jewish caucus voted with him to pass the bill, the exception being Susan Rubio who appears to have been absent for the effort.
Pollak: The Atlantic Hit Piece Is a Hint of Democrats' Orwellian Future: Joel B. Pollak from Breitbart
The Atlantic hit piece on President Donald Trump last week used four anonymous sources to allege that he had disparaged dead World War I soldiers two years ago. Fox News reporter Jennifer Griffin then claimed to have "confirmed" parts of the story — though not its main allegation — based on two anonymous sources.
The entire story failed to meet basic journalistic standards. But it is a sign of things to come — particularly if Democrats win in November, which is the Atlantic's goal.
Black militia, armed 'Patriots' & BLM protesters face off in Louisville on chaotic Kentucky Derby day (VIDEOS): From RT
Hundreds of protesters from rival groups have descended on Louisville, with armed pro-police activists facing off with anti-racism protesters, as members of all-black NFAC militia staged yet another demonstration of force.
Dressed in black combat fatigues and carrying rifles, around 200 members of the Not F**king Around Coalition (NFAC) gathered in Louisville on Saturday. Having checked their weapons, they marched to a park just outside the Churchill Downs track, where they posed in formation, kneeled, and otherwise demonstrated their resolve to fight for racial justice.
Sputnik International Talks to Mark Dankof on the 2020 Democrats and "It's the Russians Again!": From Mark Dankof's America
(Sputnik International spoke with Mark Dankof on Democratic apoplexy over the Trump Administration's scaling back of security briefings as reported by POLITICO on August 29th, 2020.)
UN Secretary General Tells Feminists He Won't Let Trump Undermine Abortion Rights: Stefano Gennarini from C-Fam
NEW YORK, September 4 (C-Fam) UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres says he wants to "make sure that governments to do not take advantage of COVID-19 to undermine sexual and reproductive rights and to put into question the services that are provided."
Guterres said this during a virtual townhall meeting with feminists on Monday. He was responding to a question on abortion and the Trump administration's pro-life diplomacy.
Guterres assured feminists he will "fight" governments who "put into question services that are provided" during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The 2020 Election: Bourgeois Democracy Meets Global Governance: Diana Johnstone from Unz Review
A small number of very rich men are quite sure they know what is best for the future of the world and have enough wealth and influence to believe they can make it happen. They can be called oligarchs, but the term is inadequate. They are a special category, the shapers of the Global Governance destined to replace bourgeois democracy. I can name two: one who is famous, notorious even, but very old, and another who is a generation younger, not yet so well known or so rich but probably even more influential.
This is the OTHER Kamala Harris: Wikipedia
Filmmaker Michael Moore Predicts Repeat of 2016, Claims Donald Trump Headed to Win 2020 Election: From Sputnik
Renowned filmmaker Michael Moore predicted in 2016 that Donald Trump would win the presidential election despite all leading US polls claiming otherwise and tipping Democrat Hillary Clinton as the hot favourite.
Donald Trump is heading for victory in the 2020 November presidential election in the US, buoyed by the "off the charts" enthusiasm displayed by his supporters, says renowned filmmaker Michael Moore.
The author of Fahrenheit 9/11 and other award-winning documentaries, a staunch Democrat supporter, warned in a Facebook post that President Trump's reelection campaign was wielding massive momentum in key battleground states such as Minnesota and Michigan.
'The new Babylon Bee?' CNN commentator mocked after downplaying riots in Kenosha, Portland as 'protests' with a FIERY cover photo: From Twitter and RT
@CillizzaCNN @Press_TV @dmitrievaoo @DariaMarkova1 @achitchcock @DrAdrianHKrieg @RBNLive @TradCatKnight @PatriarchRussia @michellemalkin @NRA @GunOwners @whereisbullet @RT_com @RobertKennedyJr @JoeBiden @KamalaHarris @SenKamalaHarris @TheDemocrats
CNN's Chris Cillizza became the butt of the joke online after saying that calling the unrest in Kenosha and Portland "riots" is a desperate ploy by Trump. The cover photo seems to be at odds with the spin, however.
CNN political commentator Chris Cillizza faced a torrent of mockery from conservatives accusing him of whitewashing the violence festering in Kenosha, Wisconsin and Portland, Oregon, after he opined that referring to the looting, vandalism, and arson in both cities as 'rioting' is unjustified and a "desperate" political ploy by US President Donald Trump.
"In Defense of Looting": Paul Craig Roberts at Lew Rockwell
The reason Democrats don't enforce law and order is that law and order are protections for white people. Anything that protects white people is bad, because it lets white people continue their oppression of black people. This is the level of intelligence at NPR, a font of anti-white ideology.
Americans need to understand that the Democrat Party and their presstitute shills are anti-white and anti-Asian (consider Harvard's massive discrimination against Asians) and intend not only the dispossession of white people of their property and their lives but also of their country.
Now be a good dumbshit American. Go give your money to NPR and elect a Democrat.
August 28th: Slattery and Dankof on RBN: From RBN via Twitter
August 28th: Mark Dankof on NBR on @RBNLive: The Zionist Lock on 2020; Backlash against @JoeBiden and @TheDemocrats on #BlackLivesMatter , #2A , and COVID-19 Lockdowns; Magic Mike Dukakis redux; and the RNC TV Cuck Performance of @RudyGiuliani on Floyd:
Journalism's Gates keepers: Tim Schwab from Columbia Journalism Review
RFK, Jr.: In the same way that the news media has given #Gates an outsize voice in the #pandemic, the #GatesFoundation has long used its charitable giving to shape the public discourse on everything from global health to education to agriculture.
LAST AUGUST, NPR PROFILED A HARVARD-LED EXPERIMENT to help low-income families find housing in wealthier neighborhoods, giving their children access to better schools and an opportunity to "break the cycle of poverty." According to researchers cited in the article, these children could see $183,000 greater earnings over their lifetimes—a striking forecast for a housing program still in its experimental stage.
If you squint as you read the story, you'll notice that every quoted expert is connected to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which helps fund the project. And if you're really paying attention, you'll also see the editor's note at the end of the story, which reveals that NPR itself receives funding from Gates.
Why Democrats are worried about Kenosha: From CNN
Additionally, Americans' perspective on the protests seem to be changing. The percentage of Americans who see the protests as "mostly legitimate" dipped from 62% in June to 53% in August, according to a recent NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist College poll. Meanwhile, the percentage who believe them mostly people acting unlawfully rose from 28% to 38%.
This has been occurring as support for Black Lives Matter has fallen back and opposition has risen, as noted by FiveThirtyEight's Perry Bacon.
The shift in the numbers has been seen even more dramatically in the pivotal swing of Wisconsin before the Blake shooting.
Wayne Dupree: Joe Biden's embrace of Cardi B is shameless & immoral, but it shows that we on the Right have lost the culture war: From RT
If you don't believe Wayne, check out Cardi B - WAP feat. Megan Thee Stallion [Official Audio] at 30 million plus hits. The West has Terminal Cancer: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Wc5IbN4xw70.
The NRA and Mark Dankof Howl Over Biden: 22,000 and Climbing : Mark Dankof from Twitter
Good photo with dialogue. Twitter fans either Love or Hate it. 🤠🤠🤠
NRA: Come and Take It, Joe. (Biden)
Mark Dankof: He'd never remember where you live or where your offices are. 🤠🤠🤠
ROCOR Archbishop in Chicago: Orthodox Christians Do Not Support Violent Revolutionaries : From Twitter
Jewish Homosexual Appointed To Oversee De-Christianization Of France And Protect Its 'Cultural Heritage': From Christians for Truth
Jews appear to be gloating as France's historic churches are vandalized, burned down, sold off and turned into mosques, gyms, lingerie shops, restaurants, and boutique hotels, all overseen by Stéphane Bern, a Jewish homosexual appointed by President Macron.
JNS: 600 Jewish Groups Support Black Lives Matter: Mark Dankof responds: Mark Dankof on Twitter
jns.org/600-plus-jewis… @PatriarchRussia @KremlinRussia_E @UnzReview @Russian_Faith @CBausman @dmitrievaoo @DariaMarkova1 @Press_TV @JZarif @PatrickBuchanan @DrAdrianHKrieg @achitchcock @mfa_russia @SShoiguRussia @georgesoros @AlexanderSoros @JoeBiden @realDonaldTrump @RT_com
Mark Dankof on Twitter responds with photos.
600-plus Jewish groups sign full-page ad supporting Black Lives Matter: From the Jewish News Service
Groups that signed the ad include the Anti-Defamation League, J Street, IfNotNow, Bend the Arc: Jewish Action, Jewish Council for Public Affairs, HIAS, Hebrew College, Jewish Voice for Peace, Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism, T'ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights, Zioness Movement, Young Democrats of America Jewish Caucus and NCSY (New York).
Tipping Point? Man Shot-Dead in Portland for Backing Trump: Mike Whitney from the Unz Review
After 4 years of the most vicious, hyperbolic and incendiary character assassination campaign in the nation's history, the media finally claimed its first fatality in a shootout in Portland on Saturday night. The victim–whose name has not yet been disclosed– was shot by an (allegedly) Antifa member who saw the man's hat as sufficient provocation to gun him down in cold blood. This is the first incident in which the hysteria generated by the media and its accomplices in Democrat party can be directly linked to a political assassination justified on the basis that the victim espoused political beliefs different than those of the perpetrator. Simply put, he was killed because he was identified as a Trump supporter and, thus, "fair game".
Her Name Is Laura Ashley Anderson/ His Name Is Charles Nicholas Wall: White Step-Father/Daughter Executed by Black Male Over Fender Bender: Paul Kersey from the Unz Review
Black on White Double Murder ignored by MSM.
Kenosha: All Three Anarchist Rioters Shot Have Violent Criminal Histories: Eric Striker from the Unz Review
New York Times' Reporting Confirms Revolver's Analysis of the Kyle Rittenhouse Shootings: Open-and-Shut Case of Self-Defense: From Revolver
1) The gun didn't cross state lines; 2) Rittenhouse was being chased by a gunman who had already fired a shot; 3) the three individuals shot have criminal records as long as your arm.
Is Biden Ceding the Law and Order Issue?: Pat Buchanan from Lew Rockwell
Chicago Bears disavow Hall of Famer Brian Urlacher for failing to show proper deference to Black Lives Matter: From RT
The Chicago Bears have disavowed former star Brian Urlacher after his social media posts ran afoul of Black Lives Matter, including mocking a boycott by NBA players and supporting the teen who shot three protesters in Wisconsin.
Urlacher contrasted the toughness of former Green Bay Packers quarterback Brett Favre with the actions of NBA players, who refused to take the court after a black man was shot in the back seven times last Sunday by police in Kenosha, Wisconsin. He posted an image on Instagram Thursday with the message: "Brett Favre played the MNF (Monday Night Football) game the day his dad died, threw 4 TDs in the first half and was a legend for playing in the face of adversity. NBA players boycott the playoffs because a dude reaching for a knife, wanted on a felony sexual assault warrant, was shot by police."
The former linebacker also "liked" an Instagram post calling for Kyle Rittenhouse – the 17-year-old charged on Thursday with first-degree murder and attempted homicide for killing two protesters in Kenosha and injuring a third on Tuesday night – to be freed. Supporters, such as Republican Congressman Paul Gosar and actor James Woods, argued that videos of the incident show Rittenhouse acted in self-defense.
Prolific predictor of elections says Trump wins 2020 in landslide: From KLTV
KLTV) - The chances that President Donald Trump wins re-election in 2020 is near certain, according to a political science professor whose election model has a history of correctly predicting election results.
Stony Brook University professor Helmut Norpoth's Primary Model shows President Trump has a 91-percent chance of winning re-election, according to his interview with Stony Brook News.
Norpoth's model relies on the results of presidential primaries, not polls that are often used as indicators of popularity. According to Norpoth, Biden is in a much weaker position than Trump because of his poor showing in the first two primary races.
Norpoth was one of a handful of pollsters who correctly predicted Trump's victory in 2016, and his Primary Model has predicted five of the six presidential elections since 1996. When applied to previous elections, the model correctly predicted 25 of the last 27 elections, missing only the 2000 election in which George W. Bush defeated Al Gore and the 1960 election in which John F. Kennedy defeated Richard Nixon.
Prediction: Electoral College: Trump 362, Biden 176.
Mark Dankof: Zionists ultimate winner of US 2020 election,: From Press TV
But Trump will win: The Norpoth Model, the Democrats' 4 point drop after their own convention, and the beginning of a sea change in public perceptions of riots and Marxist mayhem in Democrat cities in Democrat States.
3 U.S. Code § 15.Counting electoral votes in Congress: Cornell Law School
Kamala Harris Botches Wheel of Fortune Appearance : Mark Dankof from Twitter
Why Has Ed Butt Not Received a Prime Time TV Slot for the Democratic National Convention?: From Twitter
Mark Dankof's Twitter Refresher Course on George Floyd: From Twitter
The Links Clinch the Case.
It's Not Happening: the Mainstream Media Is the Enabler of American Dysfunction: Philip Giraldi from the Unz Review
Has anyone seen anywhere in the mainstream media a serious discussion of Israel's possible role in the Beirut bombing? I am not suggested an evidence-free indictment of Israel but rather just a review of Israel's possible motive and a consideration of its capability to carry out such an attack without having to directly do it itself with one of its bombs or missiles. Given the Jewish state's unrelenting hostility towards Hezbollah and its repeated violations of Lebanese territory and airspace, it would seem to me that it would at least merit a sentence or two in the New York Times or Washington Post.
Or how about the Jeffrey Epstein case, another one involving Israel? There is considerable evidence to suggest that Epstein just might have been using underage girls as sex bait for powerful men so they could be blackmailed into cooperating with Mossad. It might have meant having a Bill Clinton as a presidential spouse if voting had gone the other way in 2016 and Bill would have had to be answerable to Benjamin Netanyahu. I haven't seen anything about that in the newspapers of record or on FOX, MSNBC, CBS or CNN.
Or to look at another manifestation of mainstream media mendacity, how about the reporting on the disturbances that have been taking place all around the United States? Recent major riots in Portland and Chicago were frequently ignored in the mainstream media or were described as "peaceful protests" in support of "racial justice," contradicting what one could see with one's own eyes where video was available. The looting, burning, beatings and vandalizing in Oregon over more than eighty days continues nearly nightly with police now withdrawing from Portland after the local district attorney declared that he would avoid prosecuting rioters.
In Chicago the looting that centered on the high-end Miracle Mile Michigan Avenue shopping area was so bad that that part of the city had to be closed off by raising the city's bridges. Twelve policemen were injured and more than a hundred looters were arrested. U-Haul trucks were even brought in by the rioters and stolen cars were used to smash open shop windows. It was the second major trashing of the area in the past three months.
Fitton: Judicial Watch Issues Statement on Appeals Court Decision Blocking Hillary Clinton Testimony: From Judicial Watch
From Tom Fitton's article for Breitbart:
Recently, I made the following statement about the decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit regarding the request of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's and her former Chief of Staff, Cheryl Mills, to avoid testifying under oath about Clinton's emails. The court granted Clinton's request to avoid testimony but denied Mills'.The extraordinary Appeals Court decision protecting Hillary Clinton from having to obey a court order requiring her to testify about her emails is contrary to longstanding precedent and undermines the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).
Democrat Mayor Lori Lightfoot Allows Chicago's Magnificent Mile to be Looted TWICE — But Blocks Leftist Protesters From Her Street: Jim Hoft from the Gateway Pundit
The city is out of control under Mayor Lori Lightfoot.
But Mayor Lightfoot was not worried about her own home.
Mayor lightfoot has ordered police to protect her neighborhood.
No Black Lives Matter or Antifa rioters are allowed down her street.
But the Magnificent Mile is OK?
Mark Dankof Answers the David Binder Research Presidential Election Poll 🤠🤠🤠: From Vkontakte
Confounding a Democratic pollster today. 🤠🤠🤠
210-903-9607 text to me here in Texas:
Hi, I'm Whitney from DB Research with a quick survey. Would you vote to re-elect President Trump if the election were held today?
1 No
2 Yes
Whitney: I'm considering voting for Trump, but might change my mind if you call me. I'd like to share a heterosexual fantasy of mine. It involves wearing a German SS uniform and having a leftist black woman in chains being totally and willingly submissive.
See inside story below: 🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠
DBR has enjoyed a long-term ongoing partnership with President Barack Obama's White House, providing award-winning messaging work and conducting research on a number of different initiatives. Other clients run the gamut from small non-profits and boutique associations to large corporations and multi-year political campaigns.
Vkontakte Link: https://vk.com/wall468804996_11420
David Binder: San Francisco-based pollster who is, well, you know: https://epgn.com/2009/01/29/1839310-gay-leaders-mull-taking-prop-8-fight-to-2010-vote/
When Half Of NYC's Tax Base Leaves And Never Comes Back: Peter Van Buren from TAC
Without anyone left to pay for the city, the Big Apple is headed for a failed state.
It's snapshot simple. The wealthy and the companies they work for pay most of the taxes. The poor consume most of the taxes through social programs. COVID is driving the wealthy and their offices out of the city. No one will be left to pay for the poor, who are stuck here, and the city will collapse in the transition. A classic failed state scenario.
Petition and Contributions: Join my fight to free Julian Assange and stop US extradition: Stella Morris from Crowd Justice
I am the partner of Julian Assange and the mother of his two sons. I am fighting against his extradition to the United States.
My partner, the journalist and Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, is fighting extradition to the United States and faces 175 years in prison. I and many others are joined in that fight - against extradition and his continuing imprisonment. We are appealing for your help.
A Krystallnacht for White Americans : Paul Craig Roberts from Alt World
Must read. A major story contribution to the Election Analysis of Slattery and Dankof on RBN on Friday, August 21st.
How Kamala Harris Forged Close Ties With Big Tech: From the New York Times
Now that she is the running mate of Joseph R. Biden Jr., tech industry critics worry that a Biden administration with Ms. Harris would mean a return to the cozy relationship that Silicon Valley enjoyed with the White House under President Barack Obama.
Although vice presidents rarely set policy, as a former state attorney general Ms. Harris is expected to have a say in Mr. Biden's political appointments at the Justice Department, including officials who oversee antitrust enforcement. She could also have a significant influence on tech policy in a Biden administration, since Mr. Biden has largely focused on other issues.
"This is good news" for tech companies, said Hal Singer, an economist who specializes in antitrust and a managing director at Econ One, a consulting firm. "They probably feel like they have one of their own and that at the margin this is going to help push back against any reform."
Steve Bannon was arrested by US Postal Service agents: Grace Panetta from Business Insider
Steve Bannon, a former Trump campaign adviser, was charged with fraud by federal prosecutors in New York on Thursday and arrested by agents from the US Postal Inspection Service.
Prosecutors charged Bannon and three others with conspiracy to commit wire fraud and conspiracy to commit money laundering in connection with a private campaign to build a border wall.
CBS News and NBC New York reported that federal agents from the Postal Inspection Service arrested Bannon aboard a boat off the coast of Westbrook, Connecticut.
The arrest came as the Trump administration faces accusations that it's trying to undermine the Postal Service in a crucial election year.
Postal Inspection Service agents arrested Bannon aboard a luxury mega yacht, the $28 million Lady May owned by Chinese businessman Guo Wengui, off the coast of Westbrook, Connecticut, according to the Hartford Courant.
Prosecutors in the Southern District of New York announced on Thursday morning that they had charged Bannon, Brian Kolfage, and two others with conspiracy to commit wire fraud and conspiracy to commit money laundering in connection with a multimillion-dollar campaign to raise money to build a wall on the US's southern border.
Prosecutors said Kolfage and Bannon defrauded donors out of millions of dollars and used their donations to enrich themselves, funneling the money through a complicated web of shell companies and nonprofits.
Australian cartoon of US candidates Harris and Biden criticized as racist: Reuters from the Jerusalem Post
The cartoon by Johannes Leak in The Australian newspaper, which is owned by Rupert Murdoch's News Corp and is known for its conservative views, depicted a beaming Biden saying, "It's time to heal a nation divided by racism."
The drawing then showed him pointing to Harris, the first Black woman on a major-party US presidential ticket, and saying, "So I'll hand you over to this little brown girl while I go for a lie-down."
Biden denounces anti-Israel activist, rejects her endorsement at DNC: From Press TV
US Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden has denounced and distanced himself from a prominent anti-Israel activist, who voiced support for him in the live stream of the Democratic National Convention.
Linda Sarsour, former Women's March co-chair, participated in the Democratic National Convention's Muslim Delegates Assembly on Tuesday.
Biden's campaign spokesman Andrew Bates immediately reacted to the pro-Palestinian activist's presence in the convention, saying that she "has no role in the Biden campaign whatsoever."
"Joe Biden has been a strong supporter of Israel and a vehement opponent of anti-Semitism his entire life, and he obviously condemns [Sarsour's] views and opposes BDS, as does the Democratic platform," Bates said.
Send in the Clowns for the Circus is in Town: Edward Curtin from Lew Rockwell
Key Election Analysis contribution for the Slattery-Dankof RBN conversation for Friday, August 21st.
Judge blocks Trump rollback of 'sex-change' coverage, citing Gorsuch LGBT opinion: Calvin Freiburger from LifeSiteNews
The ruling is the latest fallout from the Bostock v. Clayton County decision.
August 20, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – A federal judge has blocked the Trump administration from reversing an Obama-era rule mandating coverage of "gender transition" operations in federally funded health plans, citing the Supreme Court's controversial June ruling on LGBT "nondiscrimination."
Several LGBT activist groups sued to preserve the Obama regulation, and on Monday U.S. District Court Judge Frederic Block granted them a preliminary injunction, the Washington Post reports. Block claimed the Trump administration acted "arbitrarily and capriciously" in reversing the regulation despite the Supreme Court's ruling in Bostock v. Clayton County that redefined "sex disicrimination" in Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act to add sexual orientation and gender identity, in addition to its original biological meaning.
Meet the Zionist Insiders Rejoicing Over The Kosher Ticket in 2020: From Democratic Majority for Israel
Mark Dankof to Biden and Harris: Be Sure to Get Us Into a Good Kosher War : From Twitter
Mark Dankof to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris: Be sure to get us into a good Kosher War. forward.com/news/452463/al…. demmajorityforisrael.org @Press_TV @dmitrievaoo @Russian_Faith @CBausman @JZarif @AlexanderSoros @georgesoros @KremlinRussia_E @mfa_russia @IsraeliPM @AIPAC @HassanRouhani @RBNLive @jdforward @PresidencySy
Kamala Harris got 'destroyed' by Tulsi Gabbard in Democrat debates, dropped out before primaries – and now might be president: From RT
That day, Gabbard calmly took Harris to task over her prosecutorial past, pointing out that she was responsible for getting thousands of African-Americans locked up on draconian drug sentences, even as Democrats clamored for criminal justice reform and racial justice.
Chauvin, Lane, Kueng, and Thao: The George Floyd Fall Guys: George Parry from The American Spectator
The four policemen charged in George Floyd's death acted entirely according to the training and guidance provided them by the Minneapolis Police Department.
This is an illustration from the Minneapolis Police Department's official training materials on how to safely and properly subdue a suspect suffering from "excited delirium," a potentially lethal medical condition which, due to the rising use and abuse of illicit drugs, has grown to epidemic proportions on the streets of America.
Look closely. The depicted suspect is flat on the ground with his head turned to the side in what the illustration calls "the recovery position to alleviate positional asphyxia." The officer on the left is kneeling on the side of the suspect's neck.
Look familiar?
Could this and related parts of the officially approved and mandated Minneapolis Police Department (MPD) training curriculum be why former Minneapolis Police Officer Derek Chauvin saw fit to kneel on the side of George Floyd's neck? And could it be the reason why former officers Thomas Lane, J. Alexander Kueng, and Tou Thao assisted Chauvin as he knelt on the side of Floyd's neck?
As will be explained in detail below, throughout Floyd's confrontation with the police, he was at imminent risk of death from sudden cardiac arrhythmia caused by excited delirium. So it was that these officers followed the MPD's official procedures for how to properly and safely subdue someone in that life-threatening condition. In doing so, they were not only keeping Floyd in the prescribed "recovery position" to alleviate his risk of asphyxiation, they were also keeping an agitated and delirious Floyd from harming himself as they awaited the arrival of the ambulance that they had twice summoned to provide medical aid to him.
So where are these well-intentioned, well-trained, and dutiful public servants today? They are in jail awaiting trial on murder and aiding and abetting charges after having been universally condemned in the news media and used by neo-Marxists and opportunistic criminals across the country as a pretext to riot, loot, and burn. And, while they sit in their cells, not one Minneapolis official, from Mayor Jacob Frey to Police Chief Medaria Arradondo or any member of City Council, has come forward to acknowledge that, in subduing Floyd, these law officers were acting in meticulous accordance with the MPD training and directives designed to reduce the risk of harm to persons suffering excited delirium.
Kamala Harris Will Cost Biden the Election for the Same Reasons She Lost the Democratic Primaries : Duane Norman from Lew Rockwell
Why New York State Lawsuit Against NRA is a Political Attack & Part of Broader Democratic Campaign: From Sputnik News
While admitting that NYAG James and the Democratic Party "do have a basic animosity toward Americans exercising their Second Amendment rights", Mark Dankof, a radio broadcaster and patron member of the NRA, raises the question about allegations of financial mismanagement on the part of the NRA leadership which emerged after ex-NRA President Colonel Oliver North resigned last year.
On 25 April 2019, Oliver North, abruptly left the entity's annual convention and then announced that he would not seek another term. According to the New York Post, North and NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre had an argument over the organisation's relationship with Ackerman McQueen, potential conflict of interest, and wasteful spending.
As a National Review editorial put it on 6 August 2020, "the NRA, once the most effective organisation of its kind, has indeed been mired in incompetent leadership and financial mismanagement for years".
"If Colonel North is correct, it is ironic that a leftist New York State Attorney General's legal case may be the basis of getting to the truth. Time will tell", Dankof notes.
Kamala Harris got 'destroyed' by Tulsi Gabbard in Democrat debates, dropped out before primaries – and now might be president: From RT
Charlottesville After Three Years: Dress Rehearsal for 2020's Nation-Wide Communist Coup: From the Unz Review
The implications of this are enormous, especially given the false and inflammatory remarks of one Joe Biden on the 3rd Anniversary of the tragedy.
Dr. Slattery Eyewitness report from Charlottesville with Mark Dankof analysis: From Archives.org
3 years later, the Slattery eyewitness account still resonates, especially with the "Charlottesville Survivor" account at the Unz Review, and the irresponsible and false statements of a senile crook named Joe Biden on Charlottesville on the 3rd Anniversary : https://www.unz.com/article/charlottesville-after-three-years-dress-rehearsal-for-2020s-nation-wide-communist-coup/.
Belarus opposition leader flees to Lithuania in election aftermath: The Telegraph
If the CIA somehow manages to oust President Lukashenko, let's invite him here to be the American President. That would be awesome!
That's the ticket: Joe Biden picks Sen. Kamala Harris as his 2020 vice presidential running mate: USA Today
Kabbalah Haaretz will be your new commie mommy!
The Gates Foundation Is Filling Its Coffers With Profits From Private Prisons: Melanie Ehrenkranz from Gizmodo
As first reported by Bloomberg, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Trust—a separate organization from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation that manages the charity's endowment assets— just added about 200,000 shares to Serco Group Plc, which operates private prisons and detention centers across the UK, Australia, and New Zealand. This reportedly brought the shares to 3.74 million, which amounts to about $6.6 million.
Victim of 'systemic racism'? Biden's Ferguson anniversary tweet flops... as his own DoJ said Michael Brown shooting was justified: From RT
Democratic presidential hopeful Joe Biden seemingly forgot what was made clear by his own administration when he was vice president under Obama: Evidence shows that Michael Brown was killed while assaulting a police officer.
That was the conclusion of a US Department of Justice investigation in 2015, during the Obama-Biden administration, when the feds exonerated former Ferguson, Missouri, police officer Darren Wilson in the August 2014 shooting of 18-year-old Brown. As the Washington Post wrote weeks after the DOJ report, the "Hands up, don't shoot" chant of protesters who demonstrated after Brown's killing was "built on a lie." It was based on a false witness who said the teenager was shot by Wilson while submitting to the officer.
Mark Dankof to Joe Biden on Twitter: "Joe, write 'I Am Senile as Hell' on the blackboard 100 times." 🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠
ODNI News Release No. 29-20
August 7, 2020
Statement by NCSC Director William Evanina: Election Threat Update for the American Public (with absolutely not a scintilla of evidence🤠)
On July 24, 2020, I issued a statement to the American public providing an unclassified overview of foreign threats to the 2020 election and offering basic steps to mitigate some of these threats. At that time, I pledged that the U.S. Intelligence Community (IC) would continue to update the American public and other key stakeholders on the evolving election threat landscape, while also safeguarding our intelligence sources and methods.
(China, Russia, Iran narrative. Evanina has apparently never heard of Israel. 🤠🤠🤠)
Biden's Game Plan: Take No Risks and Run Out the Clock: Pat Buchanan from Lew Rockwell
National Polls: Biden's "15 point lead" now evaporates to 3 with Much Time on the Clock.
Project Veritas' James O'Keefe sues FBI for listing him as felon on background-check list: Valerie Richardson from the Washington Times
Mr. O'Keefe filed a lawsuit Thursday after several gun shops turned him down, citing background checks that found him listed as a convicted felon on the National Instant Criminal Background Check System [NICS] maintained by the FBI.
"I'm on some type of federal list," said Mr. O'Keefe in a video posted Thursday. "Apparently the FBI has erroneously put me on the NICS background check system as a convicted felon. The problem? I'm not a convicted felon. I've never been convicted of a felony. So I'm pretty shocked by this news."
He said he believes the error stemmed from his "unjust prosecution" in 2010 for posing as a telephone repair worker to enter the New Orleans office of then-Sen. Mary Landrieu, part of an investigation into whether she was ignoring constituents' phone calls.
He pleaded guilty to a Class B misdemeanor, not a felony, with a maximum sentence of six months in prison. He was sentenced to probation.
"By the way, if I had to do it over again, I would have fought the ridiculous charge and been vindicated because I did nothing wrong, and was just doing what investigative journalists have done for centuries," said Mr. O'Keefe, who said he used his real driver's license to enter the building.
NYC 'illegally' placed pedophiles near Upper West Side playground: By Nolan Hicks, Jennifer Gould and Laura Italiano from the New York Post
The city dumped at least six homeless pedophiles, all still on parole, at a luxury Upper West Side hotel just a block from an elementary-school playground — an apparent violation of state law, online records show.
The outrage is only the latest slap in the face to residents of the Manhattan neighborhood — who as The Post reported have had to deal with everything from public urination to open drug use since the city began moving hundreds of homeless into the area amid the coronavirus.
"Completely unacceptable," seethed Sabina Popovic, 32, who was at the playground with her daughter, 5, and son, 1, Friday.
The six parolees — including a man who had forced sex with a 4-year-old girl — were listed by the state Sex Offender Registry as current residents of the Belleclaire hotel at Broadway and West 77th Street as of Friday night.
Outrage as Manhattan's district attorney DROPS the felony charge against BLM leader accused of assaulting an NYPD cop and releases him on bail: Keith Griffith and Megan Sheets From Dailymail.com
Derrick Ingram, who had faced up to seven years in prison if convicted on the felony charge, now faces as little as no jail time if convicted of the misdemeanor.
The DA's office gave no explanation for the reduced charge, on which Ingram was released with no bail Saturday night.
NYC Patrolman's Benevolent Association President Patrick Lynch blasted the decision to drop the felony charge against Ingram, who is the leader of activist group Warriors in the Garden.
'Is there any doubt who is in charge of this city now? The criminal mob is dictating their terms to the NYPD brass and district attorneys, who are tripping over themselves to comply,' Lynch said in a statement.
The most competitive Senate races of 2020: Amber Phillips from the Washington Post
"23 Republican Seats with 13 competitive."
"12 Democratic Seats with 2 Competitive."
State-by-State analysis.
Unfit To Print Episode 64: Media Refuses To Cover George Floyd Body Cam Footage: Amber Athey from the Daily Caller
The Daily Mail obtained leaked body cam footage from the police officers who arrested George Floyd, and the full video is not good for the Black Lives Matter narrative.
The footage shows that Floyd was resisting arrest, impossible to deal with, and was complaining about not being able to breathe well before he was put on the ground. Yet the media has hardly covered this new footage because of course it hurts the idea that this was an intentional murder of a man because he was black. (RELATED: Final Moments Of George Floyd's Life Appear To Have Been Caught By Police Body Camera Footage)
National Polls: Biden's Lead over Trump Shrinks to 3 Points: Michael Patrick Leahy from Breitbart
Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden's lead over President Trump in the national popular vote has shrunk to just three points, according to the two most recent polls released by major polling firms.
The Hill-HarrisX poll released on Wednesday gave Biden a 43 percent to 40 percent lead in the national popular vote, while the Rasmussen Reports poll released on the same day gave Biden a 48 percent to 45 percent lead.
Momentum appears to be moving towards Trump recently in the key battleground states as well, as Breitbart News reported earlier this month:
A Restoration PAC poll released Wednesday revealed a positive trend for the president, who appears to be gradually closing the gap on Joe Biden's sizeable lead in the key Rust Belt states Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania.
The latest survey, taken July 13 – 27 among 600 likely voters in each state, showed President Trump narrowing the gap in each state compared to June's results, which had the former vice president up by double-digits in every state.
The Zionist Lobby and the Australian Media: Evan Jones from the American Herald Tribune
Nine Entertainment, following acquisition of Fairfax Media, owns the three pre-eminent newspapers in Australia – the Sydney Morning Herald, the Melbourne Age and the Australian Financial Review. (Murdoch owns everything else, except for Nine's Canberra Times and Seven West Media's West Australian.) The Age and the SMH, once markedly different papers because of the varied histories of Victoria and New South Wales, thanks to cost-cutting are now near twins. I thus take the SMH as representative of the 'best' of Australian journalism.
The SMH's masthead is 'Independent. Always'. This is a lie.
To the ADL/SPLC and Company: Is Moshe Fieglin Guilty of "Hate Speech" on Beirut? : Mark Dankof from Twitter
No Jews Ever Convicted.
Crash the Economy, Burn the Cities, Infect the People: the Evil Plan to Remake America: Mike Whitney from the Unz Review
The American people are under attack, the country is under attack, and democracy is under attack. At present, the enemy is conducting a three-pronged assault on the presidency the objective of which is to remove the existing administration and install their own sock-puppet replacement. This has been the goal from the very beginning although the great swirl of events has confused many as to the true nature of what is actually taking place. What we are seeing is a dirty tricks campaign (Russiagate) inflated into a full-blown, scorched earth, winner-take-all assault on the presidency.
BLMania and the New Progressive Faith: Gregory Hood from the Unz Review
Feelings don't care about facts. The mass hysteria that's gripped the Western world after the death of George Floyd can't be explained in rational terms. Police are shooting fewer unarmed black men each year, and most of the shootings are justified. Police are more likely to shoot a non-threatening white than a non-threatening black. In the Floyd case specifically, there's nothing that shows racial bias by police officers, and Floyd was on drugs and resisting arrest. Minneapolis police procedure allowed neck pressure in some circumstances. Former police officer Derek Chauvin's conduct wasn't extraordinary. But the facts are almost irrelevant. We're dealing with faith, religious ecstasy. We're in the midst of BLMania.
Ukrainian Trap for Biden : From InfoRus
Ukrainegate keeps unfolding with renewed vigor. Recently, lawyer and adviser to the current White House head Rudolph Giuliani presented another batch of scandalous revelations about corruption in Ukraine and the culpability of former Obama's Vice President Joseph Biden. The lawyer posted his 40-minute video on the Internet.
According to Giuliani, most of the foreign aid to Ukraine worth $5.3 billion ($3 billion came from the United States) was stolen. Having a hand in this were former Vice President Biden and billionaire George Soros, with his extremely negative attitude to Donald Trump. Among others, the last three US ambassadors in Kiev Jeffrey Payette, Marie Yovanovitch, and William Taylor came into the picture. All the three were stooges of the Obama administration, with Joe Biden being a point man; "this episode is the tip of the iceberg, much more to come," Giuliani says on his own YouTube channel.
According to him, American taxpayers' money was stolen through a network of grants allocated to various NGOs, and any corruption inquiry while distributing international financial aid was blocked by Washington, as well as by the administration of former Ukrainian President and Biden's great friend Petro Poroshenko. In the video, Giuliani shows a 2017 English-written document of Ukraine's Accounting Chamber which was handed to him by Verkhovna Rada Deputy Andrii Derkach.
This is a critical point in US history. We've entered a dangerous, chilling period that could lead to a race or civil war: Mitchell Feierstein from RT
Anything Trump wants to do is and will be fought with an eye to winning the presidential election. Just look at the controversy around school openings. There is not one documented case anywhere in the world that identifies a child as transmitting Covid-19 to a teacher – but that doesn't matter. Trump wants to open the schools, so it must be a bad idea. The "party of science" is willing to dismiss Covid-19 facts if it will help them win the election.
Why do teachers want schools closed? Well, 71 percent of teachers voted against Trump in the 2016 election and less than 10 percent of college professors are conservative. Why are all schools, sporting events, and other large gatherings canceled with the exception of anti-Trump riots, looting and arson led by ANTIFA and BLM? Democratic activists in the teachers' unions across America seek to foster fear, hate and terror, so voters will demand change – even if it comes in the form of a candidate who appears to have Stage-four dementia. This hypocrisy is extraordinary.
Trump has exposed the cabal and fake news media for what it is: a biased extension of the Democratic Party hell bent on creating division rather than the unity America needs. No one can predict the future with 100 percent certainty; however, it is highly likely that there will be no winners in this election. It follows that the world will not be a safer, happier place unless we get real change and not Dementia Joe's brand of Marxism that he got direct from Bernie Sanders and the real leader of the Democratic Party and "squad," Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
Al Capone would be proud – Chicago is the corrupt, crime-infested murder capital of the US, a glimpse of a dystopian future: Mitchell Feierstein From RT
The Windy City is suffering record levels of shootings and homicides, yet its leaders, like all Democrats, are bowing to the mob and seeking to defund the police. It's insanity... but it's all aimed at toppling Trump.
Anything can happen, especially in a presidential election year in America. Democratic Party leadership in America has coordinated a well-organized and funded "resist everything" cabal, designed to terrorize Americans and impact the outcome of the November election. They aim to instil fear of thy neighbor across the country, while destabilizing and diminishing trust in government institutions and law enforcement, all in an attempt to overthrow the federal government.
The pillars of this conspiracy include Democratic Party activists within the judiciary, the US intelligence services and the FBI, as well as politicians, district attorneys, teachers' unions and professors. Rather than respecting the rule of law, these activists have been following the power-drunk dictates of the mob and its mob-rule.
SERVICE LIVESTREAMING SCHEDULE: Click the link below http://sfsobor.tilda.ws/livestreaming Service Schedule Services are conducted DAILY at the Cathedral: Liturgy at 8:00 am, Vespers & Matins at 6:00 pm. Current Schedule: Cathedral Bookstore Subscribe to Mailing list Breaking News - Russian Breaking News - English Newsletter_Russian Newsletter_English Donations PayPal: Please help support our Cathedral by clicking on the Donate button below. God Bless you! PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online! Links Православие и Мир ARCHBISHOP KYRILL: Open Letter to Governor G. Newsom: From the Holy Virgin of SF ROCOR Web Page
"This is open discrimination, hypocrisy and the infringement of our religious rights, prompting us to recall the era of godless persecutions in the USSR."
President Putin Says Homosexual Propaganda Needs to be Publicly Monitored: Tatiana Chaika of the Union of Orthodox Journalists from Russian Faith
Yekaterina Lakhova of the Russian Women's Union asked Putin to instruct the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology, and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor) to start monitoring advertising on the subject of sodomite propaganda. "There shouldn't be propaganda, but our advertising agencies hang up rainbows, beautiful colours. They do this as if surreptitiously, with beautiful words. Or advertise an ice cream, which they call 'Rainbow'. This, though indirectly, makes children grow used to that color, that flag, which was hung outside the United States Embassy," Lakhova said.
Despite pressure from progressives, no major changes in Democratic platform on Israel: Ron Kampeas from the Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Kosher Trump or Kosher Biden=Zio-War for Bibi, the Settlers, and the Temple Mount Kooks. Order plenty of American coffins for return to Dover AFB, especially if the Russians intervene. Sickening.
VIDEO: BLM Protesters Storm Church, Harass Children, Assault Parishioners, Threaten Parents with CPS: Amanda Prestigiacomo of Daily Wire from Russian Faith
"Stop hiding behind your godd*mn religion," another protesters shouted. "This church is racist," screamed another.
The protesters, repeatedly shouting "Black Lives Matter," even harassed and blocked churchgoers while they were with their young children, using a megaphone to scream at the families, shaming and threatening their parents with calls to CPS, or Child Protective Services.
Soviet Defector Yuri Bezmenov Accurately Predicted How America Would Decline: From Roosh Valizadeh
"The Rules Of Revolution"
1 . Corrupt the young, get them interested in sex, take them away from religion. Make them superficial and enfeebled.
2. Divide the people into hostile groups by constantly harping on controversial issues of no importance.
3. Destroy people's faith in their national leaders by holding the latter up for contempt, ridicule and disgrace.
4. Always preach democracy, but seize power as fast and as ruthlessly as possible.
How the Tech Giants Killed Jared Taylor's Free Speech Lawsuit Against Twitter: Jared Taylor from Russia Insider
As you may know, in 2018 I and American Renaissance sued Twitter after it banned our accounts. After some initial successes, we lost on a couple of crucial rulings and decided not to appeal. Here is the story.
A Nation Falling Apart: Piece by Piece: Philip Giraldi from the Unz Review
Coronavirus House Arrest & Ankle Bracelet Given To American Family: Faith King from Russian Faith
Read the story. The Police State is Coming to Your Neighborhood Next, Amerrikka.
Mark Dankof responds to King George W. Bush on his WOKE Letter on the George Floyd death: Mark Dankof from Twitter
Mark Dankof to George W. Bush: "You and Colin Powell will always have an eternal legacy: in history's outhouse."
The Ghislaine Maxwell U.S. Detention Memo: TechnoFog from Twitter
Zillions of Bucks. Zillions of Accounts. Zillions of Zionists, Mossad Assets, and Kosher Certified Pervs.
U.S. Collapsing Under Attack: PCR from Lew Rockwell
Jeffrey Epstein Confidante Ghislaine Maxwell Arrested on Sex Abuse Charges: NBC New York

Jeffrey Epstein was a Mossad agent, Ghislaine Maxwell was his Mossad handler, and everyone in Washington is complicit in the usurpation of our government by Jewish power.
Judge temporarily blocks publication of tell-all book by President Trump's niece: CNN
The US Army Field Band Celebrates PRIDE Month: VIDEO From You Tube via Twitter
The absolute succumbing of American Culture to Tribal Cultural Marxism and LGBTQ may be seen in this video. The 4th of July awaits.
Mark Dankof Notes that The Flag Flies over the Sullivan-Pompeo Embassy in Moscow : From Twitter
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky: The Hymn of The Cherubim: Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom : From You Tube
For Ambassador Sullivan in Moscow and a Queer State Department and US Army Field Band. God bless and protect the Russian Orthodox Church from the NWO, the Zio-Tribe, the CIA, the National Endowment for Democracy, the ADL, Queer MSM, and George Soros.
Orthodox Prayer Chant: Let My Prayer Arise: From You Tube
For Ambassador Sullivan in Moscow and a Queer State Department and US Army Field Band. God bless and protect the Russian Orthodox Church from the NWO, the Zio-Tribe, the CIA, the National Endowment for Democracy, the ADL, Queer MSM, and George Soros.
The Fathers of Marxism Knew Their Principles Would Lead to Legalized Pedophilia: Frederich Engels from Russian Faith
Homosexual pedophiles in the 1800s had secretly gained power in government. In a letter to Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels noticed this development and said, "they have such important men in all the old [political] parties and even in the new ones . . . they cannot fail to triumph."
If workers could unite to bring about a socialist revolution, then homosexuals and pedophiles could also unite, to bring about a sexual revolution . . .
Marx-Engels Correspondence
Engels To Marx
In London
Manchester, 22 June 1869
'Star-Spangled Banner' should be replaced with 'Imagine': American author: Donna Rachel Edmunds from the Jerusalem Post
The Star Spangled Banner" should be replaced as the American national anthem with John Lennon's "Imagine," an American activist and journalist has said.
Kevin Powell, author of 'When We Free the World,' made the suggestion during an interview with Yahoo Entertainment, in which he claimed that the Star Spangled Banner is problematic because the lyrics were written by a slave owner.
(When We Enslave the World With the Fed and the next Zio-War.)
Escape from Minneapolis and Seattle : Paul Craig Roberts from Lew Rockwell
The Old America Is Dead. Where Do We Go from Here?: Wayne Allensworth from the Unz Review
Yet, for the most part, until recently, the Blob has not confronted the Historic American Nation head-on. The Blob has been patient, killing us by the death of a thousand cuts, taking ground steadily through subversion, using propaganda and misinformation, censorship via Tech Totalitarians, and the slow encroachment of what the late Sam Francis called "anarcho-tyranny," with mass immigration ("the Great Replacement") as its weapon of mass destruction.
See Wayne's 3 Scenarios.
Keep the Children at Home: Theodore Dalrymple from Taki's Magazine
In 1952, the historian J.L. Talmon wrote a book titled The Origins of Totalitarian Democracy, and we may be seeing the first stage of such a democracy in the recent events. The phrase totalitarian democracy is not the contradiction in terms that it might at first appear, for there is little doubt that there are substantial numbers of people, mostly educated, who not in the least object to the imposition of a dictatorship of their own virtue in the name of the People.
Mark Dankof Musings to BLM, Raz Simone, and The Tribe: From Twitter
Mark Dankof to: #BlackLivesMatter @RazSimone @TimesofIsrael @georgesoros @GorelickMelanie @jdforward @Jerusalem_Post @ChristineNiles1 @haaretzcom #Antifa #AntifaDomesticTerrorists @Conf_of_Pres @JNS_org @WorldJewishCong #ActBlue @JewishWorker @jvplive @DNC @achitchcock @RBNLive @Michael_Voris
Or Did George Floyd Die of a Drug Overdose? Fatal Fentanyl: A Forensic Analysis: John Paul Leonard from the Unz Review
Truth is the first victim in politics. Factions and passions rule. Random facts are picked as weapons, no one thinks things through.
We need to understand the facts surrounding the death of George Floyd.
Many key facts are being ignored:
Floyd's blood tests showed a concentration of Fentanyl of about three times the fatal dose.
Fentanyl is a dangerous opioid 50 times more potent than heroin. It has rapidly become the most common cause of death among drug addicts.
The knee hold used by the police is not a choke hold, it does not impede breathing. It is a body restraint and is not known to have ever caused fatal injury.
Floyd already began to complain "I can't breathe" a few minutes before the neck restraint was applied, while resisting the officers when they tried to get him into the squad car. Fentanyl affects the breathing, causing death by respiratory arrest.
It was normal procedure to restrain Floyd because he was resisting arrest, probably in conjunction with excited delirium (EXD), an episode of violent agitation brought on by a drug overdose, typically brief and ending in death from cardiopulmonary arrest.
The official autopsy did indeed give cardiopulmonary arrest as the cause of death, and stated that injuries he sustained during the arrest were not life-threatening.
Videos of the arrest do not show police beating or striking Floyd, only calmly restraining him
In one video Floyd is heard shouting and groaning loudly and incoherently while restrained on the ground, which appears to be a sign of the violent, shouting phase of EXD. His ability to resist four officers trying to get him into the squad car is typical of EXD cases. A short spurt of superhuman strength is a classic EXD symptom.
George Floyd Was Not Killed by Police : Paul Craig Roberts from Lew Rockwell
Beware the Hijacking of U.S. Protests Into a 'Color Revolution': Max Parry from the Unz Review
Boston-based Albert Einstein Institute founded by Gene Sharp.
Despite ostensibly professing to use the same civil disobedience methods of Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr., Gene Sharp's manual for "non-violent resistance" entitled From Dictatorship to Democracy has been the blueprint used by political organizations around the world that have only served the interests of Western imperialism. Beginning with the Bulldozer Revolution in Serbia, the successful formula which ousted Milošević spread to other Central Asian and Eastern European nations overthrowing governments which resisted NATO expansion and the European Union's draconian austerity in favor of economic ties with Moscow. These were widely referred to in the media as 'Color Revolutions' and included the 2003 Rose Revolution in Georgia, the 2004 Orange Revolution in Ukraine and its 2014 Maidan coup d'état follow-up, as well as the 2005 Tulip Revolution in Kyrgyzstan, among others.
Other players: George Soros and his Open Society Foundation (OSF), National Endowment for Democracy (NED), Occupy Wall Street movement— the origins of OWS and its marketing campaign were traced to Adbusters, a media foundation that was the recipient of grants from the Democratic Party-connected Tides Foundation, a progressive policy center which receives significant endowments from none other than George Soros and the OSF.
. . . the Serbian political activist Srđa Popović, the founder of Otpor! ("resistance" in Serbian) and the Center for Applied Nonviolent Action and Strategies (CANVAS) political organizations which led the protests in 2000 which ousted the democratically-elected President of Serbia, Slobodan Milošević, known as the "Bulldozer Revolution." Not long after Popović's consulting of activists in Zuccotti Park, Wikileaks documents revealed the Belgrade-born organizer's significant ties to U.S. intelligence through the global intelligence platform Stratfor (known as the "shadow CIA").
Israelizing the American police, Palestinianizing the American people: Jeff Halper from Mondoweiss
Israel has not influenced U.S. law enforcement by training it to be more violent, but rather has served as a model in creating the American Security State.
Specifically, the "problem" facing the US in empowering its police to engage in homeland security was the wall erected by the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878. Like similar laws and regulations in other European states, the Posse Act strictly separates domestic law enforcement (internal security) from the deployment of the military (external security).
So even though US companies have the capability of producing military weapons, the "wall" has placed constraints on them from developing military-style police arms. This opens a huge market for Israel, not only custom-tailoring military weapons for law enforcement, but for the civilian market as well. The Israeli Weapons Industry (IWI) has opened a manufacturing plant in Middletown, PA, where it produces, for example, a pistol-sized Uzi submachine gun or police. That plant produces a wide variety of militarized weapons for law enforcement, including lines of Galil and Tavor assault rifles and a tactical rifle called the Zion-15. (Take a look at the IWI US website.) Israel is also the world's leader in drones, producing 60% of the global market. Drones are becoming staples of US police departments, but here, too, the "wall" poses a challenge: drones are commonly used for surveillance, but weaponized drones are still forbidden to US police.
Video: BLM is Anti-Catholic : From The Vortex
Mark Dankof: "This video warns Catholic and non-Catholic alike of the racist, Marxist, pro-abortion and LGBTQ ideology of Black Lives Matter. Share far and wide. Thanks to Michael Voris, Christine Niles, and Dr. Carol Swain for a fine presentation on Cultural Marxism and its links to ActBlue, George Soros, and major financial heavy hitters in the Democratic Party. The $64,000 question: How much of this money is Jewish in origin?"
Orthodox Christian Priest Talks About Race Stop treating the descendants of slaves like second class citizens!: Father Joseph Gleason of Russian Faith
There are literally millions of people living in Russia today, who are descendants of slaves, just like Irina. We need to show them respect, for even today, they are demonstrating incredible levels of honor, strength, and faith.
They are building churches, not burning them.
They are starting businesses, not vandalizing them.
They are upholding law and order, not making a mockery of it.
Instead of rioting, they are praying.
Instead of complaining, they are giving thanks.
Instead of marching through cities in protests, they are marching around monasteries in cross processions.
Instead looking for people they can blame, they are looking for people they can help.
Instead of demanding payments for the past, they are working to build a better future.
Instead of arrogantly asking other people to get down on their knees and bow down to them, they are the ones bowing their knees to Christ, repenting of their own sins, and following His example.
These are the people we honor. These are the people we look up to. They were Christians, they were slaves, and they were white.
So please explain to me, why should I be ashamed of the color of my skin? Why should I apologize for so-called "white privilege"?
Was it white privilege that drove millions of Russians into serfdom and slavery for hundreds of years?
Was it white privilege that enslaved the Irish?
Was it white privilege that made Will Smith one of America's most highly paid actors today?
If you look at the twenty highest paid professional athletes in the world, the majority of them are black. Is that because of white privilege?
According to the U.S. Department of Justice, blacks commit violent crimes against whites, far more often than whites commit such crimes against blacks. Is this an example of white privilege?
America's disintegration no longer sounds like a crazy prediction, but no one will like the consequences: Artyom Lukin from RT
Artyom Lukin is an associate professor of international relations at Far Eastern Federal University in Vladivostok, Russia. Follow him on Twitter @ArtyomLukin
The idea that the US may disintegrate is not the preserve of crackpot ex-KGB agents or non-mainstream American scholars. In 2010, none other than the renowned Harvard professor Niall Fergusson published an article in Foreign Affairs in which he argued that the US may meet an abrupt end as a unitary polity. According to Fergusson, "regardless of whether it is a dictatorship or a democracy, any large-scale political unit is a complex system" that has "the tendency to move from stability to instability quite suddenly." . . .
If America is doomed to fall apart, it will do so in its own unique way rather than replaying the Soviet scenario. In 2010, Fergusson saw financial and fiscal imbalances as the main risk to the US' continued existence. In 2020, these imbalances grew even bigger, putting at risk the status of the US dollar as the world's primary reserve currency. However, the decline of America's financial sustainability is now eclipsed by even more serious problems such as domestic political polarization and the increasing competition from China.
Fast forward to 2025. After another deeply divisive presidential election, the US is gripped by massive unrest, exacerbated by an epidemic of Covid-24, a new strain of coronavirus. China, whose relations with the US are now openly adversarial, decides it is the right moment to strike – Beijing pulls the plug on the US dollar by dumping the dollar-denominated assets and stopping the use of the US currency, triggering the meltdown of America's financial system. (As a Chinese expert noted back in 2019, "while appearing unassailable, the dollar may be much more vulnerable than many suspect… its end may arrive sooner than expected.")
Seattle's CHAZ: Retry Non-White Violent Convicts with Non-White Jurors: From Breitbart
Seattle, Washington's, Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) is demanding all non-white violent convicted criminals in prison be released and retried in court by non-white jurors only.
CHAZ, formed by anarchists, Antifa members, and Black Lives Matter activists, has released a list of demands that seeks to defund the Seattle Police Department and use the money to retry non-white convicts, provide unrestricted voting rights to inmates, and expunge the records of convicted marijuana traffickers.
Such a policy would mean that all non-white violent convicted criminals have their existing convictions and sentences expunged and be given new trials with non-white only jurors.
Another CHAZ demand asks that "prisoners currently serving time be given the full and unrestricted right to vote, and for Washington State to pass legislation specifically breaking from Federal law that prevents felons from being able to vote."
The policy would mean that close to 40,000 inmates serving sentences in local jails, state prisons, and federal prisons in Washington state would be granted the right to vote in all local, state, and federal elections.
An Eyewitness's Account of What is REALLY Happening in the Seattle Riots : Daisy Luther of the Organic Prepper from Lew Rockwell
An Eye-Witness's Shocking Account of What's Really Happening During the Seattle Riots - @lewrockwell @DaisyLuther @JayInslee @MayorJenny @seattletimes @SeattlePD @KING5Seattle @KIRO7Seattle
Governor Jay Inslee: Spineless? Deliberate? Useful Idiot?
Which Side Committed Treason in the Civil War? : Thomas DiLorenzo from Lew Rockwell
Do Deep State Elements Operate Within the Protest Movement?: Mike Whitney from the Unz Review
The protest movement is the mask that conceals the maneuvering of elites. The real target of this operation is the Constitutional Republic itself. Having succeeded in using the Lockdown to push the economy into severe recession, the globalists are now inciting a fratricidal war that will weaken the opposition and prepare the country for a new authoritarian order.
White supremacist militia camp in Russia trains Germans, Swedes: From Jerusalem Post
Soldiers guard a rally called the "Imperialist March" organized by the supporters of the Eurasian Youth Union Movement, a right-wing imperialist group who want to a return of the Russian empire in central Moscow April 8, 2007.
(photo credit: REUTERS/THOMAS PETER)
European white supremacists have been attending the Partizan military camp just outside St Petersburg for training in combat techniques.
German neo-Nazis have been travelling to Russia for weapons and martial arts training from a white supremacist organization, German news magazine Focus has reported.
Members from two neo-Nazi groups – the National Democratic Party and the Third Path – have been making their way to the training camp, known as Partizan, just outside St. Petersburg for training in paramilitary techniques, including in the use of weapons and explosives, and in military close combat.
http://www.presstv.com/Detail/2020/06/13/627350/US-police-brutality-Mark-Dankof: Mark Dankof interview from Press TV
The title suggests an ad hominem attack on the cops. It isn't. Listen.
We Must Dismantle Jewish Supremacy - Silence Is Not an Option: Thomas Dalton of Truth to Power from Russia Insider
This is the reality of the American situation, which is a condition of Jewish supremacy. This Jewish supremacy, furthermore, is the root cause of many social ills in this country, and is the cause of uncounted suffering here and around the world. It is this very Jewish supremacy which must be addressed, exposed, and destroyed, if we are to get to a better state of affairs in this country.
Those Pesky Statistics: Theodore Dalrymple from Taki's
Roughly speaking, a policeman in the United States is about fifty times more likely to be killed than to kill, and this is without taking into consideration that the majority of the killings by the police are at least prima facie justified by self-defense or the interruption or prevention of a serious crime. Let us exclude only half of those killings on these grounds (probably a gross underestimate): This means that a policeman is 100 times more likely to be killed than to kill.
Let us also suppose that the police are killed by black and white in the same proportion as blacks and whites commit homicide in general (again, a generous, that is to say a conservative, assumption). This means that a policeman is about fifteen times more likely to be killed by a black man than to kill a black man, and again this is not to take into account the fact that many of the police killings would be at least prima facie justified.
A black man is about thirty times more likely to be killed by another black man than to be killed by a policeman (and some of the police are themselves black, of course). A white man is only fifteen times more likely to be killed by someone of any race than to be killed by a policeman. Are the police biased against whites?
There's Something for Everyone With Times of Israel Sex Symbol Jacob Frey : From Mark Dankof on Twitter
Meet Zio-Media Darling @Jacob_Frey. Queer Marriage, Abortion-on-Demand, Israeli Krav Maga Training for American Police, Zio-Wars, the COVID-19 Surveillance State (H.R. 6666) with Mandatory Hypoxia Infliction, and urban riots and arson.
(Remember the John Belushi Saturday Night Live parody of Nixon asking Kissinger to pray before the former's resignation from the Presidency? "Get Down on Your Knees, Jew-Boy." 🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠. Poor Jacob. He gets down on his knees for an Anarchist and Marxist Love-In and gets booed out of his neighborhood anyway. 🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠)
Minneapolis' Jewish mayor opens up about Trump feud and becoming a sex symbol: Josefin Dolsten from the Times of Israel
Jacob Frey says he welcomes attention about his appearance following US president's Twitter attack because it undermines Nazi stereotype of ugly Jews.
(TOI and Jacob: Take A Big Hike.)
The Myth of Systemic Police Racism: Heather MacDonald from WSJ
This charge of systemic police bias was wrong during the Obama years and remains so today. However sickening the video of Floyd's arrest, it isn't representative of the 375 million annual contacts that police officers have with civilians. A solid body of evidence finds no structural bias in the criminal-justice system with regard to arrests, prosecution or sentencing. Crime and suspect behavior, not race, determine most police actions.
In 2019 police officers fatally shot 1,004 people, most of whom were armed or otherwise dangerous. African-Americans were about a quarter of those killed by cops last year (235), a ratio that has remained stable since 2015. That share of black victims is less than what the black crime rate would predict, since police shootings are a function of how often officers encounter armed and violent suspects. In 2018, the latest year for which such data have been published, African-Americans made up 53% of known homicide offenders in the U.S. and commit about 60% of robberies, though they are 13% of the population.
On Memorial Day weekend in Chicago alone, 10 African-Americans were killed in drive-by shootings. Such routine violence has continued—a 72-year-old Chicago man shot in the face on May 29 by a gunman who fired about a dozen shots into a residence; two 19-year-old women on the South Side shot to death as they sat in a parked car a few hours earlier; a 16-year-old boy fatally stabbed with his own knife that same day. This past weekend, 80 Chicagoans were shot in drive-by shootings, 21 fatally, the victims overwhelmingly black. Police shootings are not the reason that blacks die of homicide at eight times the rate of whites and Hispanics combined; criminal violence is.
Officer characteristics and racial disparities in fatal officer-involved shootings: From National Academy of Sciences
There is widespread concern about racial disparities in fatal officer-involved shootings and that these disparities reflect discrimination by White officers. Existing databases of fatal shootings lack information about officers, and past analytic approaches have made it difficult to assess the contributions of factors like crime. We create a comprehensive database of officers involved in fatal shootings during 2015 and predict victim race from civilian, officer, and county characteristics. We find no evidence of anti-Black or anti-Hispanic disparities across shootings, and White officers are not more likely to shoot minority civilians than non-White officers. Instead, race-specific crime strongly predicts civilian race. This suggests that increasing diversity among officers by itself is unlikely to reduce racial disparity in police shootings.
ROCOR Archbishop on Protests: From ROCOR Diocese of Mid America
CHICAGO: June 5, 2020
Message from Archbishop Peter of Chicago and Mid-America on the civil unrest in the US
Dear in Christ Clergy, Brothers and Sisters of our God-loving Diocese of Mid-America:
I greet you all with the great feast of Pentecost — Descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles and establishment of the Holy New-Testament Church of Christ.
Since the day of Her foundation, the Holy Church always defended and cared for the oppressed, widows, orphans, and homeless (Acts: III, 45; IV, 34-35; VI, 1-3). Besides, all charity was of free will and non-compulsory. (Acts: V, 4) And so it was throughout the ages.
State social services appeared rather recently.
The Holy Church was always against any kind of revolutions or forceful overturning of power. Instead, She supported civil evolution. For example, being persecuted, She peacefully, without any riots, changed the course of the pagan Roman Empire, having completely regenerated it.
The same was done by Orthodox Christian missionaries, who spread the Holy Gospel among different nations.
Look at the history of Holy Russia and compare by what means the Bolsheviks planted "equality."
Now we are experiencing great turmoil in our United States. Attempts are made to destroy all foundations of law and order. In the name of "justice" we see looting, destruction, and mayhem.
The Holy Church was always against such actions, and Orthodox Christians cannot participate or support them.
Apostle Paul writes that we should pray for the land we live in and its authorities. If there is peace in the land, so will the Church and Her children live in peace and prosperity.
Therefore, we should enforce our prayers for our American land and its peace and tranquility.
+Archbishop Peter
May 22/June 4, 2020
Righteous Melchizedek, King of Salem
The Media Has Conveniently Forgotten George W. Bush's Many Atrocities: James Bovard from Lew Rockwell
COVID-19 and Riots: The Operational Connection : Jon Rappoport from Lew Rockwell
'Everything Is Gone': Looting Strikes a Second Blow to Reeling Businesses in Minority Neighborhoods: From the Wall Street Journal
Along Philadelphia's 52nd Street corridor, mom-and-pop stores suffered major damage. Many had been gearing up for revival after weeks of coronavirus shutdowns, and some now face the prospect of months before reopening, if ever.
Robert E. Lee statue and Daughters of Confederacy building attacked by Richmond protesters: From the Washington Post
On a night of violence in the former capital of the Confederacy, protesters targeted Richmond's fraught history as they decried the killing of George Floyd Ť — a scene repeated in Charleston, S.C., Raleigh, N.C. and other Southern cities.
The statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee, which towers over Monument Avenue in Richmond, was covered with graffiti, including the phrases "No More White Supremacy," "Blood On Your Hands" and "Black Lives Matter." The Stonewall Jackson, JEB Stuart and Jefferson Davis memorials were also defaced. A noose hung from the statue of Davis, who was the president of the Confederacy and an ardent defender of slavery.
When Law Enforcement Takes a Knee: What do Democrat Bedwetters Say About Gun Control Now?: From Mark Dankof
Disarming the innocent while defunding the police???
Philadelphia on West 52nd Street: Who Are the Victims? https://www.wsj.com/articles/looting-is-second-blow-for-reeling-businesses-especially-in-minority-neighborhoods-11591214595
Garcia: Brehm is now an outcast in her own party: Gilbert Garcia from the San Antonio Express News
This time, Cynthia Brehm went too far.
This time, the Bexar County Republican Party chair crossed an invisible but unmistakable line.
This time, her conspiracy mongering was too toxic for the leadership of her party to stomach, too disturbing for them to publicly ignore.
As a result, Brehm has gone from being merely a divisive figure in her party to being isolated on her own political island.
Greg Abbott, John Cornyn, Ted Cruz, Chip Roy, Donna Campbell and Trish DeBerry have all called for Brehm to resign.
In a since-deleted Facebook post, Brehm suggested that the killing of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer — an act of such sadistic brutality that it drew near-universal condemnation — was a staged event carried out to undermine the "rising approval rating of President Trump in the black community."
You would be hard-pressed, even in this age of political absurdity, to find a more absurd and nonsensical sentence than the following one from Brehm:
"I think there is at the very least the 'possibility' that this was a filmed public execution of a black man by a white cop, with the purpose of creating racial tensions and driving a wedge in the growing group of anti deep state sentiment from common people, that have already been psychologically traumatized by COVID-19 fears."
National Justice Exclusive: Brooklyn Based "Antifa" Network Helping Organize Violence Across the Country: Eric Striker from Unz Review
The mainstream media has played its role in intentionally obfuscating who exactly the groups inciting the rioting and killing are by claiming "antifa" is not a group, which is a malicious half-truth. Law enforcement sources, Andy Ngo, and Fox News have identified two organizations as playing an active role in the carnage: The Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement and The Base.
These two groups are interlinked, and currently encouraging and organizing the violence in the New York City area.
Mark Dankof to Clinton/Obama DOJ Spokesman Brian Fallon: Defund the Police? Happy Flag Waving : From Mark Dankof
Colin Powell, Kenneth Adelman, and The Cakewalk Boardgame : From Mark Dankof
🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠 Sent to The Suspects at Their Expense. 🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺
Facebook to label Russia's Sputnik, Iran's Press TV and China's Xinhua News: Katie Paul from Sydney Morning Herald
San Francisco: Facebook will start labeling Russian, Chinese and other state-controlled media organisations as "state media", and later this northern summer will block any ads from such outlets that target US users, it said on Thursday.
The world's biggest social network will apply the label to Russia's Sputnik, Iran's Press TV and China's Xinhua News, according to a partial list Facebook provided. The company will apply the label to about 200 pages at the outset.
(Mark Dankof to Listeners and Readers: Look at the photo: What is the Münicher Sicherheitskonferentz?
See: https://securityconference.org/en/publications/munich-security-report-2020/
" The Munich Security Report features a number of exclusive and unpublished materials. For the preparation of the report, the Munich Security Conference Foundation collaborated with renowned partner institutions, including the Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED), The Brookings Institution, The Chicago Council on Global Affairs, International Crisis Group, The International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), Mercator Institute for China Studies (MERICS), McKinsey & Company, Pew Research Center, Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), and the Zentrum für Osteuropa- und international Studien (ZOiS)."
Zio-Media gets a Free Pass from the Münchener Sicherheitskonferentz! Surprise, Surprise! The New World Order doesn't want you reading what the Russians, Iranians, the Chinese, and others have to say. Zuckerberg's favorite year is "1984." 😉😉😉
As protesters continue to rally in DC, officials look to big Saturday: WTOP Washington
Also, watch the video at the bottom of the page showing masked senators dropping two their knees in front of Jew Chuck Schumer and fake Negress Kamala Harris, while maintaining proper social distancing. Cowards, traitors, and fools the lot of them!
Cops Kill Because We Gave Them The Legal Framework To Do It: James Bovard from TAC
" Rather than burning and looting, protesters should turn their ire on lawmakers and judges who facilitate police immunity."
When Jews Define Fascism : Andrew Joyce from the Unz Review
The individuals profiled by The Burkean are unquestionably disciples of the latter tradition, a recent example of which is Jason Stanley's How Fascism Works: The Politics of Us and Them (2018). Stanley, a Jewish professor at Yale whose background is in language and epistemology and not history or politics, hasn't published any peer-reviewed material on Fascism or anti-Fascism, but his 2018 book proved a moderate publishing sensation because it represented a thinly veiled attack on the Trump administration. The same administration provoked similar ill-conceived and unhelpful monographs on Fascism from Cass Sunstein (Can it Happen Here?), Madeleine Albright (Fascism: A Warning), and Harvard duo Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt (How Democracies Die). All of these individuals are Jews, and this is not a coincidence. In fact, since the production of Leon Trotsky's Fascism: What it is and How to Fight It (compiled between 1922 and 1933) and the Frankfurt School's project on the "Authoritarian Personality," Jews have been at the forefront of paving the cultural, as well as political, path to Antifa activity. They do so by bastardising public understanding of the nature of Fascist politics, thereby shaping "anti-Fascism" as a vehicle for the undermining of the White nation. When it comes to Fascism, "Jews know it when they see it," a pronouncement we are all encouraged to accept without question.
Where Have You Gone, Donald Trump? A Nation Turns Its Yearning Eyes to You: From James Kirkpatrick from the Unz Review
President Donald Trump ran on a Law And Order platform in 2016 but he's currently presiding over the most widespread civil disorder of this generation. The obvious reality: these riots are simply an excuse for blacks to loot without fear of punishment. Without an immediate policy of ruthless coercion directed and executed by the federal government, most Americans will correctly assume that Trump is unwilling or incapable of defending their lives and property. If so, his re-election campaign is probably finished—and America along with it.
'There was a child inside!' Rioters torched house & blocked firefighters, Richmond police chief says, promising arrests: From RT
Peaceful protests in Richmond escalated into violence on Saturday, with a radical mob setting ablaze a police cruiser, a bus and several buildings, including the United Daughters of the Confederacy headquarters. One of their targets was a building in Broad Street, in which there was a child, Richmond Police Chief Will Smith told journalists on Sunday.
The head of police in Richmond, Virginia choked up describing how rioters set a building on fire and wouldn't let a fire truck get to the scene, requiring officers to forcefully intervene to save a child trapped inside.
Historic St. John's Church near White House set on FIRE as protests rage in Washington DC (VIDEOS): From RT
The St. John's Episcopal Church in Lafayette Square, a historic landmark located just 300 meters from the White House, was the targeted of apparent arson amid the chaos. Footage from the scene showed flames raging inside. The walls of the church have been tagged with graffiti.
The church is among the best-known landmarks in Washington DC and has been attended by every sitting president of the US since it was built over two centuries ago.
Gretchen Whitmer Silent After Governor's Office Attacked by Rioters: From Breitbart
Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer's (D) office building was attacked in downtown Lansing on Sunday, and so far, she has not responded to that, or the other destruction in the capital city.
The George Romney Building — named after Sen. Mitt Romney's (R-UT) father — suffered damage after rioters broke several windows and sprayed graffiti on pillars.
Websites: Alternative News : From The Last American Vagabond
Kitat Kohenut and the Israeli Police State in Amerikka: From Mark Dankof
Zionist vigilantism in 2010 accompanies Israeli-trained American police forces in major cities from Baltimore to the George Floyd murder in Minneapolis. But the ultimate target, MSM notwithstanding, is the anti-Zionist American Right. See the Missouri Information Action Center report which surfaced in 2008 on the ADL profiling provided to Federal and State law enforcement.
Deadly Exchange: The Dangerous Consequences of American Law Enforcement Trainings in Israel: From Jewish Voice for Peace
Caveat: See https://mark1marti2.wordpress.com/2015/06/09/mark-dankof-responds-to-the-jewish-voice-for-peace-broadside-of-alison-weir-poetry-for-palestine/ on JVP.
It is time for the US to end its deadly exchange programmes with Israel: Nasim Ahmed from the Middle East Monitor
According to Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP), police brutality of the kind that led to the death of George Floyd is a consequence of the "best practices" and expertise in counterterrorism techniques taught to US law enforcement officials during their training in Israel. Thousands of these officials from across the US have been sent to Israel for training, and thousands more have participated in conferences and workshops with Israeli personnel. JVP has documented this in its report Deadly Exchange which highlights the "the dangerous consequences of American law enforcement training in Israel."
The state of Minnesota, where Floyd was killed, trains its police officers in the best that Israel has to offer in the art of suppression. At least 100 of its law enforcement officers attended a counterterrorism conference with their Israeli counterparts in 2012. Concerns that law enforcement operations could violate civil rights were apparently discussed during the conference.
When the U.S. Department of Justice published a report Aug. 10 that documented "widespread constitutional violations, discriminatory enforcement, and culture of retaliation" within the Baltimore Police Department (BPD), there was rightly a general reaction of outrage.
But what hasn't received as much attention is where Baltimore police received training on crowd control, use of force and surveillance: Israel's national police, military and intelligence services.
Baltimore law enforcement officials, along with hundreds of others from Florida, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, California, Arizona, Connecticut, New York, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Georgia, Washington state as well as the DC Capitol police have all traveled to Israel for training. Thousands of others have received training from Israeli officials here in the U.S.
Many of these trips are taxpayer funded while others are privately funded. Since 2002, the Anti-Defamation League, the American Jewish Committee's Project Interchange and the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs have paid for police chiefs, assistant chiefs and captains to train in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT).
The Justin Amash Libertarian Candidacy? 5 States Could Sink Trump : Mark Dankof from Twitter
See: https://www.ontheissues.org/Justin_Amash.htm
Trump and Pompeo want Zionist and Neo-Con Crusades in Iran, Syria, Lebanon, and Venezuela for openers? Trump, Pompeo, and Pence love the 3rd Temple Movement in Greater Israel's United Jerusalem? Trump and Company and Biden support World War III for Bibi, John Hagee, and Franklin Graham?
Texas, Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Michigan ballot access for Justin Amash would sink Trump and his Israel First platform. Biden is Israel First and World War III.
5 Key States: Think about it. The Clock is Ticking.
Brainwashing and the New Vocabulary: 12 Words and Phrases I Never Want to Hear Again: Daisy Luther of the Organic Prepper from Lew Rockwell
The New Normal; We're All in This Together; Stay Home; Social Distancing; 6 Feet; Essential; Pivot;
Uncertain or Unprecedented Times; Flatten the Curve; Safe; (Dishonorable Mention: Curbing the Spread and Wash Your Hands.)
HEAD OF THE HYDRA: THE RISE OF ROBERT KADLEC: Whitney Webb from The Last American Vagabond
Last Friday, a group of Democratic Senators "demanded" that the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR) Robert Kadlec, "accurately disclose all his personal, financial and political ties in light of new reporting that he had failed to do so previously" after it was revealed that he had failed to note all "potential conflicts of interest" on his nomination paperwork.
The report in question, published last Monday by The Washington Post, detailed the ties of Kadlec to a man named Fuad El-Hibri, the founder of a "life sciences" company first known as BioPort and now called Emergent Biosolutions. Kadlec had previously disclosed his ties to El-Hibri and Emergent Biosolutions for a separate nomination years prior, but had failed to do so when nominated to head ASPR.
Adelson and the Kosher Vegas Spy Boys v Julian Assange : Max Blumenthal from The Gray Zone
How to Ruin an Official Seminary Photo With Your African American Friends🤠: From Twitter
Dr. Bruce Fields has passed. He is in the first picture, 3rd Row, Second from Left. I'm in Row One, Far Left deliberately ruining Take One of an Official Seminary Photo. Second Photo: The Icon I sent Bruce in the last year of his earthly life. christianitytoday.com/ct/2020/april-… Romans 10:9.
Bronx Cheer of The Week For: Andrew Cuomo: Mark Dankof from Twitter
The American Friends: New Court Files Expose Sheldon Adelson Security Team in Operation Against Julian Assange: Max Blumenthal from The Gray Zone
An exclusive investigation by The Grayzone reveals new details on the critical role Sheldon Adelson's Las Vegas Sands played in an apparent CIA spying operation targeting Julian Assange, and exposes the Sands security staff who helped coordinate the malicious campaign.
(UC Global, David Morales, guarding Correa's kids, working with the CIA, Adelson, and against Assange. Grim.)
PA's Transgender Health Secretary Focusing on Gender Identity in Collecting Virus Data: Hannah Bleau from Breitbart
Gov. Tom Wolf's (D) office this week announced that the state's health department, under transgender Health Secretary Rachel Levine, is focusing on gender identity and sexual orientation or expression in the state's collection of coronavirus data.
Governor Tom Wolf today took another step in his commitment to fair treatment and inclusion of LGBTQ Pennsylvanians by announcing ways the community will be counted in COVID-19 data," his office announced on Wednesday.
According to the announcement, the Department of Health "will be conducting extensive case histories investigations as part of contact tracing on those who test positive for the virus" as individual counties begin moving from the red phase to yellow. As a result, the department will work with Sara Alert, described as a "new data collection platform," and has requested a "system modification to the platform to collect sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) data":
Small plane pulling banner with the words "Chinese virus" flies over San Antonio: Deborah Ruiz from KTSA San Antonio
SAN ANTONIO (KTSA News) – A small plane pulling a banner that read "Say Chinese Virus. com" flew over San Antonio Monday. KENS-TV got video of the banner in the west side.
Meanwhile, a small group gathered at the Alamo to protest a resolution unanimously approved by the San Antonio City Council last week condemning racism and hate speech and the use of words like Chinese virus to describe COVID-19.
"It is a resolution. It doesn't create new law," said Mayor Ron Nirenberg at Monday evening's COVID-19 briefing. "It doesn't abridge anyone's rights."
He said city council is focused on recovery from the pandemic.
"It took a few moments of city council to pass unanimously a resolution condemning racism that we've seen throughout this pandemic," Nirenberg said.
The resolution states that COVID-19 is a public health issue, not a racial, religious or ethnic one, and that the use of terms such as "Chinese virus" or "Kung Fu virus" encourages hate crimes against Asians. The resolution states that all persons are encouraged to report discriminatory or racist incidents to the proper authorities for investigation.
Nirenberg says they're not infringing on anyone's free speech rights.
"People are free to continue to exercise their first amendment rights and if they use it to speak in racist tones, the penalization is the shame of that," said Nirenberg.
Seth Rich Refuses to Stay Buried: Jack Cashill from the American Thinker
"I am reliably informed that the NSA or its partners intercepted at least some of the communications between Mr. Rich and Wikileaks," wrote attorney Ty Clevenger in a startling letter last week to Richard Grennell, Interim Director of National Intelligence.
COVID-19 Rebellion and Showdown? Pennsylvania : Zachary Wolf from CNN
Statement of Governor Wolf of PA is linked.
Facebook Removes News Outlets in Latest Orwellian Purge: Dave DeCamp from Antiwar.com
Over the past three years, Facebook has been removing accounts for participating in what they call "coordinated inauthentic behavior" (CIB). According to Facebook's head of cybersecurity policy, the Orwellian term refers to when "groups of pages or people work together to mislead others about who they are or what they're doing." Facebook takes down accounts for CIB due to "deceptive behavior" not for sharing false information. In the latest purge, Facebook removed accounts from two news outlets, SouthFront and News Front.
The two outlets have no affiliation; the only thing they share besides the word "Front" in their names is content that does not toe the Western mainstream media line.
In its effort to remove CIB and limit "disinformation," Facebook partners with the Atlantic Council's Digital Forensics Research Lab (DFRLab). The Atlantic Council is a Washington-based think-tank that receives funding from Western and Gulf State governments, defense contractors, and social media outlets. Some of its top contributors for the 2018 fiscal year include the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office, the Embassy of the UAE to the US, the US State Department, Lockheed Martin, and Raytheon.
'Open anti-Semitism': Leaked letter shows Ukrainian police demanded Jews' names & addresses 'to fight organized crime': From RT
Outrage is brewing in Ukraine after the leak of an inquiry letter in which the national police demanded the Jewish community in a small city disclose the names and addresses of its members, supposedly to fight organized crime.
The letter was apparently sent in mid-February by a senior police official to Yakov Zalishchiker, the Jewish leader in the city of Kolomyya in the western Ivano-Frankivsk region. The official said he needed to know the names, phone numbers, and addresses of Orthodox Jews and university students "of Jewish ethnicity" who belong to the community.
The data was said to be necessary to fight "transnational and ethnic criminal organizations," which is the task of the department whose head sent the inquiry. Photo of the letter and Zalishchiker's written refusal to comply were published on Sunday by Eduard Dolinsky, director of the Ukrainian Jewish Committee.
Henry Makow Poll: What Name Would You Give the Coronavirus? 🤠🤠🤠: Mark Dankof from Twitter
Chinese Virus: 10%
Gates-Fauci Virus: 22%
Rothschild Virus 19%
All of the Above: 49%
@tedcruz @Ron_Nirenberg @News4SA @ktsanews @Judge_wolff @COSAGOV Take the Poll🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠@saddamscribe dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8… @HenryMakow @RBNLive @dmitrievaoo @achitchcock @RT_com @PressTV @vplusen @Professor_Foote @ma_khodabandeh @AnneKhodabandeh @Tasnimnews_EN @UnzReview
Russian billionaire found dead in his gym was murdered, his sons claim: Tycoon who played hockey with Putin was 'obsessed with security' following business wars in Moscow and US: Will Stewart from UK MailOnline
The two sons of a colourful Russian coal baron found dead in his private gym fear he was murdered, say reports.
The body of billionaire Dmitry Bosov, 52, who played ice hockey with Vladimir Putin, was discovered by his second wife Katerina with a gunshot wound to his head in a 'suspected suicide' at his Moscow mansion.
But his adult sons, backed by law enforcement experts, have called for a full criminal investigation into whether he was murdered, reported Moskovsky Komsomolets (MK) newspaper.
Bosov had seven months ago paid $30 million in cash for a landmark Beverly Hills property but was also known to be in several business wars in Russia and the US.
The youngest of his five children, daughter Bella Alexa, aged two, is a social media star with 354,000 followers whose biography describes her as a 'Rich Kid of Beverly Hills'.
It is known that Bosov - who controlled coal giant Siberian Anthracite and boasted he would live to be 100 - had recently become obsessed with his security.
His sons Artyom, 29, and Anton, 24, are believed to be raising concerns over the circumstances of their father's death with the Russian Investigative Committee which is so far treating the death as suspected suicide, said MK.
A family source said: 'He always participated in the lives of his children, showed hyper-concern and took care of them in every possible way.
'It is impossible to imagine he wanted to depart like this.'
Eduard Dolinsky: Sweating a Bit?: J. J. Peregrine from Twitter
~ Ukraine maybe going a tad further than the Jewish jorno at the Jewish owned & managed [New York] <> writing an extensively detailed piece on Jewish-controlled "Russian Mafia..."
@STPNewsman @afpwebmaster @EMichaelJones1 @jamesperloff @Know_More_News @HenryMakow @DankofMark
Eduard Dolinsky, Director General of the Ukrainian Jewish Community: "Ukraine's National Police department demanded from the Jewish community of Kolomiya to provide police the list of all Jews with addresses and mobile phones and Jewish students in universities with addresses and phones. It is explained as fight against transnational criminal gangs."
The 42,220+ Videos Censored by You Tube: Henry Makow on Twitter
SCREEN NEW DEAL Under Cover of Mass Death, Andrew Cuomo Calls in the Billionaires to Build a High-Tech Dystopia: Naomi Klein from The Intercept
FOR A FEW fleeting moments during New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo's daily coronavirus briefing on Wednesday, the somber grimace that has filled our screens for weeks was briefly replaced by something resembling a smile.
"We are ready, we're all-in," the governor gushed. "We are New Yorkers, so we're aggressive about it, we're ambitious about it. … We realize that change is not only imminent, but it can actually be a friend if done the right way."
The inspiration for these uncharacteristically good vibes was a video visit from former Google CEO Eric Schmidt, who joined the governor's briefing to announce that he will be heading up a blue-ribbon commission to reimagine New York state's post-Covid reality, with an emphasis on permanently integrating technology into every aspect of civic life.
"The first priorities of what we're trying to do," Schmidt said, "are focused on telehealth, remote learning, and broadband. … We need to look for solutions that can be presented now, and accelerated, and use technology to make things better." Lest there be any doubt that the former Google chair's goals were purely benevolent, his video background featured a framed pair of golden angel wings.
Just one day earlier, Cuomo had announced a similar partnership with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to develop "a smarter education system." Calling Gates a "visionary," Cuomo said the pandemic has created "a moment in history when we can actually incorporate and advance [Gates's] ideas … all these buildings, all these physical classrooms — why with all the technology you have?" he asked, apparently rhetorically.
It has taken some time to gel, but something resembling a coherent Pandemic Shock Doctrine is beginning to emerge. Call it the "Screen New Deal." Far more high-tech than anything we have seen during previous disasters, the future that is being rushed into being as the bodies still pile up treats our past weeks of physical isolation not as a painful necessity to save lives, but as a living laboratory for a permanent — and highly profitable — no-touch future.
Kenneth Copeland Video: Judgment is Executed on COVID-19 : From You Tube
Televangelist Jim Bakker is recovering from a stroke, his wife says: From CNN
CNN)Famed televangelist Jim Bakker recently had a stroke, his wife said. His eponymous TV show will continue to film without him while he recovers.
Lori Bakker announced her 80-year-old husband would take a sabbatical from "The Jim Bakker Show," the Christian TV program the couple cohosts.
Working nonstop took a "huge toll" on her husband's health, she said. Bakker was recently sued by Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt for claiming a silver product could kill coronavirus.
"We are thankful that Jim is okay, and that he is now at home with our family," she wrote in a Facebook post from the show's page. "Jim will be back!"
For decades, Bakker and his then-wife, the late Tammy Faye Messner, ran the evangelistic empire "Praise the Lord," or PTL, from their own theme park in Fort Mill, South Carolina, near Charlotte, North Carolina. The two hosted "The PTL Club," one of the best-known Christian programs of its time, throughout the 1970s and '80s.
He stepped down from the ministry in 1987 amid financial and sex scandals. The Charlotte Observer reported then that he'd paid off a church secretary with whom he'd had sex. He briefly handed over the reins to fellow televangelist Jerry Falwell Sr.
Two years later, he was charged with fraud and sentenced to 45 years in prison, though he served just under five.
He returned to TV in the 2000s with "The Jim Bakker Show," this time filmed from Missouri with his second wife, Lori, as cohost.
But on a February episode of the show, Bakker and a guest discussed a product, called "Silver Solution," that they claimed could eliminate the coronavirus from the body within hours. There's currently no cure for the novel coronavirus, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
In March, Schmitt, the Missouri Attorney General, sued Bakker and "The Jim Bakker Show" production company for misrepresenting "Silver Solution" as a coronavirus cure.
"Anyone who has bought 'Silver Solution' from 'The Jim Bakker Show' should know that it cannot cure or treat coronavirus," the Missouri Attorney General office announced in a statement.
Get Well, Jim! We Need You in These Dark Times!
Movie: Plandemic : From the Plandemic Movie Site
Prior to the completion of the full-length documentary we'll be releasing a series of vignettes. The first installment features renowned scientist, Judy Mikovits PHD.
This has become so much more than just a documentary. This is humanity's chance to stand for free speech and integrity in all sectors. Please join our community and help spread the message.
Nebraska trucker who lost fingers from firework blast sought workers' comp payout: Todd Cooper from the Omaha World Herald
Like the small mortar that nearly destroyed his hand, a workers' compensation claim has backfired on a Lincoln man.
The Nebraska Court of Appeals summarily rejected a truck driver's claim that he should receive workers' compensation after he blew off the ends of his fingers while trying to entertain a warehouse manager in Omaha.
Webber called himself a "dumbass" for the explosion but nonetheless argued that he should receive workers' compensation from his insurance carrier.
Webber, an independent trucker, said his use of the explosive that June 2016 day was part of his rapport-building with a warehouse manager with whom he worked as part of his job providing moving services.
San Antonio passes resolution declaring the term 'Chinese virus' hate speech - as Ted Cruz calls the decision 'nuts': From the UK Daily Mail
Mayor Ron Nirenberg, who put forward the now-passed resolution, blamed the use of the terms Chinese virus and Kung Fu virus for a rise in hate speech during the course of the coronavirus pandemic.
The Texas city will now ask its citizens to 'report any such antisemitic, discriminatory or racist incidents to the proper authorities for investigation', according to San Antonio's WOAI-TV.
US senator Ted Cruz blasted the decision as 'nuts'. He added that the council were acting like 'a lefty college faculty lounge'.
In a tweet on Thursday he wrote: 'This is NUTS. SA City Council behaving like a lefty college faculty lounge, triggered by Chick-fil-A & the words "Wuhan virus".
Who Killed RFK?: Filmmaker: Bahiya Namour from Al Jazeera
Must view as an overview of what has proven to be anything but an Open and Shut Case.
RFK Assassination : From Mary Ferrell
Baltimore Police Now Recording All Citizens With Full-time Aerial Cameras: Luis Miguel from The New American
Big Brother just scored another major win.
Beginning Friday, Baltimore's 600,000 residents will be under constant video surveillance and find themselves recorded whenever they step outdoors by airplanes leased out to the local police department — part of the city's campaign to combat rising homicide rates.
The program is slated to run as a trial for the next six months to determine the technology's effectiveness at reducing crime. Up to three aircraft will be equipped with wide-angle cameras to capture all movement in approximately 90 percent of the city.
The cameras will take one photo per second, and the images can be pieced together with software in order to create a continuous visual record to support other surveillance technology already in place, such as street-level cameras, license-plate readers, and gunfire-sound detectors.
Remembering the Jews of Kent State : From JTA Forward
50 years later: 3 of the 4 dead were Jewish. Strange twist.
#MustSuckToBeChuck hashtag for Chuck Schumer : From Twitter
It really does. 🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠
Billionaire-Backed 'Human Rights Watch' Lobbies for Lethal US Sanctions as COVID Crisis Rages: Ben Norton from Russia Insider
Regime change-hungry HRW is proudly taking credit for crushing new US sanctions on Nicaragua while pushing to escalate Washington's economic war on Venezuela. The Grayzone presents a deep dive into the "human rights" arm of US empire.
The same strategy is apparent in Venezuela, another leftist country in Latin America targeted by an ongoing US coup attempt. Having spent over a decade demonizing the socialist government in Caracas, HRW is now calling for more painful sanctions to be levied against the country, which is already under an illegal, unilateral US blockade that has caused the deaths of at least 40,000 civilians, and perhaps as many as 100,000.
HRW was founded during the height of the Cold War as Helsinki Watch, an anti-Soviet lobby group closely linked to the US government and funded by the Ford Foundation, which served as a CIA passthrough.
Ken Roth has directed HRW for 27 years – far longer than most leaders he derides as dictators. Having begun his career as a federal prosecutor in the US Attorney Southern District of New York Office, Roth has never deviated much from Washington's foreign-policy agenda.
This January, Roth helped justify the Trump administration's extrajudicial execution of top Iranian general Qassem Soleimani, a brazen act of war that nearly plunged the region into a catastrophic conflict. In recent months, he has taken his longstanding resentment of China's government to unhinged levels, likening Beijing to Nazi Germany and spreading a fake video of a special effects training which he implied depicted Chinese "killer robots."
All the while, Roth's organization has marketed itself as a noble and absolutely impartial defender of human rights. Its disingenuous global branding campaign has been possible thanks to a $100 million grant from billionaire George Soros.
Is Trump the Antichrist? 🤠🤠🤠: From Mark Dankof: Promo for Slattery and NBR on RBN
No, he isn't. Find out why there's iron clad proof. 🤠🤠🤠
Vision Plus TV in Iran: From Vision Plus
Fascinating source for news, analysis, and interviews. Mark Dankof interview soon.
Will the Coronavirus Kill the New World Order?: Pat Buchanan from Rasmussen
In the pre-Trump era, Republicans held hands with liberal Democrats in embracing NAFTA, GATT, the WTO and most-favored-nation trade privileges for China.
In retrospect, was it wise to have relied on China to produce essential parts for the supply chains of goods vital to our national security? Does it appear wise to have moved the production of pharmaceuticals and lifesaving drugs for heart disease, strokes and diabetes to China? Does it appear wise to have allowed China to develop a virtual monopoly on rare earth minerals crucial to the development of weapons for our defense?
Harvey Weinstein's "Fixers" in Charlottesville Case: JasonKessler.us
It's interesting how these same (((people))) keep popping up everywhere.
Covid-19 is deadly, but it will never kill the relentless stupidity of Wokeness: Michael McCaffrey
As the 'woke' reaction to coronavirus has shown, even a pandemic won't slow down the incessant political correctness of woke culture.
The coronavirus pandemic is a very scary and unsettling time for all of us. Everyone one I know is worried about their health, their finances, or both.
Every cough or sniffle feels like a potential calamity and every missed paycheck and new bill coming-due is like the onset of economic ruin. No one knows if or when life will get back to normal and we can resume working without fear of infection and with it the possibility of death. All of this uncertainty is extremely unnerving.
But, thankfully, there is something that can anchor us to our carefree, pre-coronavirus past…something persistent and reliable that, like herpes, will stick with us through thick and thin. I am, of course, referring to the idiotically self-defeating, painfully myopic and infuriatingly insipid, politically correct philosophy known as wokeness.
White House, Dems 'very close' to deal to aid virus-hit businesses: From Press TV
"We're very close," Vice President Mike Pence told "Fox News Sunday" about negotiations on replenishing the Paycheck Protection Program whose entire $349 billion funding was exhausted by last Thursday.
Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin expressed hope a final package could be reached and passed by Congress in the coming days.
"I think we're very close to a deal today," Mnuchin told CNN's "State of the Union", putting forward a new target number of $300 billion, beyond the $250 billion under discussion last week.
Mnuchin said the White House has also agreed to add $75 billion to hospitals and first responders, and $25 billion to ramp up virus testing -- clear wins for Democrats.
The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) was part of a massive $2.2 trillion stimulus bill passed late last month to spare the world's largest economy the worst effects of the pandemic.
Yet, unemployment data shows 22 million people have lost their jobs since mid-March.
US notified Israel about coronavirus in mid-November: Israeli TV: From Press TV
An Israeli TV network claims that US intelligence agencies knew of an emerging coronavirus outbreak in China and gave Israel an advance warning in mid-November 2019, more than a month before clusters of infection in China started to be globally reported.
US intelligence agencies had become aware of the outbreak as it spread early on in central China's Wuhan City, Israel's i24 news website cited a report by Israeli broadcaster Channel 12 as saying on Thursday.
The agencies decided to warn US allies, such as the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) countries and Israel, after initially passing the information on to the White House, "which did not deem it of interest," according to the report.
The report did not specify when US intelligence agencies allegedly first learned of the coronavirus outbreak before notifying Israel in November.
The report added that the information "reached Israel's decision-makers and the Health Ministry" shortly later, but ultimately "nothing" was done.
The revelation comes a week after the US-based ABC News published a report citing informed sources as saying that US intelligence services had been warning since November that a potentially "cataclysmic" outbreak was unfolding in Wuhan.
US far-right extremists are now calling social distancing a Nazi policy: From The Times of Israel
Fringe activists are comparing governors fighting COVID-19 to Hitler; Jewish leaders fear the conspiratorial rhetoric will lead to violence against the Jewish community.
Unz.com, Described by ADL as 'Hardcore Anti-Semitic', Surges Past Most Alt Media, Left and Right, Many Mainstream Sites: From Russia Insider
"Even more remarkable has been our growth relative to such venerable and mainstream opinion publications as The Nation and The New Republic, with our traffic regularly exceeding the former and surpassing the latter by some 60%. From the early 1980s onward, TNR had regularly been ranked for decades as America's most influential opinion magazine ..."
Disgruntled Feminist Calls Dankof an Asshole for COVID-19 Mask Decoration Thoughts to the NYT🤠🤠🤠: From Twitter
Follow the Thread. 🤠🤠🤠🍺🍺🍺👍👍👍
@2_vexed on @DankofMark 🤠🤠🤠🍺🍺🍺❤️❤️❤️@dmitrievaoo @Professor_Foote @ma_khodabandeh @RBNLive @achitchcock @CBausman @AnneKhodabandeh @DrDavidDuke @Michael46114186 @NRA @PatrickBuchanan @PressTV @Tasnimnews_EN @lewrockwell @LouDobbs @KremlinRussia_E @RonUnz1 @SyrianaAnalysis
Mark Dankof to Governor Cuomo: Thoughts on Flags, Unity, and Abe Lincoln : Mark Dankof from Twitter
I don't want to hit @NYGovCuomo beneath the belt right now, but I'd prefer his Unity approach for All Americans to be reflected on his profile page by the American flag. I also sent him a different perspective on Abraham Lincoln. mark1marti2.wordpress.com/2020/01/21/boo… @dmitrievaoo @PressTV
Flu Misinformation and Coronavirus Fears: My Letter to Sanjay Gupta: RFK, Jr. from Lew Rockwell
'Fire Fauci, let us work': No social distancing as Alex Jones joins hundreds in rally against Covid-19 lockdown measures in Texas: From RT
Texans flocked to the state's Capitol in Austin to protest Covid-19 lockdown measures, refusing to practice social distancing and cheering for Dr. Anthony Fauci to be fired by President Donald Trump.
In attendance at Saturday's 'You Can't Close America' Rally were InfoWars founder Alex Jones and host Owen Shroyer, who led the crowd of some 200 people in chants against the mainstream media and officials like Fauci.
Shroyer, who referred to the doctor as "fascist Fauci," asked the crowd: "Do you think Anthony Fauci should be fired?", before leading them in chants of "Fire Fauci."
Covid-19 Shutdowns: Constitutional Sheriffs vs Political Sheriffs: Faye Higbee from Conservative Firing Line
There's trouble brewing in law enforcement around the nation, as Sheriffs begin to take sides in the COVID-19 shutdowns. It has grown into Constitutional Sheriffs vs Political Sheriffs.
An example is Michigan, where numerous lawsuits are pending against Governor Gretchen Whitmer over her egregious shutdown order that has thousands of her own constituents angry. There are several Sheriffs who are refusing to enforce any orders that infringe on the people's rights. Medical recommendations, okay. The rest, not so much.
Michigan Live reported,
In a joint press release issued as thousands of residents protest at the state capital in Lansing, Leelanau County Sheriff Mike Borkovich, Benzie County Sheriff Ted Schendel, Manistee County Sheriff Ken Falk and Mason County Sheriff Kim Cole said they will not strictly enforce Whitmer's orders in their counties.
"While we understand her desire to protect the public, we question some restrictions that she has imposed as overstepping her executive authority," the sheriffs wrote. "She has created a vague framework of emergency laws that only confuse Michigan citizens."
Instead of strict enforcement, the sheriffs say they "will deal with every case as an individual situation and apply common sense."
"Each of us took an oath to uphold and defend the Michigan Constitution, as well as the US Constitution, and to ensure that your God given rights are not violated," the sheriffs said. "We believe that we are the last line of defense in protecting your civil liberties."
"Together, as a community, we will overcome this pandemic, and as Americans, we will persevere and come out stronger than before. As sheriffs of your community we want you to know we have your back and will continue to serve the people who have entrusted us with your protection."
Activists and pastors sue Texas governor over stay-at-home order: From The Hill
Activists and pastors filed a lawsuit against Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) over his stay-at-home order Thursday, saying it violates their constitutional rights.
Steve Hotze, a conservative activist, and several Houston-area pastors accused the state's governor and Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton of "imposing draconian, unconstitutional requirements" on Texas residents in a lawsuit filed in Travis County, The Houston Chronicle reported.
"Once government and its constituents start operating on the basis of fear rather than facts, they are willing to take whatever medicine is prescribed, no matter how harmful the side effects may be," the suit said, according to the Chronicle.
Buchanan's Revolution: Timothy Stanley from TAC
This 2012 article analyzes the Buchanan Brigades of a quarter of a century ago and leaves his activists of that era still wondering what might have been.
Campaign '92: The Race to Avoid Being the Guy Who Loses to Bush: NBC
Here is the actual video of Saturday Night Live accusing Mario Cuomo of having mob ties.
Cuomo rules out replacing Joe Biden as Democratic presidential candidate, says no to VP position: 'I am staying here': MSN News
SNL said Cuomo's father refused to run for President because of his mob ties. I can't find the video, but the transcript of the skit from 1991 is right here. Note the shout out to David Duke even back then.
Virginia Goes Zionist: Philip Giraldi from Unz Review
Front Page NYT: 'Nationalism Is Jeopardizing' COVID Fight: Alan Tonelson from TAC
When COVID-19 Renders Your Job Obsolete: Peter Van Buren from TAC
Joe Biden's campaign slogan seems to be "Better Things Aren't Really Possible."
Joe is the political equivalent of an Obama tribute band. You've seen them, imitators who look a little like the Rolling Stones. They play the hits competently but not skillfully, showing how wide the gap is between someone who can pull "Honky Tonk Woman" from the ether and someone who can just play the cords with enthusiasm. It's a way to make a living, and for Joe Biden, telling everyone things will look like 1958, it might just be enough. Pro-tip: don't wager too many dineros on the political future of AOC and The Squad.
Julian Assange's terror within 'barely functioning' coronavirus ridden Belmarsh Prison: Brian McGleenon from the UK Express
The Surveillance State Thrives During the Pandemic: J.D. Tuccille from Reason
Can we take government officials at their word that they'll eventually abandon their new powers?
What If Ignored Covid-19 Warnings Had Been Leaked To WikiLeaks?: Ray McGovern from Antiwar.com
In refusing to allow nonviolent prisoner Julian Assange to leave that crowded prison (with his immunocompromised condition, weakened lungs, and clinical depression), presiding Judge Vanessa Baraitser leaves an open door to deliver Kings Boris and Donald this "troublesome" publisher by "natural" means. The swords of royal knights are not needed for this kind of faux-judicial, royal screw. And, happily for Lady Baraitser, she may not have to keep washing blood off her hands as Lady Macbeth was compelled to do.
Meanwhile, as all await Assange's demise – one way or the other – his lawyers have had no contact with him for three weeks. They cannot visit him in prison; nor can they even talk to him by video chat, according to WikiLeaks editor-in-chief Kristinn Hrafnnson.
Several Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) have written retrospectives, sharing acute personal frustration at our inability to get important warnings through calcified bureaucracies before calamity struck – real calamities like 9/11 and the unprovoked attack on Iraq that has brought chaos and widespread death.
We have asked ourselves, "What if?" What if WikiLeaks had been up and running before those catastrophes? Would those of us privy to critical – but unheeded – information have turned to WikiLeaks to get the word out? Could those liminal events have been prevented?
The answer is consistently Yes, those events could have been exposed and prevented.
That's an expensive round of 'essential drinks.' Seven people fined $1,000 each for violating stay-at-home order: From CNN
CNN: The cost of going out on a Saturday night just keeps going up and up.
For seven visitors to Santa Cruz, California, the bill came to $7,000 in fines for violating local shelter-in-place, or SIP, guidelines.
They "came from Fremont to get some 'essential' drinks," Police Chief Andrew Mills tweeted. "If you are not from Santa Cruz and you put our community at risk, you will get a ticket. #shelterinyourowntown."
The department tweeted, "7 x $1000 = One Expensive Hang Out. Everyone should know by now that this is not the time to meetup and party."
The drive from Fremont to Santa Cruz is nearly 50 miles.
Deadly storms that brought destruction to the South are moving north: From CNN
CNN)Severe storms that left at least 14 people dead and destroyed hundreds of structures in the South are moving north, with more than 150 million people under a wind advisory or warning.
Mississippi was among the states hardest hit by Sunday's storms. Seven people were confirmed to have died as a result of severe weather in the state, with at least 10 counties reporting damage, a spokeswoman for the Mississippi Emergency Management Agency said.
At least 34 tornadoes were reported to have hit Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Georgia as of early Monday, according to the National Weather Service.
Letter to Dr. Anthony Fauci: Bill Sardi from Lew Rockwell
Live and Let Die: COVID-19 in America : Bill Sardi from Lew Rockwell
Common threads? Housed indoors, overly clothed, dark-pigmented skin that inhibits sunshine-produced Vitamin D.
Republicans are Good for Exactly . . . . . Nothing: David Stockman from Lew Rockwell
3 Distinct Strains of COVID-19 Identified: From Reuters via Press TV
Three distinct strains of COVID-19 have been identified by Dr. Peter Forster, a geneticist at the University of Cambridge, and his team after they traced the origins of the pandemic by analyzing 160 genomes from human patients and finding that the strain in Wuhan, the hardest-hit city in China, mutated from an earlier version.
Dr. Peter Forster, the lead author of the study, further explained the research in an interview with China Global Television Network (CGTN) on Saturday.
This study found that the earliest known strain of the virus, termed by the scientists as "Type A", is commonly detected in the US and Australia. Type A is discovered to be the "ancestral type according to the bat outgroup coronavirus".
The "Type B," which is mostly found in East Asia, is a mutated version of Type A. European nations are currently been hit largely by "Type C," a mutation of Type B.
(Source: Reuters)
Trump's Presidency Hangs on One Decision: Pat Buchanan for the Unz Review
Upon this question now, the Trump presidency appears to hang:
Will Trump's actions flatten the curve and put the pandemic on an irreversible downward course in daily cases and deaths, as he produces a U-turn, if not a V-turn, dramatically driving the economy upward from depression and toward national prosperity?
Can he revive the economy without reviving the virus?
Or will the coronavirus so severely cripple the economy that the depression it produces will kill the Trump presidency?
Joe Biden 'is the worst of US Democratic Party: Ex-Senate candidate: Dankof on the Sanders Withdrawal: : From Press TV
Press TV interviews Mark Dankof on the Bernie Sanders campaign and withdrawal, and the implications for a process that gives Democrats the Clintons, Obama, and Biden, even as Republicans answer with anemic counterfeits like the Bush Empire, Bob Dole, Mitt Romney, and a disappointing Donald Trump. (7:01) Comparisons between Sanders in 2016 and 2020 and the Pat Buchanan campaigns of 1992 and 1996 are underscored.
Publisher of Russia Insider Starts General News Site 'Truth to Power' - Help it Take Off!: Charles Bausman from Russia Insider
We're taking real steps to beat the mainstream media. Join us.
Charles is the founder and editor of Russia Insider. He can be reached at charles@russia-insider.com. Follow him on Twitter.
Book Review: The Real Lincoln (2000): From Mark Dankof
While I have considered the preservation of the constitutional power of the General Government to be the foundation of our peace and safety at home and abroad, I yet believe that the maintenance of the rights and authority reserved to the states and to the people, not only are essential to the adjustment and balance of the general system, but the safeguard to the continuance of a free government. I consider it as the chief source of stability to our political system, whereas the consolidation of the states into one vast republic, sure to be aggressive abroad and despotic at home, will be the certain precursor of that ruin which has overwhelmed all those that have preceded it.
–General Robert E. Lee to Lord Acton on December 15th, 1866 quoted in The Real Lincoln (p. 268)
Barr says evidence from Durham investigation is 'far more troubling' than mistakes or sloppiness: Jerry Dunleavy from the Washington Examiner
Attorney General William Barr shed new light on U.S. Attorney John Durham's review of the Russia investigation.
He told Fox News host Laura Ingraham that Connecticut's top federal prosecutor is unearthing troubling evidence and vowed prosecutions if laws were broken and a case can be made.
"My own view is that the evidence shows that we're not dealing with just mistakes or sloppiness. There is something far more troubling here, and we're going to get to the bottom of it. And if people broke the law, and we can establish that with the evidence, they will be prosecuted," Barr said in the segment of the interview that aired Thursday evening.
DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz's lengthy December report criticized the Justice Department and the FBI for at least 17 "significant errors and omissions" related to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrants against Trump campaign associate Carter Page and for the bureau's reliance on British ex-spy Christopher Steele's salacious and unverified dossier. Steele put his research together at the behest of the opposition research firm Fusion GPS, funded by Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee through the Perkins Coie law firm. Horowitz also criticized the bureau for not sharing exculpatory information from confidential human sources with the FISA court.
National Guard Required to Protect Meal Distribution Volunteers from Parents of 84% Non-White Atlanta Public Schools (APS) Shut Down by Coronavirus: Paul Kersey from the Unz Review
To Enforce Social Distancing Rules, Cops Fined a Pennsylvania Woman Who Was Driving Alone: Eric Boehm from Reason
Anita Shaffer went for a drive around her neighborhood on Sunday and came home with a $200 fine for violating Pennsylvania's stay-at-home order that's meant to contain the spread of COVID-19.
Shaffer told PennLive that she went for a leisurely drive simply to get out of the house, but ended up getting pulled over by two state police officers as she was returning home. The cops said her taillight was out, but the ticket they ended up issuing to Shaffer says she violated the state's Disease Control and Prevention Act of 1955 and "failed to abide by the order of the governor and secretary of health issued to control the spread of a communicable disease."
Unfortunately, Shaffer's story is not a singular one. A paddleboarder in California was arrested last week for violating the state's stay-at-home order. Apparently being surrounded by open water is insufficient social distancing. In New York City, where the COVID-19 outbreak is most severe right now, police have been arresting people for violating social distancing orders—technically, the arrests were for "obstructing governmental administration, unlawful assembly, and disorderly conduct," The Intercept reports—and packing them together in crowded jails.
How is this helping?
The Coronavirus and the Culture War: E. Michael Jones from the Unz Review
Other universities were also involved in the global bioweapons smuggling ring. In late January 2020, FBI agents arrested Charles Lieber, chairman of Harvard's Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology. Lieber was "charged with lying about his role in a Chinese talent recruitment program" and then was released from custody on January 30, but only after posting a $1 million cash bond.[11] According to the Boston Globe, Lieber "lied about his links to the Wuhan Institute of Virology"[12] after China paid him hundreds of thousands of dollars to arrange not only for smuggling bioweapons but hiring the smugglers.
LINKBOOKMARK▲▼Lieber, who is Jewish,[13] was considered a flight risk because of his ties to Israel, causing authorities to demand that both he and his wife surrender their passports. Lieber is one of the founders of the bio-tech firm Nanosys, which is affiliated with Hebrew University in Jerusalem.[14] According to the indictment, "Prosecutors say Lieber agreed to conduct research, publish articles and apply for patents on behalf of China's Wuhan University of Technology in exchange for $50,000 per month and about $150,000 in living expenses. He also received $1.5 million to establish a research lab at the Chinese university. . . . Authorities say Lieber hid his involvement in the program from Harvard and told federal investigators in 2018 that he had never been asked to participate in the program."[15] Lieber's arrest followed the federal government's growing concern over China's efforts to steal U.S. research and technology, as manifested in programs like the Thousand Talents Plan,.
New RBN YouTube Channel Live Now! Please like and subscribe…: From RBN
Mark Dankof on John Stadtmiller's National Intel Report on RBN: April 3rd : From Twitter
'Swamp Creatures' Attack Effort To Make Medicines American Again: Kelley Beaucar Vlahos from TAC
Kelley Beaucar Vlahos, executive editor, has been writing for TAC for the last decade, focusing on national security, foreign policy, civil liberties and domestic politics. She served for 15 years as a Washington bureau reporter for FoxNews.com, and at WTOP News in Washington from 2013-2017 as a writer, digital editor and social media strategist. She has also worked as a beat reporter at Bridge News financial wire (now part of Reuters) and Homeland Security Today, and as a regular contributor at Antiwar.com. A native Nutmegger, she got her start in Connecticut newspapers, but now resides with her family in Arlington, Va.
Reference the Big Pharma trade group,the Association for Accessible Medicines (AAM), and their lobbying goliath PhRMA, which represents the world's major pharmaceutical companies (think Bristol-Myers Squibb, Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson) for stripping away the veneer of special interests in this time of crisis. The pharma/health products industry continues to spend more on Capitol Hill influence operations—a record-breaking $228 million in 2019 alone—than anyone else. There is a lot of stake here, and we'll be damned, literally, if they lose market share or profits. We know where they stand now.
Andrea Sutton Salutes Mark Dankof on Iran and Sanctions (Salutes and Thanks): Andrea Sutton on Mark Dankof from Twitter 🍺
"An incredibly powerful article predicting the imminent end of the Greater Israel Project, the end of the evil deep state & return of the American Republic. Amen to that & hope it all comes to pass."
(On Mark Dankof's article for Charles Bausman's Russia Insider entitled " COVID Sanctions on Iran Expose the Evil of the Zionist US Empire")
The Medically Induced Police State: Donald Jeffries for Lew Rockwell
I have long feared a police state. Not the figurative one we've been letting develop for years now. I mean a literal one. Where they can stop you for any reason and ask you for your "papers." Where they can restrict your movements, and your associations. Where they can confine you to your homes.
Yesterday, this became an unfortunate reality for me and all other Virginians. Mayor Ralph "Blackface" Northam signed an Executive Order that essentially locks my state down. Police can stop any motorist and ask where they are going. If they aren't going to a doctor or the store, they can be charged with a misdemeanor. For now. And those essential personnel who are still working have been given papers. Yes, "show me your papers" is finally here in the land of the free.
The Attack on Civil Liberties in the Age of Covid-19 : John W. Whitehead from Mint Press News via Lew Rockwell
Critical read.
CCP VIRUS: Leaked Documents Reveal Coronavirus Infections Up to 52 Times Higher Than Reported Figures in China's Shandong Province: From the Epoch Times
The novel coronavirus outbreak in eastern China's Shandong Province is much worse than what has been officially reported, according to a series of internal government documents obtained by The Epoch Times.
Dr. Anthony Fauci: COVID-19 "May Turn Out to be Like a Bad Flu Season". His Peer Reviewed Article Versus His Public Statements: Ana Laura Palomino García and Prof Michel Chossudovsky from Global Research
Dr. Anthony Fauci and two co-authors published an article on March 26, 2020 in the New England Journal of Medicine.
Anthony Fauci is head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. In the article, linked below, he states that COVID-19 may turn out to be comparable to a seasonal flu or similar to two relatively minor flu pandemics in 1957 and 1968. It is estimated that seasonal flu kills about 500,000 people globally every year and the two flu pandemics he cited each are thought to have killed about a million people globally. Below is an excerpt of the article.
Vatican academies call for global response to pandemic, ask govts to reduce 'nationalistic interests': Jeanne Smits, Paris Correspondent from Life Site News
March 31, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – A joint statement issued by the Pontifical Academy of Sciences (PAS) and the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences (PASS) on March 20 gives interesting insights into the priorities of the Vatican regarding the COVID-19 crisis.
Under the heading "Responding to the Pandemic, Lessons for Future Actions and Changing Priorities," the scientific bodies attached to the Catholic Church reveal much of their globalist mindset while remaining totally silent with regard to the Catholic faith.
There is not a single mention of Jesus-Christ, nor even of God – whose existence is known through the observation of our senses and the use of our reason – in the 1,400-word statement.
The U.S. Military and the Influenza Pandemic of 1918–1919: Carol R. Byerly, PhD From NIH
The Coronavirus and The Culture Wars : E. Michael Jones from Culture Wars
Currently, two equally plausible but competing explanations are making their way through the media: 1) the coronavirus is a bio-weapon which was either released into the population deliberately or escaped by accident, or 2) the coronavirus pandemic is a manufactured crisis. These two alternatives, however. . . .
Those unusable weapons continued to be made, however, and one of the places they got produced was the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which houses China's only P4-Level Biosafety Laboratory, a facility which is capable of storing, studying, or engineering Pathogen Level 4 microbes like the coronavirus. Coincidentally or not, the Wuhan Institute of Virology is only 8.6 miles from the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak in China, causing Bill Gurtz of the Washington Times to report, "the deadly animal virus epidemic spreading globally may have originated in a Wuhan laboratory linked to China's covert biological weapons program, according to an Israeli biological warfare expert." . . .
The Wuhan Institute of Virology was at the center of a web of top-secret biological warfare research and academic espionage that stretched around the world. In 2013 two Chinese virologists were caught stealing and smuggling some of the most deadly viruses on earth from the National Microbiology Lab in Winnipeg, Canada's only Pathogen Level 4 virology laboratory, back to Wuhan, where both smugglers, virologist Dr. Xiangguo Qui and biologist Dr. Keding Cheng, were involved in China's biological warfare program.[8] According to ZeroHedge, "the couple is responsible for infiltrating Canada's NML with many Chinese agents as students from a range of Chinese scientific facilities directly tied to China's Biological Warfare Program, including the Wuhan Institute of Virology and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention in Chengdu Military Region."[9]
One of the bioweapons stolen from the Winnipeg lab was the coronavirus, which had arrived at the NML on May 4, 2013 for experimentation on animals. "It is from this stash of reserves," Sir Adrian Bond writes: "that the coronavirus was stolen and smuggled by Dr. Qui, Dr. Cheng, and by alleged Chinese Biological Warfare Program agents recruited from the Wuhan Institute of Virology who were disguised as virology students at the University of Manitoba." . . .
Other universities were also involved in the global bioweapons smuggling ring. In late January 2020, FBI agents arrested Charles Lieber, chairman of Harvard's Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology. Lieber was "charged with lying about his role in a Chinese talent recruitment program" and then was released from custody on January 30, but only after posting a $1 million cash bond.[11] According to the Boston Globe, Lieber "lied about his links to the Wuhan Institute of Virology"[12] after China paid him hundreds of thousands of dollars to arrange not only for smuggling bioweapons but hiring the smugglers.
Lieber, who is Jewish,[13] was considered a flight risk because of his ties to Israel, causing authorities to demand that both he and his wife surrender their passports. Lieber is one of the founders of the bio-tech firm Nanosys, which is affiliated with Hebrew University in Jerusalem.[14] According to the indictment, "Prosecutors say Lieber agreed to conduct research, publish articles and apply for patents on behalf of China's Wuhan University of Technology in exchange for $50,000 per month and about $150,000 in living expenses. He also received $1.5 million to establish a research lab at the Chinese university. . . . Authorities say Lieber hid his involvement in the program from Harvard and told federal investigators in 2018 that he had never been asked to participate in the program."[15] Lieber's arrest followed the federal government's growing concern over China's efforts to steal U.S. research and technology, as manifested in programs like the Thousand Talents Plan.
Dankof: And much more. Must read.
Democrats delay presidential convention until August, citing coronavirus: Reuters
This gives the Democrats more time for a bait and ditch of Biden.
Millions of Americans say coronavirus a 'wake-up call' from God: Joel C. Rosenberg from the Jerusalem Post
Mark Dankof tweeted to Joel C. Rosenberg and his Joshua Fund on Twitter the Charles Bausman/Russia Insider repost of the murderous Neo-Con/Zionist COVID-19 Sanctions on Iran. As a "Christian," one hopes Mr. Rosenberg takes the message to heart while simultaneously rejecting "Christian" Zionism in favor of historic Christian eschatology and the New Covenant made with the true Israel of God.
Megachurch pastor who promised to cure the US of coronavirus ARRESTED for service flouting social distancing: From RT
The pastor, who personally "laid hands" on Trump at the White House in 2017 and who vowed earlier this month to keep his church open during the epidemic "because we're raising up revivalists, not pansies," posted $500 bail half an hour after he was arrested.
Mark Dankof: "Luther would have loved Florida's answer to Thomas Müntzer with a gag and handcuffs." 🤠🤠🤠🍺🍺🍺👍👍👍🙏🙏🙏😂😂😂
A Foretaste of the Horror of Biological Warfare: Eric Margolis from the Unz Review
Facing a US-British invasion, Saddam Hussein ordered all foreigners in Iraq rounded up and confined to tourist hotels. Among the foreigners, I discovered four British scientific technicians who had been sent, or 'seconded,' to a newly built biowarfare chemical complex south of Baghdad at Salman Pak. They were then trucked to Baghdad as hostages against a US attack.
I managed to slip into the compound that held them and talked for hours over mugs of tea. The British tech team told me they had been secretly sent to Saddam Hussein's Iraq by Britain's Ministry of Defense and Britain's MI6 Secret Intelligence Service to help Iraq's military develop and deploy biological weapons for use against numerically superior Iranian forces on the Central Front, Al-Faw Peninsula, and again Kurdish rebels in the north.
LINKBOOKMARK▲▼The bio weapons included Anthrax, botulism, Q fever and tularemia that attacks the eyes, throat, skin and lymph nodes. Salman Pak also produced quantities of nerve and mustard gasses used against Iranian infantry formations.
Ohio Governor on Why He Ordered Early, Tough Coronavirus Lockdowns: Joe Barrett from the WSJ
As economic toll rises, Mike DeWine isn't ready to ease up: 'We've got this monster down on the mat.'
Covid-19 — Navigating the Uncharted List of authors. Anthony S. Fauci, M.D., H. Clifford Lane, M.D., and Robert R. Redfield, M.D.: From the New England Journal of Medicine
On Thursday Dr. Fauci co-authored a report on the coronavirus in the New England Journal of Medicine.
The report, entitled "Covid-19 — Navigating the Uncharted", was co-authored by Anthony S. Fauci, M.D., H. Clifford Lane, M.D., and Robert R. Redfield, M.D.
Here's a direct quote from that report:
"If one assumes that the number of asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic cases is several times as high as the number of reported cases, the case fatality rate may be considerably less than 1%. This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%) or a pandemic influenza (similar to those in 1957 and 1968) rather than a disease similar to SARS or MERS, which have had case fatality rates of 9 to 10% and 36%, respectively."
Please note that the case fatality rate is not ten percent, not five percent, not even one percent, but far lower than that.
According to the authors, the case fatality rate is only 0.1 percent (only one-tenth of one percent).
Are we willing to destroy America over a bad case of the flu?
FDA increases mask decontamination after pushback from Ohio governor: Rachel Roubein from Politico
At issue was the FDA's decision to allow emergency use of a Battelle system that decontaminates specialized N95 face masks, allowing doctors and nurses to safely reuse them. On Saturday, the FDA approved Battelle's Columbus headquarters to sterilize 10,000 masks per day, even though the company says its machines have the capacity to decontaminate 80,000.
"The FDA's decision to severely limit the use of this life-saving technology is nothing short of reckless," Gov. Mike DeWine, whose state is home to the company that makes the technology, said in a statement Sunday morning.
The Coronavirus and the Culture War: E. Michael Jones from the Unz Review
Pestilence is portrayed in scripture as a punishment for sin. Yahweh forgave David after he committed adultery with Bathsheba and had her husband Uriah killed to cover up his original sin, but after David caved into the pride of the Israelites and decreed a census, the punishment which had been postponed became inevitable. But even here God relented and attempted to mitigate the punishment by giving David a choice. In the name of Yahweh, Gad the prophet offered the king a choice between three years of famine, "fleeing for three months from your pursuing enemy," or three days of pestilence. Confronted with these options, David is forced to admit: "This is a hard choice. But let us rather fall into the power of Yahweh, since his mercy is great, and not into the power of men. So David chose pestilence" (2 Sam 24:14-5).
There's powerful evidence this Great Panic is foolish, yet our freedom is still broken and our economy crippled: Peter Hitchens from the UK Daily Mail on Sunday
But even I would not have dared to predict the mass house arrest under which we are all now confined.
I have found the origin of this bizarre Napoleonic decree – a few clauses in the Public Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984, which I confess I had not even heard of. It just goes to show how careful you have to be with the wording of the laws you pass.
If the TV this weekend is full of pictures of people sunning themselves in city parks or escaping to the high hills, there will be plenty of zealots and politicians ready to call for yet more restrictions, subjecting all of us to collective punishment.
Perhaps we will emulate the French or Italian states, which have returned to their despotic origins and reduced their populations to a sort of cowering serfdom, barely able to step into the street.
I wonder whether there might also be restrictions on what can be said and published. I can see no necessary bar to this in the law involved.
American Morozovs: Eric Peters from Eric Peters Autos
How do you get a good person to do horrible things? You make him think he is doing good things. You cheer him for doing these "good" things. Then he becomes capable of the worst things. Here is what Soviet dissident Aleksandr Solzynitsyn said – which has been largely forgotten:
"To do evil a human being must first of all believe what what he is doing is good. Ideology – that is what gives devildoing its long-sought justification and gives the evildoer the necessary steadfastness and determination. That is the social theory which helps to make his acts seem good instead of bad in his own and others' eyes so that he won't hear reproaches but will receive praise and honors."
Note who is being reproached – and praised – right now. . . .
Wait and see who will be arrested tomorrow.
It is a virtue to "social distance" – and a heroic act to call armed thugs down upon those who choose not to.
What is happening has happened before. In Solzynitsyn's Soviet Union, people eagerly arrested – and murdered – their neighbors and friends and even family members when it was asserted that those unfortunates were insufficiently virtuous. An entire country was turned into the apotheosis of evil on the basis of doing good – defined as furthering the cause of "socialism."
Armed vigilantes blocked a neighbor's driveways with a tree to force him into quarantine : Alaa Elassar from CNN
CNN—A Maine man said armed neighbors descended on his home and chopped down a tree to block his road and prevent him from leaving because they believed he may have coronavirus.
The Vinalhaven resident said he went outside Friday to check why his cable service wasn't working and found a tree blocking the end of his road, according to the Knox County Sheriff's Office.
"While investigating the downed tree, a neighbor started yelling at him and a group of people showed up and began to gather around. Believing the group may be there to harm him, (he) fled to his residence and told his roommates what he had found," the sheriff's office said on Facebook.
Dr. Fauci Concedes the Coronavirus Mortality Rate May Be Much Closer to a Very Bad Flu: Robert from Ice Age Now
The case fatality rate is far, far lower than we've been lead to believe.
On Thursday Dr. Fauci co-authored a report on the coronavirus in the New England Journal of Medicine.
The report, entitled "Covid-19 — Navigating the Uncharted", was co-authored by Anthony S. Fauci, M.D., H. Clifford Lane, M.D., and Robert R. Redfield, M.D.
Here's a direct quote from that report:
"If one assumes that the number of asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic cases is several times as high as the number of reported cases, the case fatality rate may be considerably less than 1%. This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%) or a pandemic influenza (similar to those in 1957 and 1968) rather than a disease similar to SARS or MERS, which have had case fatality rates of 9 to 10% and 36%, respectively.2"
Please note that the case fatality rate is not ten percent, not five percent, not even one percent, but far, far lower than that.
According to the authors, the case fatality rate is only 0.1 percent (only one-tenth of one percent).
Are we willing to destroy America over a bad case of the flu?
See report in the New England Journal of Medicine:
Thanks to Stephen Bird for this link.
Corona Is a Very Mild Virus, No More Deadly Than Many Others We Don't Make a Fuss About: Marko Marjanović from Anti-Empire via Russia Insider
The level of media hysteria, social panic and government repression totally unwarranted.
The Corrupt Senators And Coronavirus: From Daniel Larison at TAC
The original NPR story reflects very poorly on Burr. He not only gave preferential treatment to donors, but he failed to alert the public to what he knew in a timely fashion. Even if he were doing this for merely cynical political reasons to stay on Trump's good side, it would be a dereliction of duty. But there is more to the story. ProPublica has learned more damning details that show that Burr sold more than $1 million worth in stock in the weeks prior to the market crash based on the advance information that he and other senators possessed following a briefing in late January. . . .
But there is more to the story. ProPublica has learned more damning details that show that Burr sold more than $1 million worth in stock in the weeks prior to the market crash based on the advance information that he and other senators possessed following a briefing in late January.
Tulsi Gabbard Falls on Her Sword: America's Leading Antiwar Voice Is Destroyed by Hillary: Philip Giraldi for the AH Herald Tribune
In American politics, it is not often that one sees an assassination carried out in public, but that is exactly what the Democratic Party establishment did to peace candidate Tulsi Gabbard.
The Staggering Collapse Of U.S. Intelligence On The Coronavirus: Scott Ritter from TAC
An agency tasked with tracking future bio threats fell down on the job, causing us to wonder what else we don't know.
BREAKING! Putin Publishes Coronavirus COVID-19 Plan: No Panic In Russia! Everything Is Under Control: Russia Insight from You Tube
VIDEO: (16:28).
Corona Is a Very Mild Virus, No More Deadly Than Many Others We Don't Make a Fuss About: Marko Marjanović from Russia Insider
Detect, Deter and Annihilate: How the Police State Will Deal with a Coronavirus Outbreak: John W. Whitehead from the Rutherford Institute
Mark Dankof: John W. Whitehead is always a Must Read. This is no exception.
Music: Now Thank We All Our God : Martin Rinkart from YouTube
Martin Rinkart was a Lutheran minister who came to Eilenburg, Saxony at the beginning of the Thirty Years' War. The walled city of Eilenburg became the refuge for political and military fugitives, but the result was overcrowding, and deadly pestilence and famine. Armies overran it three times. The Rinkart home was a refuge for the victims, even though he was often hard-pressed to provide for his own family. During the height of a severe plague in 1637, Rinkart was the only surviving pastor in Eilenburg, conducting as many as 50 funerals in a day. He performed more than 4000 funerals in that year, including that of his wife.
Rinkart was a prolific hymn writer. In Rinkart's "Jesu Hertz-Buchlein" (Leipzig, Germany: 1636), the hymn appears under the title "Tisch-Gebetlein", or a short prayer before meals. The exact date of "Nun danket alle Gott" is debated, but it is known that it was widely sung by the time the Peace of Westphalia was signed in 1648. Johann Crüger published it in the 1647 edition of his Praxis pietatis melica.
In Times of Coronavirus, Listen to Amazing Church Music to Find Peace: Vera Reid from Russian Faith
Posted also on Twitter with hashtag #SongsofComfort.
Video: World Economic Forum 2011 "Drill": From You Tube via Cynthia McKinney on Twitter
Cynthia McKinney on Twitter: What I'm Watching Now: Perhaps the most important movie of our time--all four hours of the the World Economic Forum's Event 201 "drill" that preceded what we now live. "Governments will need to partner with . . . media companies countering misinformation."
Anti-war candidate ends campaign to endorse warmonger Joe Biden: From Press TV
Russiagate all over again: Secret EU report blames Russia for coronavirus 'confusion, panic and fear': Nebojsa Malic from RT
When all else fails, blame Russia. That seems to be the EU approach to deflecting blame from its response to the coronavirus pandemic, no doubt because it has worked so well for Democrats in the US or London in the Skripal affair.
As Brussels finally got around to locking down the EU borders on Tuesday, London's Financial Times ran a 'bombshell' story blaming "Russian pro-Kremlin media" for a "significant disinformation campaign" to stoke "confusion, panic and fear" in the West and "aggravate the coronavirus pandemic crisis."
This is based on a nine-page report by the strategic communications division of the European External Action Service, the EU's de facto foreign ministry. The EEAS did not officially comment on the FT story.
Thousands to pray at Western Wall for end to COVID-19 epidemic: From Israel National News
Russia Has Recorded ZERO Coronavirus Deaths - Early and Strict Border Control Is Working: Paul Joseph Watson from Russia Insider
As the Moscow Times highlights, Russia closed "most entry points along its 4,200-kilometer border with China, ordering people returning from high-risk areas to self-quarantine and temporarily banning Chinese citizens from entering the country."
They did this back in January, while the World Health Organization was simultaneously ordering countries not to profile and not to take any border control measures that would stop the international flow of people.
The Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic: The Real Danger is Agenda ID2020: Peter Koenig from Global Research
What is the infamous ID2020? It is an alliance of public-private partners, including UN agencies and civil society. It's an electronic ID program that uses generalized vaccination as a platform for digital identity.
Who Made Coronavirus? Was It the U.S., Israel or China?: Philip Giraldi from Global Research
The most commonly reported mainstream media account of the creation of the Coronavirus suggests that it was derived from an animal borne microorganism found in a wild bat that was consumed by an ethnic Chinese resident of Wuhan. But there appears to be some evidence to dispute that in that adjacent provinces in China, where wild bats are more numerous, have not experienced major outbreaks of the disease. Because of that and other factors, there has also been considerable speculation that the Coronavirus did not occur naturally through mutation but rather was produced in a laboratory, possibly as a biological warfare agent.
Who Gets Your Vote in November?: Caitlyn Johnstone from Twitter
Lysol Introduces Shoulder-Mounted Turret That Automatically Blasts Anyone Who Coughs Within Six Feet Of You: The Babylon Bee from Twitter 😂😂😂
Mark Dankof to Cynthia McKinney on How to Cope With Covid-19 😂😂😂: From Twitter
Mark Dankof to Cynthia: " I'm disappointed in you, Cynthia. Buy at least one semi-auto and barricade your house. 😂😂😂I have a couple of Covid-19 Survival Kits I can send you for $49.95 plus shipping and handling. Just don't tell David. 😂😂😂(Joke)"
@DrDavidDuke @RBNLive @RenseRadio @achitchcock
For the record, Cynthia McKinney is a great lady. She also liked the joke. 🤠🍺😂
Detect, Deter, and Annihilate: How the Police State Will Deal With a Coronavirus Outbreak : John W. Whitehead at the Rutherford Institute
US Corona Super-Spreader - New Jersey Jewish Dr. at Pro-Israel Mega-Events Lobbying (i.e. Bribing) US Pols (Audio + Transcript): From Russia Insider
Many of the top politicians exposed to Coronavirus are some of the worst offenders when it comes to selling their loyalty to the Israel lobby. Sweet justice.
Meet Dr. Alan Berger, Of Englewood NJ, an obstetrician at NYU Langone Hospital in New York City. Our very own super-spreader among Republican elites.
Mark Dankof spots Biden running mate jogging in Los Angeles 😂😂😂: From Twitter
36,000+ hits as of March 19th. 😂😂😂
The Saga of Magnequench: Jeffrey St. Clair from Counterpunch
This 2006 story illustrates the scourge of outsourcing coming to the fore now in the discovering of the magnitude of the threat to national security presented by the deliberate outsourcing of the American pharmaceutical industry to China.
Convoy of Italian army trucks haul away corpses as local crematorium flooded with coronavirus dead (VIDEO): From RT
Prayer for Italy and Matteo Salvini.
Asleep at the wheel: Why didn't Western politicians act quicker on Covid-19 spread?: Neil Clark from RT
The sad truth – for Western citizens, the passengers of the ship – is that those whose job it was to watch out for gathering storms have let us down very badly.
The chronology is most important.
Tulsi Gabbard lost her political future & moral high ground with Biden-2020 endorsement: Helen Buyniski From RT
Buchanan made the same mistake in the 1996 endorsement of Bob Dole.
Chelsea Manning's Suicide Attempt While Imprisoned for Resisting a Grand Jury Is Further Proof She Must Be Freed: Natasha Leonard from The Intercept
Manning's suicide attempt is grim fulfillment of the vow she made on entering prison last year: "I would rather starve to death," she said, than testify.
Trump's Botched Coronavirus Speech: Daniel Larison from TAC
Larison: "When officials have to contradict the president's message within hours of the speech because the president gave out bad information, it defeats the point of delivering an address to the nation."
U.S., Soros-Funded Ukrainian HIV Charity Under Criminal Probe for Embezzlement: From Judicial Watch
Mark Dankof on TradCatKnight on March 11th, 2019: From TradCatKnight via Twitter and VK
Mark Dankof is the guest on TradCatKnight (Traditional Catholic Radio). 42:22 on COVID-19. Bio Warfare? Iran Targeted? 2020 American Politics. Mike Walsh on Moscow Chief Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt, president of the Conference of European Rabbis and his Munich Security Conference titled 'Combating Hate Crime': Is it global Zio-Censorship? John W. Whitehead of the Rutherford Institute on COVID-19, the Surveillance State, and the U.S. Constitution. The appearance of Antichrist and the Temple Mount Movement. (2 Thessalonians 2) Wednesday, March 11th, 2020)
COVID-19 Coronavirus: A Fake Pandemic? Who's Behind It? Global Economic, Social and Geopolitical Destabilization: Michel Chossudovsky from Global Research
Coronavirus vs. the Mass Surveillance State: Which Poses the Greater Threat?: John W. Whitehead from the Rutherford Institute
Emboldened by the citizenry's inattention and willingness to tolerate its abuses, the government has weaponized one national crisis after another in order to expands its powers.
The war on terror, the war on drugs, the war on illegal immigration, asset forfeiture schemes, road safety schemes, school safety schemes, eminent domain: all of these programs started out as legitimate responses to pressing concerns and have since become weapons of compliance and control in the police state's hands.
This Is a Test: How Will the Constitution Fare During a Nationwide Lockdown?: John W. Whitehead from the Rutherford Institute
This is a test.
This is not a test of our commitment to basic hygiene or disaster preparedness or our ability to come together as a nation in times of crisis, although we're not doing so well on any of those fronts.
No, what is about to unfold over the next few weeks is a test to see how well we have assimilated the government's lessons in compliance, fear and police state tactics; a test to see how quickly we'll march in lockstep with the government's dictates, no questions asked; and a test to see how little resistance we offer up to the government's power grabs when made in the name of national security.
Most critically of all, this is a test to see whether the Constitution—and our commitment to the principles enshrined in the Bill of Rights—can survive a national crisis and true state of emergency.
Biden's New Status Doesn't Come With A New Biden: Pat Buchanan from TAC
The Powerful Moscow Rabbi Who Wants Draconian Censorship of Any Criticism of Jews: Mike Walsh from Russia Insider
Moscow Chief Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt, president of the Conference of European Rabbis, hosted a high-level debate at the Munich Security Conference titled 'Combating Hate Crime'. During the debate, he protested that people use their unregulated freedom of speech in social media to say things he and his fellow Jews don't like:
The panel focused on the dangers caused by social media, including rampant anti-Semitism (exposing Jewish malpractice), far-right extremism (ethnic nationalism as practiced by Jews) and Islamophobia (opposition to Jewish fuelled migration), all of which have found new life online.
A key agenda point addressed how social media channels spread messages faster and more efficiently than ever before and that more needs to be done to regulate these channels.
PLUTOCRACY: How Jewish Elites Decide Who Sits on the US Supreme Court (Audio + Transcript): From Russia Insider
The Federalist Society.
Basically, if you don't get the rubber stamp from this little known "society", you don't get to be on the Supreme Court as a Republican, or on many other important federal courts, which are pathways to the Supreme Court.
What's more shocking (or not shocking, depending on how much news you read) is that its current president of 30 years, who is also an original founder of the society, is the Jewish son of a former US Communist Party functionary. That is who now gets to decide who represents "Conservative" values in the Supreme Court.
Coronavirus Live Updates: Brazilian Official Who Met With Trump Tests Positive: From NYT
RIGHT NOWA senior Brazilian official who was with President Trump at Mar-a-Lago days ago has tested positive for the virus, Brazilian media are reporting.
Chelsea Manning attempted suicide while in jail for refusing to testify against WikiLeaks – lawyers: From RT
Grooming': Washington passes far-left sex ed plan promoting promiscuity, LGBT, abortion: From Life Site News
Virus is biological attack on China and Iran, Iranian civil defense chief claims: From Times of Israel
Tulsi Gabbard is still in 2020 the race and it's unclear why: Business Insider
I didn't know that Business Insider was this stupid. Tulsi is an anti-war issue candidate. She is not auditioning to be a shill for the establishment, like the other candidates, thus operates by a different logic. In 2004 Dennis Kucinich remained in the race throughout the primaries even though he won less than 1% of the delegates. Same with Ron Paul in 2008.
Homeland Security tied to attempted hack of Georgia's election database: Report: CNBC
This is from 2016 but is still relevant.
Presidential Nominations and American Democracy: Stephen J. Wayne
This is good background to understand the Democratic primary race and convention.
The Two-Thirds Rule and the Unit Rule: Congressional Quarterly Researcher
This is good background to understand the Democratic primary race and convention.
CContested presidential conventions, and why parties try to avoid them: Pew Research
This is good background to understand the Democratic primary race and convention.
Democratic Superdelegate Rule Changes for 2020 : 270towin.com
This is good background to understand the Democratic primary race and convention.
Is Bernie Sanders Leading a 'Revolution' or a Castroite Repudiation Mob?: Monica Showalter from the American Freedom Union
US Intel 'Plotted to Kidnap, Poison' Assange, Make It 'Look Like Accident', Court Hears SOCIETY: From Sputnik
Assange's Extradition Hearing Reveals Trump's War On Free Press: Nozomi Hayase from Antiwar.com
WATCH: Iran health chief mops sweaty brow during coronavirus briefing and COUGHS in TV interview before own diagnosis: From RT
Your Man in the Public Gallery – Assange Hearing Day 1: Craig Murray from Lew Rockwell
Trump Betrayal of Julian Assange: Ron Paul from Lew Rockwell
Will JFK's Party Become Sanders Party?: Pat Buchanan from Lew Rockwell
Which One of These Candidates Can Beat Trump? : Curt Mills from TAC
Bernie Sanders, the rapturous favorite of young people, is not George McGovern in 1972 or Jeremy Corbyn in 2019, but, as Ross Douthat and others have posited, closer to Ronald Reagan in 1980. An ancien regime, in this rendering, is ripe for obliteration.
The collapse of America's international prestige (the Iraq war and its cousins), internal stability (the financial crisis), and political guardrails (the ascension of Trump) has quietly radicalized young people, the furthest, most consistently left-wing generation in the country's history, if you believe polling, which many on the Right, unwisely, do not.
Trump Imitates Democrats, Celebrates Homosexuality: Father Joseph Gleason from Russian Faith
The Morning Briefing: Chris Matthews Thinks Bernie Sanders Is Hitler and the Weekend Was Just Perfect: Stephen Kruiser from PJ Media
A truly epic family feud has broken out over MSNBC, where Chris "Tingles" Matthews has become an ardent anti-Bernie voice. MSNBC isn't just a left-leaning network, it's decidedly progressive. That its most veteran host finds Sanders to be too far left is quite telling.
After Sanders thumped the competition on Saturday, Matthews likened the win to Hitler's invasion of France in 1940:
MSNBC's Chris Matthews has made it repeatedly clear that he thinks Bernie Sanders is headed to certain defeat should he win the Democratic Party nomination. He's right, of course, and while the Bernie Bros. already aren't happy with him, he once again triggered Bernie's fans on Saturday night. When Bernie pulled off a stunning victory in the Nevada caucuses, Matthews declared it was "too late" to stop him, and compared Sanders' victory to Hitler's invasion of France.
"I was reading last night about the fall of France in the summer of 1940 and the general, Reynaud, calls up Churchill and says, 'It's over,'" Matthews explained. "And Churchill says, 'How can that be? You've got the greatest army in Europe. How can it be over?' He said, 'It's over.'"
What Happens To The Conservative Realignment If Trump Is Defeated?: W. James Antle III from TAC
Has there ever been a stranger election year budget than the one President Donald Trump released as Democrats started heading to the polls?
Clocking in at $4.8 trillion, it is unlikely to win him many plaudits from the small but vocal contingent of consistent fiscal conservatives who, rather than building a wall along the U.S.-Mexican border, would prefer to construct a dam to contain the rising tide of red ink. It contains no structural reforms to the spending programs on which retiring baby boomers will rely for income and healthcare in their golden years. Yet at the same time, liberal activists can point to $850 billion in Medicare cuts here and $920 billion in Medicaid cuts there.
The budget has no chance of being adopted, of course. Democrats control the House of Representatives, where all spending and revenue bills must originate (that part of the Constitution is still operative), so the White House's spending blueprint for the next fiscal year is dead on arrival. But the president's opponents may find it useful in the 2020 campaign, and it is certainly as good an illustration of any of the paradox of Trump's approach to budgetary issues.
Intelligence Sources: All Candidates but Pete Buttigieg are Russian Agents : Caitlyn Johnstone from Lew Rockwell
Mark Dankof on Twitter: "Intelligence Sources: All Candidates Are Russian Agents But Pete Buttigieg - LewRockwell. "@caitoz explains why if you believe this, you'll accept change for a $9 bill in Threes. @PeteButtigieg @lewrockwell 😂😂😂"
WATCH: Pete Buttigieg gives advice to a 9-year-old boy who asks for help coming out as gay.: From The Hill on Twitter
"It won't always be easy, but that's ok because you know who you are." (A Democratic Homo for GloboHomo)
Sanders has a bizarre radical past that Trump and Republicans would use to destroy him: From USA Today
One could go on and talk about Sanders' 10-day honeymoon in the Soviet Union in 1988. In a statement upon his return, he explained that "there are some things that (the Soviet Union does) better than we do and which were, in fact, quite impressive. Subway systems in Moscow costs 5 kopecs — or 7 cents. Faster, cleaner, more attractive and more efficient than any in the U.S. — and cheap."
Never mind that the extraordinary Moscow subway system was constructed by Josef Stalin to demonstrate the superiority of the Soviet system. Never mind the draconian methods used to build it. Never mind that during his honeymoon in the Soviet Union, Russians were living through the death pangs of the bankrupt communist system.
Bernie Sanders Is George McGovern: The similarities between 2020 and 1972 are too astonishing to ignore. But there's one big difference.: The Atlantic
How Bernie Sanders, The Socialist Senator, Amassed A $2.5 Million Fortune: From Forbes
Mark Dankof on Katie Zavadski of The Daily Beast: The Sting Beats The Beast at the End of History: From Mark Dankof's America
ELECTIONS 'We'd be f—ed': Texas Dems sweat a Bernie Sanders ticket: From Politico
I Rage at Bernie Sanders But I Can't Hate Him: The Last Jewish Bolshevik : From Haaretz
Was the Debate Beat Down Fatal for Mayor Mike?: Pat Buchanan from Lew Rockwell
Tickets Now Available for The Ron Paul Institute's Houston Conference: "'Shut UP!' - Cancel Culture and the War on Speech": Ron Paul Institute Conference in Houston: May 24th
Tickets Now Available for The Ron Paul Institute's Houston Conference:
"'Shut UP!' - Cancel Culture and the War on Speech"
Tickets available at ronpaulinstitute.org
Bernie's Adventures on a Stalinist Kibbutz : Ronald Radosh from the Hudson Institute
But in 1963 when Sanders worked on Hashomer's kibbutz, its members considered themselves Marxist-Zionists, and they held a pro-Soviet orientation which included supporting Soviet foreign policy. Their ideological orientation on Zionism and socialism came not from the social democrats of the Socialist International, who were strongly anti-Communist and anti-fascist during the years of World War II (like Germany's Willy Brandt), but from a rather unknown figure, a Zionist named Ber Borochov.
Psssst . . . Pass the word. Bernie's a Red Jew. 👍👍👍🍺🍺🍺☠️☠️☠️)
World Congress of Families Launches Major Pro-Family, Pro-Life News Network in 5 Languages: Brian S. Brown of International Family News from Russia Insider
The launch of our own news network, iFamNews.com is our response. Our goal is nothing less than to build the first truly global pro-family and pro-life news outlet. Just as we have united tens of thousands of leaders from around the world in our World Congress of Families events, we will create an online global pro-family community of readers who can trust us as a source.
George Galloway Poll: Who Should Be the Next James Bond? Dankof Votes: From Twitter
"Pete Buttigieg."
Jam4Julian (Assange): February 28th in Your City: Mark Dankof from Twitter
The Latest Feminist Idea Is 1984 Meets The Office: Joanna Williams from TAC
If researchers at Northeastern University have their way, one day soon we will go to work and have not only our words but our thoughts and feelings monitored and analyzed by a listening gadget just like the smart speaker in our kitchen. Associate professors Christoph Riedl and Brooke Foucault Welles are in receipt of a $1.5 million grant from the U.S. Army Research Laboratory to come up with just such a device. They will spend the next three years studying how teams interact with each other and with smart devices "using a combination of social science theories, machine learning, and audio-visual and physiological sensors." A key aim for their final product will be to ensure "the equal inclusion of all team members."
Bloomberg-Clinton: A Match Made in Hell: Sarah Abdallah from Twitter
Sarah Abdallah: This is scary...
They both supported the invasion of #Iraq.
They both want perpetual war on #Syria.
They both count Henry Kissinger among their friends.
They both maintain close ties to Saudi Arabia, the butcher of #Yemen.
Bloomberg and Hillary Clinton: a match made in hell.
VIDEO::What Has Become of Ireland?: Gemma O'Doherty from Twitter
If every Irish person who voted for abortion had seen this video, if they had a shred of humanity or compassion, they couldn't have voted for it. 1,000 babies like this precious one are being murdered in our hospitals every month. What sort of a country has #Ireland become?
Mark Dankof: The same sort of Godless place the United States has become.
Mark Dankof: Don't Forget to Vote 😂😂😂: From Twitter
PressTV: Mark Dankof: "Multinational Corporate Capitalism+War for Israel+Cultural Marxism+Russophobia +Disarming the Public=@PeteButtigieg @MikeBloomberg @HillaryClinton. With @realDonaldTrump and @VP you only get 2 out of 5=War 😂
The Suicidal Empire : Dimitry Orlov from Lew Rockwell
Bernie Sanders Leaps to First among Texas Democrats in Latest UT/TT Poll: From Tasnim News Agency
Netanyahu Blocks Mark Dankof on Twitter Over Jeffrey Epstein Greeting Postcard From Haifa : From Twitter
Bloomberg and The Hate Trap : Robert Stacy McCain from The American Spectator
Israel Meddling in U.S. Elections, Not Russia: From Press TV
Rising in Polls, Bloomberg Will Soon Find Out If Support Is Real: Bloomberg
I always go to Bloomberg.com for my news on Michael Bloomberg
Is Bernie vs. Bloomberg good for the Jews?: Jonathan Tilove, Stateman.com
"I am Jewish. And, not to be redundant, I am worried."
You've got to admit, that is legitimately funny.
AIPAC Must Stop Bernie Sanders at All Costs : Jonathan S. Tobin from Haaretz
Austin Mayor Steve Adler watched Pete Buttigieg court Chasten. Now Adler's helping him court America.: From the Texas Tribune
He Wins the Medal of Freedom: Now He Targets Buttigieg Sexuality : From CNN Videos
Opinion I Rage at Bernie Sanders, the Last Jewish Bolshevik. But I Can't Hate Him: Lev Stesin from Haaretz
Seattle's Liberal Reckoning: Robert Merry from The American Conservative
Pete Buttigieg & his husband are planning to have a baby soon: From LGBTQ Nation
Patrick Slattery and Mark Dankof on NBR on RBN: February 13th: Buttigieg the Israeli Candidate? Was Iowa Rigged? Super Tuesday????: From Twitter
Mark Dankof on @RBN on Thursday, February 13 at 1 pm Central with Dr. Patrick Slattery and National Bugle Radio. Is Pete Buttigieg the Hand Picked Asset of Israel and The War Party? Is the Texas Primary Rigged? Super Tuesday?
Script for tomorrow: Mark Dankof on RBN Live on Thursday, February 13 at 1 pm Central with Dr. Patrick Slattery and National Bugle Radio. Is Pete Buttigieg the Hand Picked Asset of Israel and The War Party? Is the Texas Primary Rigged? Super Tuesday? Listen Live or on Archives at http://republicbroadcasting.org
Read: http://thealtworld.com/philip_giraldi/is-pete-buttigieg-the-israel-lobby-choice
February 7th: Mark Dankof on TradCatKnight Traditional Catholic Radio : From Twitter
Mark Dankof on @TradCatKnight today: @realDonaldTrump or @TheDemocrats ZOG; @RepAdamSchiff as JFK Library Profiles in Courage nominee😂; Iranian Movie on ISIS and Palmyra terrifies the NWO: youtube.com/watch?v=JfA3OP…; Mark's seminar on Anfechtung; Franklin Graham in the UK 😂🍺😂
Mark Dankof to Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX): Do you REALLY believe RUSSIA interfered in the Iowa Democratic Caucus? 😂😂😂: From Twitter
The Duke and Dankof Punch Out Jennifer Rubin, Pete Buttplug, Seth Klarman and Israeli Shadow Interference in the Iowa Democratic Caucus, and Zio-Wars : From David Duke and Rense Radio
Mark Dankof to Jennifer Rubin: David Duke and the Medal of Freedom? You Bet Your Sweet Ass, Baby 😂🍺: From Twitter
The song, which is in English and Hebrew, fuses fuses ancient Iraqi Jewish prayers with punk rock.
Iraqi-American Jewish musician and writer Loolwa Khazzoom, the leader of the band, Iraqis in Pajamas, will release a new single, "Cancer Is My Engine," early next month.
The song, which is in English and Hebrew, fuses fuses ancient Iraqi Jewish prayers with punk rock to tell a very personal story, chronicling Khazzoom's journey to heal herself after a cancer diagnosis.
Russians did it! Democratic congresswoman finally says what Russiagaters have all been thinking about Iowa caucus fail: From RT
Rep. Sheila Jackson (D) called on Iowa Democrats to bring the FBI in to investigate Russian involvement in the malfunctioning of the vote-reporting app that threw the first vote of the 2020 election season into disarray. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Gerard Niemira, Shadow CEO: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know: From Heavy
Gerard Niemira, CEO of Shadow.
Former Hillary Clinton campaign staffer whose app and coding blunders wreaked havoc on the Iowa caucuses says he feels 'really terrible' - but the full results are STILL a mystery: From UK Daily Mail
Gerard Niemira.
Sanders DID WIN in Iowa After Adjustments: The Bernie Zone on Twitter
Jeffrey Epstein's Bank Account is Still Active????: Cynthia McKinney from Twitter
Acronym, the dark money group behind the Iowa caucuses app meltdown, explained: From Vox
Is the Super Bowl Event a Reflection of Today's American Values? : Gary D. Barnett from Lew Rockwell
Mark Dankof on Mitt, His Impeachment Vote, and A Reasonable Rate of Return : From Mark Dankof on Twitter
@CNNSotu @MittRomney I've heard from LeChiffre and the Angel Moroni. They both tell me that the only thing Mitt believes in is "a reasonable rate of return."😂@dmitrievaoo @RT_com @RBNLive @DA_Stockman @PressTV @katalin_pota @berniemyman2020 @BernieSanders @TulsiGabbard
Buttigieg Captured in Idlib Province after Iowa Democratic Caucus 😂: From Twitter
Mark Dankof to Jill Stein: Iowa, Pete the Perv, the DNC, and the Israeli-linked Shadow Software are Mighty Queer Business 😂😂😂: From Twitter
Mark Dankof to Jill Stein, the DNC, Pete Buttigieg, and a Ton of News Agencies and Sources:
"Buttigieg, the DNC, an Israeli-linked Shadow application . . . this is all very queer, indeed. Personally, I'd rather have @realDonaldTrump as a Normal Man Between the Sheets leading America in Israeli-driven mass murder than some Perv. 😂🍺👍@PeteButtigieg @DNCWarRoom @DNC @katalin_pota @berniemyman2020 @BernieSanders @TulsiGabbard @Inartica @PatrickBuchanan @RonPaul @RonUnz1 @RBNLive @JZarif @dmitrievaoo @calebmaupin #IowaCaucus #IowaDemocraticParty #iowaRepublicans @philipgiraldi @alisonweir @AliSalaam_DTI @AliAbunimah @DrHananAshrawi @RT_com #IowaCausus #IowaCaucasDisaster #IowaRigged #IOWASCREWJOB #iowaRepublicans #IowaDems #iowacaucus2020 #IOWAGATE #IowaFail @katalin_pota @berniemyman2020 @BernieSanders @TulsiGabbard @dmitrievaoo @PressTV @philipgiraldi @alisonweir @PatrickBuchanan. 😂😂😂🍺🍺🍺👍👍👍
Iraqis in Pajamas to Release New Single : From the Jerusalem Post
The song, which is in English and Hebrew, fuses fuses ancient Iraqi Jewish prayers with punk rock.
Iraqi-American Jewish musician and writer Loolwa Khazzoom, the leader of the band Iraqis in Pajamas, will release a new single, "Cancer Is My Engine," early next month. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Dankof to Iowa Democrats: Buttigieg and Seth Klarman Just Rammed It Up Your A-Double-Slash: Mark Dankof from Twitter
Billionaire Seth Klarman, donor to Israel causes, is one of the largest holders of Puerto Rican debt: Alison Weir from Sott.net
Billionaire pro-Israel Buttigieg backer Seth Klarman funds group behind Iowa's disastrous voting app: Max Blumenthal from The Gray Zone
Behind the app that delayed Iowa's voting results is a dark money operation funded by anti-Bernie Sanders billionaires. Its top donor Seth Klarman is a Buttigieg backer who has dumped money into pro-settler Israel lobby groups.
The Oligarch Behind the World Holocaust Forum : Alison Weir of If Americans Knew from Israel Palestine News
The event is the brain child of Viatcheslav Moshe Kantor, a Russian-Israeli oligarch known for "unscrupulous business dealings" who made his money during the massive plunder of Russian resources that left many ordinary Russian citizens in misery. Kantor is the president of the European Jewish Congress and multiple other international entities. This is his fifth Holocaust Forum.
Harvey Weinstein Says He Hired Israeli Firm Black Cube for Days Like This: From The Times of Israel
FBI Probing Possible Israeli Role in American Hacking : From Press TV
NSO Group and Pegasus software.
Pete Buttigieg Backtracks on Pledge to Leverage Aid to Israel : From Middle East Eye
Pete the Perv Buttigieg shows how to "Win in Iowa" the old fashioned way: More Jewish money than any other contender, give Israel anything, and have a Kosher Fixer in place: Seth Klarman. See https://thegrayzone.com/2020/02/04/pro-israel-buttigieg-seth-klarman-iowas-voting-app/
The FBI is Lying About Seth Rich 185: From UK Ambassador Craig Murray via Lew Rockwell
Alt Right Media Legend Consortium News Takes Legal Step to Sue Top Canadian Broadcaster for Libel for Russian Agent Smear : From Russia Insider
Alt Right Media Legend Cjonsortium News : From Russia Insider
Bernie Sanders Leads Trump and All 2020 Democratic Candidates in Contributions from Active Duty Troops : Seth Harp from Rolling Stone
Is Bernie's Hour of Power at Hand?: Patrick Buchanan from Lew Rockwell
Failed Coup of a Failing Establishment : Patrick Buchanan from Lew Rockwell
'You're a bunch of dopes and babies': Inside Trump's stunning tirade against generals: Washington Post
Do you remember when Trump was awesome?
McConnell softens hard-line tactics on Trump trial: Politico
Adam Schiff is a creep.
Pro tip: Wish Richmond marchers luck, but stay out of the way: Patrick Slattery, DavidDuke.com
Just stay at home and chill.
Rand Paul threatens fellow Republicans with explosive witness votes: Politico
It is worth having this guy in the Senate.
PressTV UK: You Tube Deleted Our Account Without Explanation : From PressTV UK on Twitter
No explanation required in a Zio-Police State in the West.
Trump's In-Kind Contribution to Bernie : Patrick J. Buchanan from Creators Syndicate
The context of Elizabeth Warren's hit on Bernie Sanders going into the Democratic Presidential Debates of January 14th: "The 8 Words Spelling Big Trouble for Sanders," alleged by Warren in stating her version of a private conversation with Bernie that may or may not have actually taken place.
Warren: "I thought a woman could win: He disagreed."
The Real Story: Bernie likely said that a woman named WARREN couldn't win.
The Real, Real Story: CNN will do anything to get the Democratic Presidential Nomination for one of the most heavily Jewish funded candidates: Buttigieg, Warren or Biden.
Bottom Line: The Zionist War Party will prevail.
National Bugle Radio News advice: Register Democrat this one time. And vote Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii.
Jewish CEO of PayPal Bans TruNews after They Demand Justice for Epstein's Underage Victims: Mike Walsh from Russia Insider
Zionists in Pittsburgh Attack Anti War Protesters for Criticizing Israel: Thomas West from Russia Insider
Zionists in Pittsburgh Attaclk Anti War Protestors : Thomas West from Russia Insider
Democratic Debate: A Very Bad Night For Tulsi Gabbard: Some FAG* blogger who doesn't know what he's talking about
Dr. Slattery's rebranding of Stormfront Radio as The Morning Aloha Report gets an honorable mention.
*FAG is not being used as a derogatory term for a homosexual, but rather as the acronym for "Fake and Gay."
Millennials are Turning to Magic and Astrology for Empowerment as Liberal Ideology Has Failed Them : Robert Bridge from RT
The 2019 NBR Annual Office Kwanzaa Party Pompous Pinko of the Year Award Winner: Pope Francis : From Mark Dankof on Twitter
TBA: NBR Annual Office Kwanzaa Party Lady of the Year (Tie): From Mystery
Two Ladies are Co-Winners!
The NBR Annual Kwanzaa Office Party Award for Hit Single of the Year : From You Tube
Tchaikovsky-Hymn of the Cherubim from the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom.
The NBR Annual Office Kwanzaa Party Jewish Oligarch of the Year: George Soros : From F. William Engdahl of Near Eastern Outlook via Lew Rockwell and Mark Dankof
An American Oligarch's Dirty Tale of Corruption is the Engdahl title (if you buy the idea that Jewish Oligarchs can be Americans . . . )
The NBR Annual Kwanzaa Office Party Award as American Heroine of the Year: Tulsi Gabbard (Co-winner): From Press TV
Gabbard and Elizabeth Dilling.
The NBR Annual Office Kwanzaa Party "The Russians Are Interfering in the Elections and Destroying Democracy Story of The Year: From Press TV via Mark Dankof on Twitter
PressTV: This is the National Bugle Radio Annual Office Kwanzaa Party "The Russians are Interfering in The Elections and Destroying Democracy" Story of The Year on @RBNLive in one hour. 😂😂😂
Iran Seizes Haul of U.S. Weapons Meant to Be Used for Riots.
Mark Dankof: "This is downright un-American. We need those weapons to defend ourselves from the American War Party and Globalist-Zionist Elite in the 2020 American Elections."
Winner of our Annual Office Kwanzaa Party Award for The Question of the Year and the Century : Jennifer D. Lawrence from Twitter
"Do they really think we're that stupid?" (regarding the Kevin Spacey story or anything else)
Yes, Jennifer, They Do. And We Are. Excluding you and a few others in America who can still think.
Our Annual Office Kwanzaa Party American Heroine of the Year (tie): From Russia Insider
Co Winner: Elizabeth Dilling
Our Annual Office Kwanzaa Party Award for the SOS Story of the New Year : From the San Antonio Express News via Mark Dankof on Twitter
General Paul Nakasone of CyberCom and the NSA tells us to be worried about Russian Cyber Interference in our 2020 Elections. If you're listening President Putin, please interfere. Putin in 2020: Now More Than Ever. 😂😂😂
National Bugle Radio Office Kwanzaa Party 2019 Middle Finger Salute of the Year : From Damian Wilson at RT via Mark Dankof on Twitter
UN women's rights agency tweet depicts motherhood as a 'penalty' – at CHRISTMAS — RT Op-ed. Our Middle Finger Salute of the Year for the National Bugle Radio Annual Office Kwanzaa Party at 1 pm Central today @RBNLive
National Bugle Radio Office Kwanzaa Party Observation of the Year on American Culture : From Mohamed Adda on Twitter
Show Promo! Join the National Bugle Radio Office Kwanzaa Party on RBN! December 26th! 1 pm Central : From Twitter
Our Kwanzaa Office Party 2019 Award for MSM Silence: Watch Christians Enjoy the Holiday Season in Iran: From RT
Sarah Abdallah explains the silence.
NBR Kwanzaa Office Party 2019 Award: Millennials are Turning to Magic and Astrology for Empowerment as Liberal Ideology Has Failed Them : Robert Bridge from RT
The op-ed of the great Robert Bridge leads to our Annual Kwanzaa Office Party 2019 Award to Millennials as the Collective Idiots of the Year 2019, entitled "Reject Marxist Failure: Gain Empowerment With the Occult."
Return to Traditional Christianity you idiots.
Was the Imprisonment of Iranian-American Journalist Marzieh Hashemi Spun Into Sanctions?: Max Blumenthal on The Greyzone
Human Rights and First Amendment Case or Spy Defector Case? See Mark Dankof at https://mark1marti2.wordpress.com/2019/02/18/mark-dankof-on-the-monica-witt-usaf-osi-spy-defection-case-and-marzieh-hashemi-of-press-tv-iran/
The National Bugle Radio Kwanzaa Office Party American Cultural Icon for 2019 and 2020: From Twitter
"Christianity" Today Calls for President Trump to be Removed from Office : From Todd Starnes
Mark Dankof: " 'Christianity' Today Calls for President Trump to be Removed From Office | Todd Starnes. Christianity Today is far removed from its salad days long ago under the great Carl F.H. Henry. Pinko Jim Wallis lurks in the background: en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim_Wallis"
Mark Dankof on Twitter: https://twitter.com/dankofmark/status/1208123468060999687?s=12
5 Part Video: Michael Collins Piper talks to James Traficant on Jewish Power in American Government : From Stas via Mark Dankof on Twitter
Julian Assange: Hillary Clinton and US Intelligence Pushing Pence Takeover of US Presidency : Whitney Webb in March 2017 from Mint Press News
Virginia Lawmakers Threaten Second Amendment Sanctuaries With the National Guard : Daisy Luther from Lew Rockwell
Trump's Executive Order Protecting Jews: Why it Matters : Eric Striker from Russia Insider
Today's Jewish Billionaires Are Much Worse Than 19th Century Barons. Don't Give Up Your Guns Just Yet . . . : Ahab from Russia Insider
Camera Footage of Epstein's First Suicide Attempt Has Disappeared, and No One Knows Why: Tyler Durden from Zero Hedge
The Steele Report: Multiple Evidence of Hearsay Upon Hearsay : David J. Garrow from WSJ
Homeless in Seattle? City Officials Will Put On a TRANSGENDER STRIP SHOW to Lift Your Spirits : From RT
Pete Buttigieg's Father was a Marxist Professor Who Lauded the Communist Manifesto : From the Washington Examiner
The link between Italian Communist Theoretician Antonio Gramsci, his views on subverting the United States via moral and cultural infiltration, the senior Buttigieg, and Mayor Pete and his Jewish financial enablers.
Till Death Do Us Part! Texas Woman Poised to Marry Nebraska Inmate Who Slit his Penis and Tongue to Look Like Snakes : From UK Daily Mail
Meet the Weirdos of the Week for the December 16th, 2019 Generations show in UK EuroFolkRadio. 😂😂😂🍺🍺🍺👍👍👍
Virginia Lawmakers Threaten to Send National Guard to 2nd Amendment Sanctuaries : Daisy Luther from Lew Rockwell
Hallmark Channel Apologizes for Pulling Ads of Same Sex Weddings : From CNN Business Report
IG Report on 2016 FBI Spying Reveals a Scandal of Historic Magnitude, Not Only for the US Govt but the US Media : Glenn Greenwald from The Intercept
Freshman Democrats Push for Amash as Impeachment Manager : Rachel Bade from the Washington Post
Where's my Apology, Jim? Trump Taunts Comey after Former FBI Chief Says Sorry for Sloppy Russia Gate Investigation : From RT
Polish Far Right Leader Arrested for Inciting Anti-Semitism : From Times of Israel
The Lindbergh Kidnapping Hoax and Norman Schwarzkopf, Sr. : From Lindbergh Kidnapping Hoax
The Case of the Senior Schwarzkopf (and the Lindbergh Baby Case!): Martha Sherrill from the Washington Post
I'm Taking Charlottesville Politicians and Antifa Gangs to Court : Greg Conte from National Justice via Russia Insider
Dankof on Slattery's NBR on RBN Live: News Summary, Lindbergh v FDR, Pearl Harbor and the Iran War Party : From Mark Dankof's America and RBN Live
After Trump Executive Order on Israel, GOP Lawmaker Tries to Get Georgetown U Funding Pulled for Alleged Pro-Islamist, Anti-Israel Bias : Michael Arria from Mondoweiss
Houston Police Chief Art Acevedo: The Idiot of the Week and Pelosi's Violence Against Women Act (VAWA): Mark Dankof from VK
Chesapeake (VA) City Council Unanimously Declares Chesapeake a 2nd Amendment Constitutional City : Margaret Cavanagh from WTKR
Ronald Lauder Funding $25 Million Campaign Against Anti-Semitism in US Politics : From JTA
Jeremy Corbyn Reflects on 52 Years of Fighting for Queer Rights : From UK Pink News
Trump Signs Executive Order to Punish Critics of Israel with Jeffrey Epstein's Lawyer Beside Him: From Renegade Tribune
Alan Dershowitz, John Hagee, Robert Jeffries, . . .
New Calls for Anti-Vaxxers To Be Thrown in Re-Education Camps While Their Children Are Kidnapped and Their Homes Seized : Mike Adams from Natural News
Trump to Sign Executive Order Recognizing Jewish University Students as a Protected Class : Ron Kampeas from the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA)
The Tucker Carlson Exposé of AEI and Conservatism, Inc.: Think Tank Lied For Jewish Company Pushing Opioids : Kevin MacDonald from the Occidental Observer via Russia Insider
Meet the Jewish pharma family that made $11 billion on OxyContin which killed 200,000 people, and the Jewish power structure that protects and enables them, including the American Enterprise Institute.
Talmudic Tyranny: Philly's Top Lawyer is a Soros Puppet Bent on Letting Blacks Murder Whites : Eric Striker from Russia Insider
Thanks, but We'll Keep "Mother" and "Father": Putin Rejects PC Parents #1 and #2 Terminology : From RT
Drag Queen Story Hour: Jewish Groups Pushing Cross Dressing Psychopaths on Children : Kay Elle Lothbrook from National Justice via Russia Insider
Democrats Offering Passion over Proof in Impeachment Proceedings : Jonathan Turley from The Hill
The Democrats' Missed Opportunity on Impeachment: The Atlantic
(((Atlantic))) journalist (((Russell Berman))) fears that when House Judiciary Committee Chairman (((Jerrold Nadler))) brought in law professors (((Noah Feldman))) of Harvard, (((Michael Gerhardt))) of the University of North Carolina, and (((Pamela Karlan))) of Stanford, he just further polarized the impeachment issue, thus hurting his own cause.
Remembering Texe Marrs: Andy, Adrian, and Mark : From "Generations" on EuroFolkRadio from Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
Democratic Debate: a Very Bad Night for Tulsi Gabbard: The People's View (some website nobody's ever heard of)
All this sheep libs are bent out of shape that Tulsi was so awesome.
Haaretz: Push to Impeach Trump Led by Rabidly Russophobic Jews : Israel Shamir from Russia Insider
'Assassination Attempt': Bolivia's Morales Convinced Helicopter Malfunction Was an Attempt to Kill Him : From RT
This guy is absolutely paranoid. 😂😂😂
Ukrainian MP: Biden Group Take at $16.5 Million : Tyler Durden from Zero Hedge
Russiagaters Narrow Focus to Russian State Media : Dave DeCamp from Antiwar.com
Ukraine Widens Probe Against Burisma Founder to Include Embezzlement of State Funds: Ilya Zhegulev from Reuters
Epstein Didn't Kill Himself? New Questions : Ekaterina Blinova from Sputnik
Handing Trump 'Terrifying Authoritarian Powers, House Democrats Re-Authorize Patriot Act in Budget Bill : Jake Johnson from Common Dreams
Now that Assange is Safely Locked Up, Sweden Drops Its 'Investigation': From Caitlyn Johnstone via Lew Rockwell
Video: Columbian Protestors Hold National Strike Against Government in Bogota : From Sputnik
Israeli AG Indicts Netanyahu in Corruption Cases : From Sputnik
Prince Andrew Met With Ghislaine Maxwell After Epstein Probe Reopened : From Press TV
Gabbard vs. Harris: "Our Democratic Party, Unfortunately, Is Not The Party That Is Of, By And for The People": Real Clear Politics
This was a good exchange. There is no way that Harris can't continue as a viable candidate while spewing such nonsense. Really, what a bee-itch.
Mark Dankof Defends Hunter Biden in the DNA Paternity Suit Debacle 😂🍺👍: Mark Dankof from Twitter
@ClintEastwoodLA @stclairashley @JoeBiden @achitchcock #HunterBiden @RBNLive
Ashley: Cut Hunter some slack. Hell, at least he isn't @KatieHill4CA @PeteButtigieg or Ed Buck, for crying out loud. 😂😂😂🍺🍺🍺
Chik Fil A Ends Donations to Christian Organizations Under LGBTQ Pressure: From National Review
Mark Dankof: "Chik Fil A demonstrates its capitulation to Perverts, Stalinists, the Synagogue of Satan, and Antichrist. Thanks for Gutlessness for Benjamins, you jerks."
Slattery and Dankof Salute Liberty Stickers and RBN Live : From Vkontakte (Complimentary Photo🍺🤠👍)
LibertyStickers.com is a friend of Mark Dankof, National Bugle Radio, and RBN Live. Make Your Feelings Known🍺🍺🍺👍👍👍🤠🤠🤠. Tell them Mark sent you.😉😉😉 https://vk.com/wall468804996_6224
Official Salute to Dr. Slattery and Pastor Dankof for a Great Job on RBN Live on November 19th: From JFK63 Truth from Twitter
We appreciate these Morale Lifters from fine people around the country and the world. We don't make any money, but you can't buy across a counter the rewards we get from people who thank us for letting us know they aren't alone in the world.
Impeaching Trump and Demonizing Russia: Birds of a Feather: Robert W. Merry from TAC
Buttigieg surges ahead of Democratic rivals in Iowa: poll: Reuters
Reuters literally reported that Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and mayor booty judge are in a three-way.
Assange Lawyers Links to US Govt and William Browder Raise Questions About Assange Defense : Lucy Komisar from Off Guardian via Lew Rockwell
What We Know About Tulsi Gabbard's Base: Five Thirty-eight
Men are way more likely to support Tulsi than women. What's that all about?
Did Obama Order the CIA to Form the "Trump Task Force" to Throw the Election to the Deep State? : Philip Giraldi from Russia Insider
Ignorant and phony Hawaiians freak out at Stormfront Radio rebranding as Morning Aloha Report: Twitter
Aloha is about peace and mutual respect, not marketing!
Slattery and Dankof on RBN Live, Friday 8 November: The ADL and the Houston Police: Look Out, Texas!: Mark Dankof from VK
Mark Dankof Calls Out the ADL and the Houston Police on "Hate" and Profiling : Mark Dankof from Twitter
This is the topic for Patrick Slattery and Mark Dankof on NBR on RBN Radio on November 8th. For background, see https://vk.com/wall468804996_5778, https://fair.org/home/max-blumenthal-arrest-exposes-hypocrisy-of-western-media-and-human-rights-ngos/, https://fpif.org/why-we-should-be-alarmed-that-israeli-forces-and-u-s-police-are-training-together/, https://www.governing.com/topics/public-justice-safety/gov-israel-us-police-training-programs.html, https://theintercept.com/2017/09/15/police-israel-cops-training-adl-human-rights-abuses-dc-washington/, https://twitter.com/DankofMark/status/1192507800108326913, https://mark1marti2.wordpress.com/2011/01/28/544/, https://mosaicmagazine.com/picks/israel-zionism/2019/08/max-blumenthals-progression-from-israel-hater-to-putin-shill/
Mark Dankof Calls Out the ADL and the Houston Police on "Hate" and Profiling : Mark Dankof from Twitter
This is the topic for Patrick Slattery and Mark Dankof on NBR on RBN Radio on November 8th. For background, see https://vk.com/wall468804996_5778, https://fair.org/home/max-blumenthal-arrest-exposes-hypocrisy-of-western-media-and-human-rights-ngos/, https://fpif.org/why-we-should-be-alarmed-that-israeli-forces-and-u-s-police-are-training-together/, https://www.governing.com/topics/public-justice-safety/gov-israel-us-police-training-programs.html, https://theintercept.com/2017/09/15/police-israel-cops-training-adl-human-rights-abuses-dc-washington/, https://twitter.com/DankofMark/status/1192507800108326913, https://www.lewrockwell.com/2019/11/ron-paul/sentence-first-crime-later/ and the News Summary before the main discussion.
Max Blumenthal Arrest Exposes Hypocrisy of Western Media and Human Rights NGOs: From Fair.org
A One Stop Synopsis of the Life, Legacy, and Mysterious Death of Stephen Mitford Goodson of South Africa : Mark Dankof from VK
Every RBN and National Bugle Radio needs the information parked in this single location.
It's the DNC, Stupid: How the Democratic Party, not Russia, Has Delegitimized the Democratic Process : Elizabeth Vos from Consortium News
Lesbian Episcopal Priest Named Head of the National Abortion Federation : From Life Site News
Do You Fit the Terrorist Profile?: William F. Jasper from The New American
Why We Should Be Alarmed that Israeli Forces and US Police are Training Together : Domenica Ghanem from Foreign Policy in Focus
Excellent article which does largely ignore the work of the ADL with State, Local, and Federal Law Enforcement (most recently in Houston) to target Christian traditionalists and American nationalists and populists with "potential terrorist" and "hate" profiles.
US Undergoing the Same Breakdown as the Soviet Union : Mark Dankof Interview from Press TV
Mark Dankof to Buttigieg: Thank You, Pete, for Sharing the Values You Share With Israel : From Twitter
Wars for Israel, Mass Immigration, Sodomy: Republican Boy Wonder Charlie Kirk Gives the People What They Want : Eric Striker of National Justice from Russia Insider
Yes, Virginia, There is a Deep State and It's Feeding the Anti-POTUS Mob: David Stockman from Lew Rockwell
Two Former CIA Directors Admit: Thank God for Deep State Involvement in the Impeachment Proceedings : Red State from Twitter
Texas School District to Teach 3rd Graders About Sodomy and Condoms : From Life Site News
Ukrainian Jew Dressed as US Army Colonel Slanders His Commander in Chief : Lee Rogers from Russia Insider
Dankof: Freies Deutschland and AfD Stand as a Warning to American Pinkos : From Twitter
The Beltway's 'Whistleblower' Furor Obsesses Over One Name: Real Clear Investigations
The article says the so-called whistleblower's name is Eric Ciaramella. That is an Italian last name, but there is something very gefilte-fishy about this guy.

Take Tulsi Gabbard's explanation of not seeking re-election with a grain of salt: Washington Examiner
She may wind up running for Senate against Mazie Hirono if she isn't elected Goddess Empress.
Trump likes Dina Powell for U.N. job, but she could face some resistance within the White House: NBC News
Imagine our shock that (((Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman))), the top Ukraine expert on the National Security Council, was on the July phone call between Trump and Ukraine's leader.
DOJ review of Russia probe now a criminal inquiry: AP News
Mark Dankof in Twitter 12 Hour Penalty Box: The Katie Hill Photos on UK Daily Mail 😂😂😂: From VK
Twitter suspended me for 12 hours for posting House Oversight Committee Vice Chair Katie Hill's photos from the UK Daily Mail, including her pubic tattoo photo. 😂😂😂 They didn't like my pubic, er, public reference to the fact that Ms.Hill is in line to be the Point Perv in the House Oversight Committee Impeachment Probe now that the Sainted Zionist Elijah Cummings has departed for the Great Below. 😂😂😂🍺🍺🍺👍👍👍
See photos and UK Daily Mail link at Vkontakte, along with the Elijah Cummings Tribute Photo Album. 😂😂😂🍺🍺🍺👍👍👍
Universities Bow to Pressure on BDS : Philip Giraldi from AFP
Endorsement Time: Soros Says Warren Most Qualified to be President : Tyler Durden from Zero Hedge
Germany to Enact Even Harsher Punishments for Saying Anything Jews Don't Like : From Christians for Truth
Why De-Transitioners Threaten Trans-Activists: James Caspian from Spiked
Breaking Totalitarianism : Karen Kwiatkowski from Lew Rockwell
Shocking Photos of Congresswoman Katie Hill (Vice Chair of the House Oversight Committee) 😂: From the UK Daily Mail with an assist from Mark Dankof and Colonel Klink 😂
Shocking photos of Democratic Congresswoman Katie Hill revealed | Daily Mail Online. With the death of the legendary Elijah Cummings, House Oversight Committee Chair, meet Vice Chair Katie Hill, who needs Major Oversight. 😂😂😂
Now that Cummings is in the Lower Beyond, we'll finally have some CNN coverage of the House Oversight Committee hearings with Katie, Harvey Weinstein, and Ed "The Butt" Buck in a historic Tri-Chairpersonship called "Democrat 'Throuple'." 😂😂😂🍺😇🍺👍👍👍
A Call for a Coup Plus a Week Like None Other for Tulsi Gabbard : Philip Giraldi from the Unz Review
Even Parents Shouldn't Be Able to OK Chemical "Transitions" for Little Kids : Ramona Tausz from the New York Post
The James Younger fiasco in Dallas and the terrifying implications.
In a Party of Race-Hustlers, Warmongers, and Calamites, Hillary Clinton Attacks Tulsi Gabbard : James Howard Kunstler from Russia Insider
Complicated Web of Payments Behind $700K Hunter Biden Ukraine, China Dealings Untangled : Tyler Durden from Zero Hedge
Americans Overwhelmingly Reject Anti-BDS Laws, Poll Finds : Ali Abunimah from The Electronic Intifada
Assange in Court : From Ambassador Craig Murray
Serious visual observations from a credible source that Assange has been tortured.
Greek Church Rubber-Stamps Patriarch Bartholomew II's Lawlessness in Ukraine : Fr. Zechariah Lynch from Russian Faith
Gabbard Slams NYT Profile of Her: From The Hill
Their Son Penetrated Online Radical Groups for the FBI. Then the Feds Lost Him. : From the WSJ via Apple News
Terrifying must read story on the hazards of entering the subterranean secret world and ending up dead.
We're In a Permanent Coup: From Matt Taibbi via Antiwar.com
Lead story at Antiwar.com and an absolutely critical read.
LGBTQ Town Hall Showcased Democratic Extremism: Steve Cortes, Real Clear Politics
We're not getting gay fast enough.
We're in a permanent coup: Matt Taibbi
Soros Hacked: Thousands of Open Society Foundation files released online : From RT
Pro-Israel Organization Praises Kamala Harris for Being to the Right of Obama on the Iran Deal : Michael Arria from Mondoweiss
Trump Impeachment Proceedings Seek to Divert Attention from US Problems : Mark Dankof interview from Press TV Iran
The Ministry of Minority-Worship: Gay Rights and the Goals of GloboHomo : Tobias Langdon from The Unz Review
A critical read recommended by Don Wassall of The Nationalist Times and discussed in Don's monthly chat on the UK EuroFolkRadio show "Generations" with Andrew Carrington Hitchcock, Adrian Krieg, and Mark Dankof. https://www.unz.com/article/the-ministry-of-minority-worship-gay-rights-and-goals-of-globohomo/
Trans Freedom and Sexual Assault: How Democrats Want to Strip YOUR Constitutional Freedoms : Graham Dockery from RT
Rush Limbaugh Blasts Fox News: They Should Change Name to 'Fox Never Trumper Network': Daily Beast
Some legitimate news organizations use the word "Daily" in their name (The Daily Stormer comes to mind). The Daily Beast is not one of them. They are Fake And Gay (F.A.G.) news. And they are coming to the defense of the Neocons in Fox News after Rush Limbaugh pointed out that there are Neocons in Fox News.
Trump spars with local officials ahead of Minnesota rally: CNN (aka Very Fake News)
Beware that the CNN website is full of viruses, trojan horses, and other malware and should never be visited by anyone for any reason.
Harris spokesman calls out Gabbard over pushback on call to suspend Trump Twitter account: The Hill
Wannabe mama Kamala wants to strip President Trump of his 1st Amendment rights, so how do you think she would deal with us? Meanwhile, surfer-in-chief Tulsi even stands up for Trump's rights in a Democratic primary!
New Documents Contradict Biden Claim That the Ukrainian Prosecutor Was Corrupt : Tyler Durden from Zero Hedge
Dankof Provides Luminaries with Complete Texts of Piper and Gueynót on Israel and the JFK Assassination : Mark Dankof from Twitter
UN LGBTQ Czar Urges Governments to Take Action Against Christians : Steffano Gennarini from Russian Faith
Mark Dankof to "Patriarch" Bartholomew II of Istanbul on His Work With the CIA and Kiev in Subverting Ukraine and World Orthodoxy : Mark Dankof from Twitter
After Bolton, Trump's Second Term Depends on America First : W. James Antle III from TAC
Even By the Appalling Standards of US Politics, Biden is Shameless in His Pursuit of Jewish and Israeli Money : Michael Arria from Russia Insider
Democrats Clash on Bill to Curb Israeli Torture of Children : From Electronic Intifada
Tulsi Gabbard laments rivals speaking Spanish in debates and calls identity politics 'a real danger': Washington Examiner
There Was an FBI Spy Inside the Trump Organization and Judicial Watch Just Sued to Find Out More: TownHall
Can the Right Escape Racism?: New York Times
What do you expect by a guy named Ross Douthat?
Tulsi Gabbard's high intensity work-out : Twitter

The CIA, Mossad, and the Epstein Network Are Exploiting Mass Shootings: From Whitney Webb of Mint Press News
It's obvious, but Whitney Webb reports it.👍👍👍
Mark Dankof to the SF City Council and The Demokkrats: I'm no Terrorist, I'm the NRA and the TSRA: From Twitter
Pastor Mark Dankof reminds the Bolshevik SF City Council and the Demokkratic Comrades running for President that both he and President John F. Kennedy have NRA Life Credentials. Pastor Dankof provided them a Link to what happened to him in San Antonio in 2015 on Columbus Day, and what it means when a law abiding person uses a gun to defend human life.
Mark Dankof To Buchanan: Biden, Among Others, Has Blown It: From Twitter
Read Buchanan on Biden: "Can Uncle Joe Run This Marathon?"👍👍👍
Slattery and Dankof on RBN on Sept 6th vs the ADL, Geraldo, Silverman and the ADL : VIDEO : From Vkontakte
9-11 and Jeffrey Epstein: Media Malfeasance on Steroids : Kevin Barrett from the Unz Review
What We Still Do Not Know About Russia Gate: Stephen F. Cohen from The Nation via Lew Rockwell
The Remarkable Rise of the AfD in Germany: What the Media Isn't Telling You : Srdja Trifkovic from Russia Insider
Merkel and Allies Hang On in German Elections as AfD Surges: From RT
The Empire Is Coming for Tulsi Gabbard: Tom Luongo
John Pilger Reveals Assange Prison Conditions: His Psychological Torture Continues Unabated : From RT
In America, Emotion Rules Reason : Paul Craig Roberts from Lew Rockwell
Everything You Think You Know About Christian Zionism is Wrong : Raphael Magarik from the Jewish Forward
Interesting article.
Flyers Accusing Jews of Being Behind 9-11 Attacks Appear in San Francisco Area: Dan Pine from the Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Definitely a case of Anti-Semitism, like promoting the preposterous suggestion that Jews were and are involved in the Epstein-Maxwell Pedophile Case.
Who are the Real Extremists?: Ron Paul from Lew Rockwell
Impeachment Time : Philip Giraldi from the Council for the National Interest
High Tech Billionaire Paul Singer is Sending High Tech Jobs to Israel: From Israel National News
What's In Tulsi Gabbard's Future?: Election Central
This is a hit piece by some retard saying that Tulsi is really a Republican because David Duke likes her. Whatever!
Former FBI Director's Divorce Shrouded in Mystery : From the San Antonio Express News
The Far Left's Alt-Right Friend: Michael Watson from Capitol Research
Koch and Soros UNITE to Shut Down the Internet : From Mac Slavo at SHTFplan.com
Longtime RBN Host, Deanna Spingola, Loses a Daughter After a Long Illness : From RBN
Mark Dankof: Personal thanks are in order for John Stadtmiller at RBN for posting news of this terrible tragedy. Deanna Spingola is a fine lady and one of the best people extant in Alternative Media. Prayers requested from National Bugle Radio listeners and fans.
Castro becomes tenth Democrat to qualify for September debate: Politico
If any pollster calls you, tell him you support Tulsi Gabbard. At this point, she needs to register 2% in one more poll, and she missed to 2% in a recent poll by one respondent!
The Mega Group, Maxwells, and Mossad: The Spy Story at the Heart of the Jeffrey Epstein Scandal : Whitney Webb for Mint Press News
Alarm as Trump Requests Permanent Reauthorization of NSA Mass Spying Program Exposed by Snowden : Jake Johnson from Common Dreams via Lew Rockwell
Raising the Red Flag: Americans Fear a Gun Grab on the Horizon : Robert Bridge from Strategic Culture Foundation
Mark Dankof: Must read from Robert Bridge. He's one of the best, either here or on RT.
Trump's Nationalist Report Card: A Solid C: Robert W. Merry from The American Conservative
Protesters Threatening and Shooting ICE Facilities : TNA Video from The New American
Trump Bets His Presidency on Tariffs as Recession Looms : Pat Buchanan from The American Conservative
Trump Rule to Nix Obama Order Forcing Religious Contractors to Hire LGBTQ Workers : Calvin Freiburger from LifeSiteNews
Subscribe to Culture Wars: Volume 38, Issue 8: Jewish Privilege : From Twitter
Mark Dankof: Culture Wars is a critical monthly read; Dr. E. Michael Jones, Editor.
Charlottesville After 2 Years: An Alt-History of What Should Have Happened : From The Unz Review
VIDEO (30 seconds): August 16th: Patrick Slattery and Mark Dankof on Biblical Revival Before 2020😂😂🍺🍺: From Twitter
Patrick Slattery and Mark Dankof on National Bugle Radio on RBN at 1 pm Central Time on Friday, August 16th.
Topic: "Biblical Revival in America Before the 2020 Presidential Elections." Guests: Franklin Graham, Donald Trump, Bill Clinton, Ghislaine Maxwell, Bill Hybels: republicbroadcasting.org
Liberals Think I Can Stop Washington from Doing "Something" on Guns: Rushlimbaugh.com
White nationalists could have firearms taken under red flag law proposed by Kamala Harris: USA Today
VIDEO: "Generations" on EuroFolkRadio: Interview with Don Wassall of The Nationalist Times : From Twitter via Vkontakte
Join the Co-Host Trinity of Andrew Carrington Hitchcock, Dr. Adrian Krieg, and Mark Dankof on "Generations " on the UK-based EuroFolkRadio on August 26th. Featured Guest: Don Wassall of The Nationalist Times and the American Freedom Union.
In this Promotional Video of 12:11, Mark Dankof tells a Russian Vkontakte live audience about why the Global Homo New World Order hates Russia and Vladimir Putin, with reference to the Don Wassall Intelligence Report in The Nationalist Times of July 2019 which reports on the Putin G-20 Interview granted to Lionel Barber of the Financial Times, and the Pat Buchanan article entitled, "Is Putin Right? Has Liberalism Lost the World?"
Was Jeffrey Epstein a Spy for Israel in the US?: Philip Giraldi from Press TV
Philip Giraldi on Epstein after the latter's permanent silencing this past weekend.
State Department Upgrades Anti-Semitism Definition to Include Comparisons of Israel to Nazi Germany : Michael Arria from Mondoweiss
The Journal Diary of Dayton Shooter Connor Betts: Murder, Drugs, Satanism: From the UK Daily Mail
Mass Shootings and Responses to Them Have Unintended Consequences : Paul Craig Roberts from The Unz Review
Mark Dankof on El Paso and Dayton: The Profile, The Timing, The Spin, The Diversion: From Mark Dankof's America
Discussing the implications right now with Dr. Patrick Slattery on the Republic Broadcasting Network.
Dayton Shooter Connor Betts Described Himself as Leftist Who Hated Trump, Wanted Elizabeth Warren President, Was PRO Gun Control : Tom Stickings from the UK Daily Mail
Antifa Connection also.
Poll: Kamala Harris Plummets to 1% with Black Democrats After Tulsi Gabbard Takedown: Breitbart
Send Jeffrey Epstein and His American Elite Perv Pals to Tehran for a Necktie Party : Mark Dankof from Twitter
Mark Dankof Responds To Bernie Sanders on So-Called Assault Weapons : Mark Dankof from Twitter
Mark Dankof responds to Archbishop Gustavo of San Antonio on Guns and Racism : From Mark Dankof on Twitter
Wars and Domestic Measures : Lew Rockwell from Lew Rockwell
Dayton Shooter Connor Betts: Antifa and Satan Loving Democrat Shatters the Progressive Left Narrative : From the Noq Report
What's behind Ayanna Pressley's anti-BDS vote?: Middle East Eye
Ayanna Pressley is AOC's black friend.
Exclusive: FBI document warns conspiracy theories are a new domestic terrorism threat: Yahoo News
"Conspiracy theory" means believing that there is a Deep State effort to take down Donald Trump. I guess Rob Rosenstein, John Brennan, James Comey, Jim Clapper, Robert Mueller, Andrew Weissmann, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, CNN, MSNBC, and the judiciary are too open about their intentions for it to qualify as a "conspiracy."
Dayton Shooter a Self Proclaimed Leftist, Elizabeth Warren/Bernie Sanders Fan: From RT
This doesn't fit the MSM game plan!!!
Mark Dankof on El Paso and Dayton: The Profile, The Timing, The Spin, The Diversion : From Mark Dankof's America
The Rise and Fall of Superhero Robert Mueller : From Taibbi
A $32 million dollar disaster.
US Federal Court Exposes Democratic Party Conspiracy Against Assange and Wiki Leaks: Judge Dismisses DNC Lawsuit : Eric London from Global Research
What's Behind Ayanna Pressley's Anti-BDS Vote?: Nadia Elia from Middle East Eye
One suspects It's All About The Benjamins, although maybe she took a trip to Tel Aviv with Elijah Cummings to meet Bibi.
US Democracy: A Spectacle of War Party: From Strategic Culture Foundation
Conspiracy Theories Cause Extremism Says FBI: From RT
If you think Oswald did not act alone, you're an Extremist. And other FBI/Deep State Hilarities.
Christian Leaders Call Pete Buttigieg on the Carpet After He Uses Proverbs to Justify a $15 Minimum Wage😂😂😂: From Christian Headlines
Somehow Mayor Pete's Scriptural Study hasn't reached Romans 1:18-32 and Romans 6:23a.
The Southern Baptist Leaders love euphemisms like "progressive." We encourage them to use clearer words and terms, like "Queer" and "Cultural Marxist."
Book Review: 10 Myths About Israel by Ilan Pappe: Allan C. Brownfeld from Mondoweiss
Appeared in the Winter 2018 edition of Issues, the journal of The American Council of Judaism. Ilan Pappe was a guest of Mark Dankof on RBN some years ago.
The Russia hoax was fake and gay and the Jeffrey Epstein scandal is a Mossad Kosher Certification operation!: National Bugle Radio
Kosher certification is not just for pork relish and tin foil. Our politicians are also Kosher certified. Listen to this to find out how!
Is Trump's Pandering to the LGBTQ Crowd Merely a Political Ploy?: Dr. Don Boys from CSN News
Britain and Its New 22 Person Zionist-Friendly Cabinet : From Press TV
After the Mueller Debacle, Where Do Democrats Go?: Pat Buchanan from Lew Rockwell
Tulsi Gabbard Sues Google Over Post-Debate Ad Suspension : From Politico
Brazen Assassination of Two Israeli Mafiosi in Mexico Caught on Video : From RT
I was wondering why the US and Texas flags have been flying at half staff recently. I guess the Texas-Israel Business Council is in mourning.
Unacceptable Content? YouTube Ad Content Bans Keyword Christian : From RT
Algorithms Do Not Write Themselves : From RT via Lew Rockwell
Big Tech, Big Media, and the Democratic Party.
Anti-War Democrat Tulsi Gabbard is suing Google. Keep an eye on that also.
American Collapse: Number One in a Series: Paul Craig Roberts from Lew Rockwell
Zero in on Asset Forfeiture Laws and the police.
Jeffrey Epstein Found Injured and Semi-Conscious In His Cell, With Suspicious Marks on His Neck: From RT
If you saw Clive Owen in The International, Epstein may have a very short life expectancy.
Russia Declares Atlantic Council an Undesirable Organization : From RT
Epstein Money Trail: Will Deutsche Bank Investigation Reveal Powerful Connections?: From RT
The Leslie Wexner-Jeffrey Epstein Connection: The American Jewish Elite is Sweating : From Vkontakte
Mueller Never Investigated the Seth Rich Murder : S. T. Patrick from the American Free Press
VIDEO: Mark Dankof will be on Mark Anderson's Stop the Presses on RBN: July 24th: From Vkontakte
30 Second Video with Links for the 24 July appearance of Mark Dankof on Mark Anderson's Stop the Presses radio show on RBN. Time: 2-3 pm Central with accessibility to the broadcast in the RBN Archives shortly thereafter.
Whole Foods: From Organics and Purity to Sponsoring Drag Queen Story Hour : From NowTheEndBegins
Charlottesville Sentencing: 4 Young Patriots to be Crucified for Freedom of Assembly, Free Speech, and Self Defense : Gregory Conte from Russia Insider
Key Mueller Witness George Nader Hit With Underage Sex Trafficking and Child Porn Charges : From CNN!
Mark Dankof: George Nader should call 1-800-DEFEND A PERV right away.
His Hat is In The Ring: Gazeta Polska Endorses Mark Dankof for President in 2020: From VK
His Hat is In The Ring: Gazeta Polska Endorses Mark Dankof for President in 2020: From VK
LGBTQ Free Zone Stickers: From Gazeta Polska Twitter Page
Terrible stuff. It's only a step from there to Jew Free Zones.
Facebook Bans Group Trying to Stop Drag Queen Story Hours For Hate Speech: From LifeSiteNews
Facebook Slaps John Birch Society With Hate Speech Violation For Immigration Post : Luis Miguel from The New American
Free Speech No Longer Exists in US Universities : Paul Craig Roberts from Lew Rockwell
Read the U of California case PCR cites.
Trump Fuels a Tribal War in Nancy's House: Pat Buchanan from Lew Rockwell
Mark Dankof: Get the Big Picture?: From Vkontakte
10 pictures give The Big Picture.
Kamala Harris Holds Fundraiser With Jeffrey Epstein Law Firm On the Same Day She Condemns Them: John Gage from The Washington Examiner
Steele Dossier Fan Isikoff Says Russia Planted Story About Clinton Hitman Killing Seth Rich : From RT
Welcome to the Hellfire Club : Michael Warren Davis from The American Conservative
Kamala Harris' Ancestors Owned Slaves, Says Her Father: Brent Scher from The Washington Free Beacon
Are Democrats Ceding the Center to Trump?: Pat Buchanan from Lew Rockwell
It's Not Your Imagination: The Journalists Writing About Antifa are Often Its Cheerleaders : Eoin Lenihan from Quillette
If Antifa Isn't Checked, Beware the Backlash Against Their Violence : Sumantra Maitra from The Federalist
The Conservative Crackup Comes to the Antiwar Right : W. James Antle from The American Conservative
You Are Beautiful says Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez at NYC Drag Queen Show : From CNN
Host of The View, Joy Behar: All Pro Life White Guys Should be Given Vasectomies : From Neon Nettle
Ex-NYPD Commissioner Calls on FBI to Declare Antifa a Terrorist Organization : From NOQ Report
Clint Eastwood Snubs Hollywood Boycott of Georgia Over Heartbeat Law : https://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2019/06/29/go-ahead-make-my-baby-clint-eastwood-snubs-hollywoods-georgia-boycott-over-heartbeat-law/
Albanian President Claims Billionaire George Soros is Behind a Conspiracy to Seize His Country by Interfering in Elections : Chris Dyer for MailonLine and AP
Patriarch Bartholomew's Fake Anti-Russian Orthodox Church in Ukraine Collapses in 6 Months: Joaquin Flores from Russian Faith
It's Time for Americans to Engage in Mass Resistance Against the LGBTQ Culture of Death: Mark Dankof from Russia Insider
INTELLIGENCE REPORT on the European Parliament election
From the American Freedom Union
Mark Dankof: Subscribe to The Nationalist Times with Editor Don Wassall and contributors like Dr. Adrian Krieg. The monthly Intelligence Report is terrific. I rely on it.
Ann Coulter Predicted Trump Will be the Last Republican President -- Texas May Well Prove Her Right
From the American Freedom Union site of Don Wassall
Who Won the Debate? -- Tulsi Gabbard let the genie out of the bottle
Philip Giraldi from The Unz Review
The Torture of Julian Assange : Paul Craig Roberts from Lew Rockwell
America's Oligarch Kosher Sandwich: The Democrats Want to Destroy Russia, the Republicans, and Iran: Eric Zuesse from Russia Insider
Key RussiaHoax 'Sources' Identified: Two 'Russian ' Jews Working for MI6 and the CIA: Joe Hoft from Russia Insider
Mark Dankof with Andy and Adrian on The Generations: From the Andrew Carrington Hitchcock Show on EuroFolkRadio
Violence Erupts as West Turns its Sexual Subversion Weapon on Georgia : James George Jatras from Strategic Culture Foundation
Must read.
Rep. Duncan Hunter Used Campaign Funds for Affairs, Prosecutors Say : From CNN
War Crimes With Government Money AOK. Bimbo Eruptions With Government Money Non-AOK.
Happy Coming 4th of July, Patriots! Be sure to Venerate the Empire, The Wars, The Crimes, and The Crooks!
Ilhan Omar at the PRIDE Parade!: From Vkontakte
Mark Dankof Endorses News Front : From Vkontakte
St. John Chrysostom Homily 4 on Romans (chapter one): From New Advent
National Bugle Radio News has the distinct impression that St. John Chrysostom would not vote for Mayor Pete Buttigieg in the 2020 Democratic Presidential Primaries.
Joe Biden Son Hunter Ignoring Baby He Fathered in Arkansas, Paternity Suit Claims : Adam Carlson from People Magazine
PRIDE 2019 (with the New York Jewish Community): From Beit Simcha Torah in New York
Opposing Sodom by Force: Orthodox Christian Missionary Alexsey Makarov Explains : From Russian Faith
Review: A Stonewall Opera Reflects the Diversity of Queer History : Joshua Barone from the New York Times
If you pay the online New York Times subscription fee to read this trash, you need to get a life.
After a 50 Year Wait, Stonewall Opera Written in Weeks : Ronald Blum from AP News
The impending 4th anniversary of the Obergefell SCOTUS decision has the Perversion Puppets out in full force.
Mark Weber on Revisionism and Politics: From Bitchute
Why Will No Reporter Ask Mayor Pete These Questions?: Dr. Don Boys from CSN News
Will Joe Repudiate His Segregationist Friends?: Pat Buchanan from Lew Rockwell
Why are Progressives Using an Anti-Semitic Slur Coined by the KKK?: From Jewish Journal
David Duke responds to National Bugle Radio News: "I did not blame Zios for the Sandy Hook shootings other than saying the sick and vile blood and vicious culture of Hollywood has caused the the mental pathology of mass shootings in America. We always had guns but not always a vile media of blood and sickness."
Recruiting American Spies for Israel : Philip Giraldi from the Unz Review
This Jewish Lawyer Wants to Break the Back of the Violent White Nationalist Movement : Ron Kampeas for the Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Meet Roberta Kaplan of Integrity First, Sines v Kessler, and the lead counsel in the final legal victory won for same-sex spouses.
If she had any Integrity, she would acknowledge that violence was planned by the Marxist left, Antifa, and militant LGBTQ groups in conjunction with legal authorities in Charlottesville who not only failed to honor the Unite to Right legal permit to hold their rally, but deliberately steered the latter into a Leftist Ambush in front of MSM and a CIA operative known for planning such manipulated events abroad.
Kaplan's future problem won't be with what she terms Violent White Nationalism, but with average Americans ready to revolt against Wars for Israel, un-Constitutional Federal and State Laws equating criticism of Israel and its 5th Column Lobby with anti-Semitism, rigged elections, public educational tools to inculcate grade school kids in the latest in sexual perversion, and partial birth abortion.
Judge Rules Against Sandy Hook Denier From Dane County, Trial Expected : From the Wisconsin State Journal
Supremes Send Anti-Christian Ruling Over Cake for Homosexuals Back to Oregon Appellate Court : R. Cort Kirkwood from The New American
Fighting BDS Online With Israel's DigiTell Defenders : From Alan Rosenbaum and the Jerusalem Post
Far Right Candidate Loses German Election After Filmmakers Weigh In : From The Times of Israel
Texas AG Sues the City of San Antonio Over Its Chick-Fil-A Exclusion While Texas Governor Signs : Michael Carroll from The Center Square
Jewish Mayor Ron Nuremberg Flies the Flag in the Alamo City and Military Town USA for 🏳️🌈 🏳️🌈 🏳️🌈 and a certain influential Lobby. 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱
Vermont GOP Governor Signs Bill Denying Parental Notification of a Child's Abortion : From Breitbart News
Team of American Hackers and Emirati Spies Discussed Attacking The Intercept : Sam Biddle and Matthew Cole from The Intercept
Russiagate is No Watergate : Pat Buchanan for Antiwar.com
Mossad Involved in Anti-Boycott Activity, Israeli Minister Date Books Reveal : Noa Landau from Haaretz via Outline.com
Surprise, Surprise. Sunrise, Sunset.
US Embassy Branch in Tel Aviv Decorated for Pride Parade Despite Trump Ban: From the Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Jewish Pride Flags Allowed in DC Dyke March After Standoff : From the Jerusalem Post
Nationalist Solutions Conference: June 28-30, 2019: From Nationalist Solutions
Jane Lasko Eden on the John Stadtmiller Show on RBN on June 12th: The NEA and Their Gender Inclusive/LGBTQ Agenda for American Schools : From Vkontakte
Must listen.
Pro-Life Group Kicked Off Pinterest After Misinformation as Porn Site : From RT
God, Gas, and Cash: How Texas Fell in Love With Israel—And Trampled on the Constitution : From Winter Watch
Houston in July 2019: The NEA Game Plan for Gender Inclusive Education : From the NEA
Jane Lesko Eden of Idaho Eagle Forum tips off Mark Anderson of the American Free Press who passes on to Mark Dankof the tip on the National Education Association (NEA) and its Gender Inclusive Educational Game Plan for children as young as 3 to be unfolded at the NEA Conference in Houston, in July 2019.
Martin Luther King, Jr.: Bombshell the Media Refuses to Handle!: From Don Boys on CST News
Glenn Greenwald Rips Liberals Who Cry for Censorship After You Tube Adpocalypse : From RT
Florida Governor DeSantis Just Signed Law to Censor Criticism of Israel in Florida Public Schools : Michael Arria from Mondoweiss
Bernie and Joe: Two Old White Men Take the Lead: Pat Buchanan from Lew Rockwell
UAE Crown Prince Advisor Arrested for Child Pornography: From Press TV
George "The Perv " Nader hugs Trump, BsM, and Erik Prince.
Hang Him High.
George Galloway Fired by UK Radio After Publishing Anti-Israel Tweet: From Press TV
Conquer and Divide: Israeli NGO Launches Interactive Map Illustrating 52 years of Occupation : From RT
Use Geography to Isolate and Divide: B'Tselem and Forensic Architecture.
VIDEO: Why Bernie Sanders' Communist Misadventures Still Matter: Justin Monticello from Reason
How did Russiagate Begin?: Stephen F. Cohen from the Ron Paul Institute
Warrior Mayor Pete and His Sanctimonious Chest Thumping : Peter Van Buren from The American Conservative
Mayor Pete is throwing stones today from his glass Gay Bathhouse.
German Blogger of The Year Invented Jewish Family History, Cheated Media for Years : From RT
Rumor has it that she got her game plan from Elie Wiesel and Harvey Weinstein in a trip to Jeffrey Epstein and his Fantasy Island.
Stacey Abrams Joins Globalist Elite, Anointed by CFR and the Bilderberg Group : William F. Jasper from The New American
Keep an eye on 2020.
UK Court Bans Parents Protesting (Homosexual) Lessons in UK (Birmingham) Schools : From Press TV
The totalitarianism of International Faggotry and its use of public educational systems in Britain (and the United States) to propagandize and recruit Islamic and Christian children for their perverted lifestyles is the equivalent of Deifying Caesar and hijacking parental rights and religious freedom for these families.
Virginia Beach Shooter: An Inconvenient Truth: From Lew Rockwell
Public Opinion Turns in Assange Favor : Joe Lauria from Consortium News
Even as Assange fights for life in British incarceration. He is gravely ill.
How to Spot a Jew: Lebanese Parliament Speaker: From the Jerusalem Post
Mark Dankof assists the Lebanese Parliament Speaker in How to Spot a Jew, especially in Washington, D. C.
California Dems Propose Resolution Linking Israeli Government to Pittsburgh Synagogue Massacre : From Fox News
EU Election Roundup: It is Globalists Versus Nationalists as Old Parties Fritter Away: Guillaume Durocher from Lew Rockwell
Complete Victory For the First Amendment: Texas Judge Blocks Anti BDS Law: From RT
Israel-based Florida Cabinet Meeting Triggers Scandal and Suit: From RT
Israel Will Hold New General Election After Netanyahu Fails to Form Coalition : Ben Sales and Marcy Oster from Jewish Telegraphic Agency
German Anti-Semitism Commissioner Tells Public to Wear Skullcaps : Bhvishya Patel from MailonLine via Apple News
US Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell will wear one in Rainbow Colors🏳️🌈
#MeToo Comes for Martin Luther King : Rod Dreher of The American Conservative
Even Orthodox Christian pietist Rod Dreher is writing about King's membership in the "International Association for the Advancement of P—-y Eaters."
Ron DeSantis Signs Un-Constitutional Florida Bill Equating Criticism of Israel With Anti-Semitism in ISRAEL, not Florida : From The IMEU on Twitter
Ron DeSantis, Governor of the State of Israel, signs the Florida Knesset bill equating criticism of Israel with Anti-Semitism in a moving signing ceremony in Tel Aviv during a visit with Bibi while selling Florida War Bonds to supporters of the 51st State.
The Brexit Surge: Brendan O'Neill from Spiked Online
Salvini Declares NEW Europe is Born Following Right Wing Surge in EU Elections : From Sputnik via Lew Rockwell
LePen Beats Macron in EU Parliamentary Elections: Far Right Gains Ground : Dave Clark from Times of Israel
EU Vote: The Domestic Fall Out Across Europe—Factbox : From Reuters
Early preliminary results.
EU Elections UK Results and Maps: Brexit Party Wins 9 of 11 Regions, Lib Dems Win in London : From The Telegraph
The Andrew Carrington Hitchcock Show with Dr. Adrian Krieg and Special Guest Mark Dankof : From UK EuroFolkRadio
Far Right Political Parties Make Considerable Gains in EU Elections : From Press TV
Preliminary estimate.
Trump Administration Announces New Design of $20 Bill Honoring Harriet Tubman's Owners: From The Onion
Nixon and Calley: Ugly Situation Recalled on Memorial Day Half a Century Later: From Washington Post
IHR Director Banned in Britain : From IHR
In this January 2018 update, we are reminded that Theresa May banned Mark Weber of the IHR in 2015. Her animadversion to Mr. Weber is rooted in her resentment of his ability to penetrate bad arguments with facts and historical analysis, to expose injustice and fraud, and his constant reminders to the world of how it is that idiots like Theresa May actually rise to political power in the West: by doing whatever their Jewish Zionist Masters Command.
'Reminds of Israeli political strategist Tal Silberstein' - Austrian Chancellor on tape scandal: Russia Today
Austrian Chancellor calls out Israeli political strategist Tal Silberstein for manufacturing scandal that brought down his ally.
We've Hit a New Low in Campaign Hit Pieces: Rolling Stone
Tulsi Gabbard must be a Russian agent because Stephen F. Cohen donated to her.
2019 European Parliament Election Results : From European Parliament
Start checking on Sunday, May 26th.
European elections 2019: When do we find out the results of yesterday's vote?: The Telegraph
NBC Claims Russians Plan to Give African Americans Combat Training : Dave DeCamp from Antiwar.com
The Great Russian Conspiracy uncovered by Robert Mueller!
Mark Dankof: If this is true, terrific. African Americans and European Americans can team up to overthrow the Zionist-Jewish Oligarchy running the United States and destroying everybody else in their next War for Greater Israel. Mueller and NBC will both be Disemployed.
Democrat Passage of Equality Act: Stage One of the Criminalization of Christianity : JD Heyes from Natural News
VIDEO: Money Trail from Foreign Oligarchs to Hunter Biden Bank Accounts Exposed : From Breitbart
Video: When You Are Trying to Renegotiate Brexit and Even Your Car Door Will Not Help You Out😂😂😂: From RT UK
Theresa May on her comedic state visit to Zion-Germany PM Angela Merkel to discuss Brexit.
OP-ED: Theresa May Could Dance, But Her Political Moves Were a Disaster : Simon Rite from RT
UK PM Theresa May Resigns: Out on June 7th: From RT
Lone US Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) Decries Use of Espionage Act Against Assange While Establishment Remains Mum: From RT
Tulsi Gabbard Would Drop Charges Against Assange and Snowden: From RT
Patrick Slattery and Mark Dankof on National Bugle Radio on RBN: 23 May: From You Tube
Also at http://www.republicbroadcastingarchives.org/national-bugle-radio-with-patrick-slattery-5-23-19/
Iran, EU Elections, Gabbard, Buttigieg.
Greenberg Research Poll: Jews Feel Threatened, Blame Trump for Rising Anti-Semitism : From Press TV
Israel's leading agents in the United States run Trump and his foreign policy, but Trump is an anti-Semite?????
The Day of the Nationalists : Pat Buchanan from Lew Rockwell
Matteo over Macron, says Pat. 👍👍👍🍺🍺🍺🍺
Embroiled Israeli Spin Doctor Rocks Austria With Anti-Semitic Campaign Against Chancellor Candidate : From Haaretz
Reminds of Israeli Political Strategist Tal Silberstein:Austrian Chancellor on Tape Scandal : From Press TV
The Manning/Assange Cases Discredit Humanity : Paul Craig Roberts from Lew Rockwell
Ron Paul Calls Tulsi Gabbard the Very Best Democratic Candidate : From the Washington Examiner
In foreign policy, yes. In virtually everything else as horrible as the other Democratic contenders.
More Footage of Bernie Sanders Honeymoon in the USSR : Tyler Durden from Zero Hedge
Mark Dankof: "Sanders is clearly a Communist but at least he's not a Fag."
Who is Behind the Archimedes Group, Banned by Facebook for Election Fakery?: From the Times of Israel
Tulsi Gabbard: The Bernie-Endorsing Congresswoman Who Trump Fans Can Love: Tim Mak, The Daily Beast
Three years ago The Daily Beast said that Tulsi was too close to candidate Trump on immigration and guns.
Chasten Glezman Wiki: Facts about Pete Buttigieg's Husband: earnthenecklace.com (Some website nobody ever heard of)
Everything you ever wanted to know about the dude that Buttigieg gay-married.
Excellent Interview With Top Russian Christian Conservative Alexsey Komov : From Russian Faith
Mark Dankof: "Father Joseph Gleason of Russian Faith wryly notes that the Globo Homo Zionist Establishment embodied in the anti-Christian bigotry of Cultural Marxists George Soros, The New York Times, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), and the Daily Beast, hates Alexsey Komov.
"No worries, Father Gleason, Alexsey Komov, and Christians everywhere. We're talking about all of these malodorous entities becoming down with Political HIV after their war on Putin, Iran, Ukraine, Syria, and Venezuela blows up in their faces.
"Then the real Christians and Nationalists of America and Europe will arise and destroy them."
The Coming Wrath of Barr: The Real Story of the Russia Hoax : Graham J. Noble from Liberty Nation
Get ready to hear a lot more about John H. Durham.
Police Raid Venezuela Embassy in Washington, Arrest Last Members of Embassy Protection Collective : Sputnik News from Mint Press News
Elliot Abrams undoubtedly authorized this illegal invasion of the Venezuelan Embassy in Washington after getting the Go-Ahead from Bolton and Pompeo. Nice violation of International Law once again, guys, but if you invade Iran, prepare to get your butts kicked by people who can fight and will defend themselves.
Facebook Shutting Down 265 Israeli-linked Accounts : From Press TV
Israel and its Archimedes Group.
Suckerberg is merely involved in a CYA Operation here. He's a Tribesman all the way.
Pete Buttgieg Accused of Anti-Semitism for Calling Out Adelson Influence: Aiden Pink from the Jewish Forward
This may be the one time in his life Pete Buttigieg feels violated from taking it in his, well you know. Is the Jewish Forward a Crypto-Homophobe newspaper?
Twitter Dumps Southern Poverty Law Center, Stops Making Hate Pay : Kirsten Eastlick from the Washington Examiner
Joe Rogan Experience #1295 - Tulsi Gabbard: YouTube
Professor of bongology Joe Rogan had a very worthwhile interview with Tulsi Gabbard. Tulsi's focus is clearly on shutting down what she is calling "regime change wars." No other candidate will talk about this, and she seems determined to actually do it.
Ex-US Intelligence Officer is Charged With Leaks to Reporter : From AP via The Air Force Times
Jeremy Scahill of The Intercept is the reporter.
Mayor Pete Buttigieg's Unlikely, Untested, Unprecedented Presidential Campaign: Newsweek
Obviously Newsweek thinks gayness is a qualification for being President
The Green New Deal, Israel, and Mayor Pete: Stephen Sniegoski from The Unz Review
Generous Joe Biden: More Free Healthcare for Illegals Needed: R. Cort Kirkwood from The New American
Pope Issues Worldwide Sex Abuse Rules: San Antonio Express News from Vkontakte
Cover-Up Commander in Chief issues new rules on sex abuse. Jerry Sandusky of Penn State Football Renown was the Papal Consultant.
Unlike Don, Jr., Hunter Biden Actually Had Foreign Deals: Peter Schweitzer from Breitbart
Tennessee Judge: Jews Should Get The F—K Over The Holocaust : Marcy Oster of Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA) from the Jerusalem Post
One Denver Shooting Suspect Posted Anti-Christian, Anti-Trump Messages; The Other Thinks She Is a Boy : R. Cort Kirkwood from The New American
Brian Sims, Bigot for the Left: Rod Dreher from The American Conservative
US Representative Brian Sims (Fag-PA) gets his jollies mocking Christianity, the elderly, and the unborn by harassing a peaceful pro-life gathering. Try that in Texas, Mr. Sims.
Ex-US Intelligence Analyst Charged With Leaking Top Secret Drone Strike Docs to Journalist: From RT
Facebook Co-Founder Says It Is Time to Break Up Social Media Giant in Scathing Op-Ed: From RT
Ukrainian Embassy Confirms DNC Contractor Solicited Trump Dirt in 2016: John Solomon from The Hill
Christopher Steele Made Damning Pre-FISA Confession: The FBI Classified It : Tyler Durden from Lew Rockwell
How US and Foreign Intel Agencies Interfered in a US Election : Larry C. Johnson from Consortium News
Just Another Human Being: Rachel Maddow's Latest Resistance Hero (John Bolton): Tyler Durden from Zero Hedge
Mark Dankof: Maddow should confine her remarks on MSNBC to something she actually knows about as an acknowledged expert. Sexual perversion. One does have to admit she has expanded her ideological horizons well beyond celebrating the execution of 60 million unborn children in the United States since 1973 to including Russians, Iranians, Palestinians, Syrians, and Venezuelans as future candidates for mass murder at the hands of the Zio-American Empire.
INTERVIEW: Israel Lobby Wants to Criminalize Disagreement With Jews: Dr. E. Michael Jones of Culture Wars from Press TV Iran
5 Jewish Things to Know About Joe Biden : Ron Kampeas at the Jewish Telegraphic Agency
3 immediately come to mind: Biden supports Queer Marriage, Abortion on Demand, and Zio Wars For Israel.
Anti-Semitic Attack on Kosher Cafe Was Staged by Owners: From Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Pompeo Lies, Cheats, and Steals (But He's Still a Good Christian): Philip Giraldi from Lew Rockwell
Pompeo and Pence speak in tongues and kiss Israeli Butt while waiting to be Raptured. Bad News for Them: They will be Raptured in Reverse to the Bottom Floor of the Lake of Fire.
Why Are Clapper and Brennan Not In Jail?: Angelo Codevilla from Russia Insider
Unwanted Children Will Be Killed Anyway: Alabama Democrat Sparks Uproar With Pro-Abortion Argument : From RT
Biden Plays the Race Card: Pat Buchanan from CNS News
Israeli Rabbis Caught on Video at Military Prep School Praising Hitler : Jonathan Ofir from Mondoweiss
Charlottesville: The Last Stand of American Freedom: Gregory Conte from the Unz Review
US Army Veteran Plotted to Bomb California, Kill LAPD Officers in Revenge for New Zealand Attacks : From RT
Israeli Cartoonist on Twitter Angry with Anti Semitic New York Times 😂😂😂🍺🍺🍺👍👍👍: From Twitter
New York Times Apologizes for Anti-Semitic Cartoon : From RT
New York Times Led by Anti-Semites: Israeli Cartoonist Draws His Response to Controversial Picture : From RT
German Far Right Prepares for CIVIL WAR and the Collapse of the State, Intel Warns : From RT
US Federal Judge BlocksEnforcement of anti-BDS Law in Texas: From Al Jazeera
A Federal Judge Bans Enforcement of Anti-BDS law aimed at Texas State Employees and private contractors doing business with State agencies. The First Amendment takes precedence over the un-Constitutional machinations of the Israeli Lobby and the Israel First Evangelical Crackpots.
Hats off to the Federal Judge this time.
Oliver North Steps Down as NRA President Over Dispute on Damaging Information : From Reuters
Rumors of North v LaPierre. Who's telling the truth? Time tells.
Jared Kushner, Not Maria Butina, Is America's Real Foreign Agent : Philip Giraldi from Strategic Culture Foundation
A Chicago Space LGBTQ Jews Becomes a Queer Yeshiva For Everybody : Josefin Dolsten For Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Mark Dankof: "I'm a Trinitarian, Pro-Life, Gun Owning, Monogamous Heterosexual White Male who likes Pat Buchanan, Vladimir Putin, David Duke, and Herman Otten of Christian News. These Queer Talmudic Jews are Liars (Revelation 2:9; 3:9). Their Pervert Talmudic Conclave excluded me. They don't want everybody. And Thank God. Their next Inclusive Community is The Lake of Fire."
🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥
For Christ Sake! Why Do Liberals Get Tongue-Tied When Discussing The World's Largest Religion?: Robert Bridge from RT
Where's the Solidarity for Sri Lanka Christians?: Rahib Ehsan from Spiked
Fine article but it isn't puzzling, Rahib. Islamic extremism, most of Judaism, Globalists, Communists, and LGBTQ all share one thing in common: Hatred of Jesus Christ and Christianity, even if your skin is darker.
Ocasio-Cortez Silent About Sri Lanka After Politicizing New Zealand Attacks : Ryan Saavedra from The Daily Wire
Fine article with one caveat: The term "democratic-socialist" should be jettisoned in favor of the accurate description: Communist.
Coca-Cola, Ford, and Xerox Boldly Announce: We No Longer Contribute to Planned Parenthood : From Russian Faith
Mark Dankof: This is absolutely a terrific announcement by Coca-Cola, Ford, and Xerox in the exposure of the sleazy world of Planned Parenthood, their human body part trafficking, and the horrors of the abortion industry generally. After 60 million deaths of unborn children in the United States since the Roe v Wade case in January 1973, it is breathtaking that even Corporate America is beginning to recognize the evil of the American Holocaust of the 20th and 21st Centuries. Thanks to Father Joseph Gleason and his Russian Faith website for informing me of this breaking development.
The Conspiracy Against Trump : Philip Giraldi from The Unz Review
Navy SEALS Warned Off of Reporting Their Chief for War Crimes: From The New York Times
The Democrats Divide on Impeachment : Pat Buchanan for The Unz Review
Facebook Hires Co-Author of Pro-Patriot Act Surveillance : From RT
They are Christians! Obama and Clinton Lambasted for Calling Sri Lanka Bombing Victims Easter Worshipers : RT
Somehow New World Order Democrats have trouble mentioning Christians and Christianity in a positive light or as victims of oppression.
After Notre Dame Fire,Leading Israeli Rabbi Says: We Have No Mitzvah To Burn Down Churches, But Here In Our Holy Land, It's a More Complicated Issue : Yossi Gurvitz from Mondoweiss
Located on Antiwar.com. Google may try to keep you from opening the URL. Copy and paste the URL into Yandex if necessary.
Why Stop at Burning Books When Libraries Themselves are Sites of Whiteness: Librarian: From RT
Genius from the racist, Marxist librarian at MIT.
Populism Hits An Establishment Roadblock in Europe : Dr. Paul Gottfried from The American Conservative
Jumping Off the Trump Train: Assange Was the Last Straw : From Russia News Now
Overkill in Charlottesville: Govt Officials Deploy 700 Police, Spend $3 Million to Lockdown City Only to Arrest Disabled Veteran For Buying Canned Iced Tea and Bug Spray: John W. Whitehead from The Rutherford Institute
The New World Order takeover of Thomas Jefferson's hometown is now complete.
Truth Itself Is Behind Bars In Julian Assange's Cell: George Galloway from RT
Ron Paul: Ecuador Sells Off Assange to U.S.: From Press TV
Billions in IMF Loans.
Mark Dankof's Betting LOCK on the 2020 Democrat President Ticket : From Vkontakte
Amateur Night: The Democratic Primaries : Dr. Don Boys from CSN News
Assange Should Have Chosen The Russian Embassy: But He Did.: Anatoly Karlin from The Unz Review
Russia miscalculation?
Collateral Murder: 10th Anniversary of Infamous Air Strike That Exposed US Coverup : From RT
Exposing Collateral Murder and Mass Surveillance: Why The World Should Be Grateful to Julian Assange : From RT
WikiLeaks Founder Charged in Computer Hacking Conspiracy : From U.S. Attorney Office: Eastern District of Virginia
Assange Charged With Helping Manning Crack Password To Leak DOD Secrets: DOJ Statement : From RT
Julian Assange: Wikileaks Co-Founder Arrested in London : From BBC
Candace Owens in EPIC Confrontation With Ted Lieu at Congressional 'White Nationalist ' Hearing : From RT
Trump Org May Have Financial Link to Iranian Military Group Designated a Terrorist Organization : From Law and Crime
"Dear John" letter to Donald Trump in an unnecessary foreign accent: Patrick Slattery Youtube channel
Is this the end? Well, listen to this short extra from National Bugle Radio and find out.
Music "Thor's day" by Filbert Applebag.
America in 2020: Socialist America or Trump's America : Pat Buchanan from Lew Rockwell
Trump's Israel First speech to the Republican Jewish Coalition may make all of this moot, Pat. World War III for Greater Israel and Sheldon Adelson may just be around the corner.
President Donald Trump: Explosive Speech at Republican Jewish Coalition in Las Vegas : From You Tube
It's Time to Reckon With Clinton Democrats Who Pushed Russiagate : Kevin Gosztola from Medium.com
A Historical Critique of Dispensationalism, Zionism, and Daniel's Prophecy of 70 Weeks: Mark Dankof from National Bugle Radio
Beto O'Rourke Paid His and His Wife's Company $110,000 Out of Campaign Funds : Peter Hasson from the Daily Caller
The First African-Americani Female Lesbian in Chicago Will Be Lori Lightfoot : From CNN
Enough to make one miss Rahm Israel Immanuel.
Jewish Power Rolls Over Washington: AIPAC Conference Full of Lies and Liars : Philip Giraldi from The Unz Review
Heads Must Roll: The Mueller Report is Over: Now Is The Time For The Counter Stroke : Peter Van Buren from Russia Insider
Excellent in strategy future, and In summarizing the players, associations, and money trails in the conspiracy.
Joe Biden's Strong-Arming In The Ukraine Is Coming Back To Haunt Him: From RT
Joe 's Perv Problems may or may not sink him in 2030. Ukraine will.
Matt Taibbi on Russiagate And Our Refusal To Face Why Trump Won : From Rolling Stone
Joe Biden Is Being Eaten By His Own Monster : Charlie Kirk from Breitbart News
The Lynch Mob is here, Joe. If you were Changing $9 Dollar Bills Into Threes, a Person of Color, or a Jewish Lesbian Rose Bowl Queen, you'd get through The Storm.
Hitler Rants About Brexit : From Hitler Rants Parodies
Der Führer indicates that Theresa May couldn't lead ants to a picnic.
20,000 Force Lockdown of Conservative Conference in Verona, Italy : Dr. Thomas L. Williams from Russia Insider
International Radical Feminism And International Faggotry employ the usual Stalinist methodology in attacking freedom of speech, freedom of association, religious freedom, Christianity, and natural law.
When does the anti/NWO Right in the United States, the UK, and Europe decide to stop fighting forest fires with a squirt gun?
Radio: Andrew Carrington Hitchcock, Dr. Adrian Krieg, Dr. David Duke. Pastor Mark Dankof, and Dr. Patrick Slattery : The Andrew Carrington Hitchcock Show (UK)
Now It Is Official: God, Not The Russians, Elected Trump: Philip Giraldi from Lew Rockwell
Saudi Arabia Hacks Washington Post Owner Phone: From Press TV
Trump Administration Grants $1.7 Million to Anti-Abortion Clinics, Cuts Planned Parenthood : From The Hill via Apple News
5 ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ Stars, Mr. President! Now Defund Israel and Fire Bolton and Pompeo.
Jessie Smollett Allowed To Walk Free, But Not Assange or Manning : Paul Craig Roberts from Russia Insider
Mark Dankof on the New Zealand Massacre for Tasnim News Agency of Iran : From Mark Dankof's America
Pastor Dale Crowley and Faithfulness Unto Death: Pastor Mark Dankof for Christian News and the American Free Press : From Mark Dankof's America
Everyone on the Old Right, the Anti-NWO Right should read this memorial to the great Reformed Baptist Pastor Dale Crowley, Jr. It exposes the Jewish hijacking of Christian print and electronic media in the United States, and the implications.
Southern Poverty Law Center Faces Racism, Corruption, Sexual Harassment Claims : Joel P. Pollak from Breitbart News
Facebook Bans White Nationalism, Separatism : From Press TV
See "Life After Hate." Who are they?
The Democrats Are Self-Destructing: Paul Craig Roberts from Lew Rockwell
Judge Identifies CIA Related Man Who Led The Assault On The North Korean Embassy In Spain: Moon of Alabama from Lew Rockwell
Texas AG Investigating San Antonio Airport Ban on Chik-Fil-A: US Department of Transportation Asked to Investigate : From KSAT12 News San Antonio
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxson closing in on the PC San Antonio Mayor and City Council for their Demokrat Culturally Marxist ban on a legitimate Christian-owned company.
Second Man Who Died in Democratic Donor Ed Buck's House Had a Meth Overdose : From CNN
Patrick Slattery and Mark Dankof covered the Ed Butt Democratic Donor Scandal on National Bugle Radio. Here's more to make you even sicker. Shalom!
It Was All a Lie (Russiagate): Peter Van Buren from The American Conservative
Rachel Maddow trying to cope after Muller admits Russiagate is a hoax:Funny meme
Lest We Forget: 2011 Christchurch Earthquake Unmasked Team of Israeli Spies in New Zealand : Mark Glenn from The Ugly Truth
Attorney General William Barr Summary of the Mueller Report : Scott Horton in the NYT via Libertarian Institute
The Alt Right Declares War on Trump for Betrayal on Immigration, Opposes Reelection : Patrick Fleming from Russia Insider
Pompeo (and Pence) Agree It's Possible God Raised Up Trump to Protect Israel from Iranian Aggression : From CNN
Pompeo and Pence arrived at this conclusion after speaking in tongues and waving their arms at a John Hagee Prayer Vigil at Cornerstone Church in San Antonio .
Mueller Probe Finds No Collusion or Conspiracy Between Russia and Trump : From RT
Israel's Influence in Washington: 2019 Edition : From Viable Opposition
No 1 $$$$$ from Israel in the House? Beto O'Rourke.
New Anti Semitism Office Seeks Suppression of Free Speech : Ted Pike from DavidDuke.com
Ted Pike of the National Prayer Network exposed the truth about the Global Anti-Semitism Review Act of 2004. It is still relevant. One example is HB 741 in Florida and its counterpart in the Florida Senate, which is clearly designed to do the same thing. The actual text of the bill in Florida cites the "Federal Definition of Anti Semitism." That presumably refers to the State Department definition of Anti Semitism which is draconian enough, but the Global Anti Semitism Review Act of 2004 is even more horrifying. Read this story in conjunction with the National Bugle Radio News Page post on Florida. The latter is entitled, "Critics Say Anti Semitism Bill Infringes On the 1st Amendment By Banning Criticism Of Israel," authored by Brendon Rivers from WJCT News.
Radio: Almost Live With Adrian and Andy: Special Guest Mark Dankof : From AndrewCarringtonHitchcock.com
Andrew Carrington Hitchcock (UK) and Dr. Adrian Krieg are a great team on the air. Special Guest: Mark Dankof.
AIPAC Is Coming To Town Again! And Israel Is Having Another Election: Philip Giraldi from The Unz Review
Malia, Michelle, Barack and The College Admissions Scandal : Jack Cashill from The American Thinker
Bernie Sanders Aide Apologizes For Suggesting Jews Have Dual Loyalty : From Jewish Telegraphic Agency
At National Bugle Radio, we could never be accused of such a thing. Jews obviously have only one loyalty, and any suggestion to the contrary is anti-Semitic.
Don't Accept The Rules For How To Criticize The Israel Lobby : Philip Weiss from Mondoweiss
Key read.
In America Truth Is On The Ropes: Paul Craig Roberts from Lew Rockwell
A great perspective on Morris Dees and the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). Look at the $$$ stats.
Jewish Lobbyists Are Behind The Amazon Book Bannings : Ron Unz from Russia Insider
Pity the Nation: War Spending is Bankrupting America : John W. Whitehead from The Rutherford Institute
An Insider's Look at The Colbert Report: From Haaretz
Defamed by Media, Covington College Student Sues CNN for $275 Million : From RT
The Washington Post for $250 million. Others to follow.
Trump Touts New Republican Group 'Jexodus ' Urging Jews to Bolt the Democratic Party for the Republican : From Jewish Telegraphic Agency
There is no truth to the rumor that Trump called ex-GOP Zionist Neo-Con Max Boot tonight and said, "Max, I'm going to include Independent Jews also in the invitation. This is your one shot at amnesty and Presidential forgiveness, Jew Boy."
How Middle America is to be Dispossessed : Pat Buchanan from Lew Rockwell
Max Boot on Leaving the GOP and Why Trump Isn't Good For Israel : Chris Schleier from the Jewish Telegraphic Agency
When will this guy just go away?
Trump Says He'd Win if He Ran in Israeli PM Elections : From Press TV
Democrats Are Now Officially Split on Israel And We May Thank Ilhan Omar and BDS : Philip Weiss from Mondoweiss
Viral Video: Brilliant YouTuber Lampoons Censorship of Jewish Influence : Charles Bausman from Russia Insider
Full video transcript also.
Marxism, The Frankfurt School, and The Leftist Takeover of the College Campus : Andrew Cunningham for The American Thinker
House Democrats Rebuke of Ilan Omar a Fraud: Glenn Greenwald from The Intercept
Israel Boycott Exposes Serious Rifts in the Democratic Party: Kelly Vlahos from The American Conservative
Why the Outrage? 'Jewish Power' Party is the New Norm in Israeli Politics : Ramzy Baroud from Antiwar.com
Ramzy Baroud penetrates canards and charades.
Aggressive Promotion of Homosexuality: School Stops LGBTQ Lessons After Angry Backlash from Parents : From Russia Today
Islamic parents rise up. We salute them. Where are the "Christian " parents of Britain in this latest New World Order promotion of International Faggotry?
American Civil War II: US Media Will Have Only Itself To Blame If All Hell Breaks Loose : Robert Bridge from Russia Insider
Bannon Predicts 2019 Will Be the Most Vitriolic Year in Politics Since the American Civil War : Dairy Luther from The Organic Prepper
House Dems will take floor action to confront Omar's latest Israel comments: Politico
This includes the text of the House Resolution against anti-Semitism.
Is the American Century Over?: Pat Buchanan from Lew Rockwell
Excellent historical perspective on the present quagmire.
'"Anti-Semitism" is a Cover for Censorship : Finian Cunningham for Russia Insider
The Latest: Cohen tells lawmakers Trump lied about wealth: AP News
Trump lied about his wealth? I was hoping he would save our country from being overrun by immigrants, but not if he is a liar. I do have standards, after all...
The Growing Anti Semitism Scam: Philip Giraldi from The Unz Review
Look at the Money Trail here.
Noting Father's Holocaust Survival, Michael Cohen Calls Trump a Racist and Con Man: From Jewish Telegraphic Agency
C'mon Cohen!
Sundar Pichai Confirms: Google Gave Money to National Review Institute : From Breitbart
And other War Party "conservatives " in the alliance of global high technology with American Neo Cons and Progressive Democratic Interventionists.
The New New World Order: Dec 2014 Culture Wars : From Dr. E. Michael Jones of Culture Wars
In light of the alleged links of Marzieh Hashemi of Press TV Iran and the New Horizon NGO of Iran to the Monica Witt USAF spy/defection case, National Bugle Radio News Page readers may thank Dr. E. Michael Jones of Culture Wars for the complete issue of Dec 2014. The critical story is the cover story entitled The New New World Order.
Marzieh Hashemi of Press TV/New Horizon NGO is pictured with American journalist Gareth Porter: The cover story provides you with the best published information available on the Gareth Porter/BuzzFeed/New Horizon NGO debacle which was international news some 4 years ago.
The plot thickens.
Profile of a Traitor: How Monica Witt Proffered Herself to Iranian Intelligence: Christopher Burgess at Clearance Jobs
Witt was a USAF tech sergeant. Burgess underscores the probable identity of Marzieh Hashemi of Press TV as Individual A in the Federal Grand Jury report in U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C.
Meet Monica Witt, the Traitorous Iran Defector You Never Heard Of: Ed Timperlake from The American Thinker
Timberlake indicates Witt was an enlisted, non-commissioned USAF Officer, contrary to media reports. He claims it was the top FBI and US Intel honchos in the Obama years who blew the counterespionage work of those down the food chain who were on to her trail.
Private Mossad for Hire: From The New Yorker
Will Diversity Be the Death of the Dems?: Pat Buchanan from Lew Rockwell
Being Marco Rubio: Philip Giraldi from the Unz Review
McCabe says he ordered the obstruction of justice probe of President Trump: CBS News
McCabe explains the plot between himself, (((Rod Rosenstein))), and others to overthrow the elected president of the United States. This Jew d'etat has been partly successful as it has crippled President Trump's ability to conduct foreign policy or appoint pro-Trump people to the Trump administration.
William Barr Facing Senate Confirmation Vote Thursday for Attorney General : From CNN
Erich Pratt of Gun Owners of America urges a No vote: Barr is a Gun Grabbing advocate and as AG under King George I presided over the Ruby Ridge debacle. Look Out.
Happy Valentines Day: Slattery and Dankof on RBN at 1 pm!: From Vkontakte
The deportation of the Russian Orthodox Bishop from his home country of Ukraine is the topic. Is it an Extraordinary Rendition ? Read the supporting news items for The Context.
A Company Run by 'Former' Israeli Spies Tries to Influence a U.S. Election—and Tried to Court Trump Campaign : From Business Insider
Do US Jews Control 50% of the Nation's Wealth?, i.e. $50 Trillion?: Thomas Dalton from Russian Insider
Jewish Influence in the 2018 Midterms : Hewett Moore from Affirmative Right
Pro-Israel Lobbyists Caught On Tape Boasting About Influence in Washington : Ryan Grim in The Intercept
Ilhan Omar Under Attack for Telling the Truth About the Israeli Lobby: From the Electronic Intifada
Are the Democrats Bent on Suicide?: Pat Buchanan at Lew Rockwell
The US Owns Everyone of Significance in the Major American Media: From Paul Craig Roberts
William Colby later drowned "accidentally" in April 1996.
NYC Councilman Strongarms Credit Card Firms to Ban 'Racist Speech': David Cole from Counter Contempt
Mark Weber of IHR beats the Orwellian Kosher Bolshevik Thought Police Again. Stay tuned.
Does Washington Rule The World?: Philip Giraldi from The Unz Review
Trump's Speech: An Assessment : Paul Craig Roberts from Lew Rockwell
Has Trump Found The Formula for 2020?: Pat Buchanan from Lew Rockwell
Eizenstat: Jimmy Carter Believes He Lost Second Term Because He Opposed Settlements and Alienated Jews : Philip Weiss from Mondoweiss
Outrageous Holocaust Sermonizing From a Puppet President in the Lamest State of the Union Ever : Gregory Conte from Russian Insider
5 ⭐️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Rating, or Walk Off Grand Slam Home Run if you like baseball analogies.
Blackface, Sexual Assault, and Full Term Abortions: Virginia Democrats in Crisis: From RT
Combating BDS Act Passes 77-23: Democrat Presidential Contenders and Rand Paul Vote No: From Mondoweiss
Kamala Harris and the other Democratic Party Presidential Contenders join Rand Paul in voting against the un-Constitutional Jackassary of Marco Rubio, the Israeli Lobby, and a GOP Senate controlled by the Lobby with the lone exception of Paul.
5 Jewish Takeaways from Donald Trump's State of the Union Address : Ron Kampeas from the Jewish Telegraphic Agency
The big takeaway is that Zionists and The War Party are firmly in control of American foreign policy and the Deep State. The amazing thing is the ongoing animosity of the Jewish Lobby organizations to a President letting Kushner, Pompeo, Bolton, and Netanyahu drag this country into a worthless and immoral war with Iran, possibly a prelude to World War III. Get ready Feminists and Queers. You get to die in this one on behalf of your real handlers and benefactors. Have Fun, Sheep!
Duke and Dankof on Rense Radio: Tulsi Gabbard and Trump's State of the Union Address: From DavidDuke.com
A sobering look at how bad it is, and what Trump must turn around quickly in two years. Critical Mass is approaching.
Roll Call: U.S. Senate Bill 1: Strengthening America's Position in the Middle East : From Senate.gov
How did your Senator vote in this pro-Israel, anti-BDS, Give Israel the Keys legislation sponsored by Marco Rubio (R-Tel Aviv)?
Who is Reid Hoffman?: From The New York Times
Linked In Co-Founder claims not to know about illegal activities of New Knowledge and the US Senate race in Alabama.
Duke Endorses Gabbard!: From Newsweek
The Tribe is apoplectic in the ER on heart monitor.
Sacrificing Northam Will Not Be Enough : Pat Buchanan for Lew Rockwell
The Democrat sacrifice of Northam is as guaranteed as the next Democrat execution of an infant outside the mother's womb, says Pat Buchanan.
MAGA Kids Lawyers Prepare Possible Defamation Suit: From Sputnik News
MSM mobs had better get ready!
Political death watch: Virginia governor weighs his future: AP News
NBC News Claims Russia Supports Tulsi Gabbard, Relies on Firm Just Caught Fabricating Data For Democratic Party: Glenn Greenwald from The Intercept
Bokhari: A Left Wing Journalist Lobby Now Runs Silicon Valley : From Breitbart
Kathy Tran Submitted Bill to Save Caterpillars on the Same Day as Late Term Abortion Bill: William Davis from The Daily Caller
Kathy Tran: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know: https://heavy.com/news/2019/01/kathy-tran/
Should we really be celebrating a "child refugee" who admittedly passed up many offers of asylum from other countries, took advantage of anti-white admissions practices at elite universities, and then is trying to introduce infanticidal practices to our society that we find repugnant?
WATCH: Virginia Democrat squirms defending bill allowing abortion as woman is giving birth: Life Site News
Even the Vietnamese-born Virginia lawmaker proposing the bill visibly cringed when asked about dilating mothers, but then answered that her bill would in fact allow for such a practice. (See her cringe at 0:47 in the video.)
Watch: Virginia Democrat Squirms Defending Bill Allowing Abortion Up to the Moment of Birth : Doug Manwaring from LifeSiteNews
What Does An Unborn Baby In The Third Trimester Have in Common With Kathy Tran's Twitter Account?😂: From Virginia GOP Twitter
Democrats Just Legalized Murdering Their Own Children in New York : Mike Adams from Natural News via Lew Rockwell
DC Antifa Leader Arrested for Multiple Violent Felonies : Andrew Kerr from The Daily Caller via Lew Rockwell
Mueller Mugs Again: The Roger Stone Farce: David Stockman from Antiwar.com
Build the Wall: Porn Will Pay for It: Arizona Senator Proposes Bizarre New Bill: From RT
Terrific Idea! Fund the John McCain Human Trafficking and Child Exploitation Act by having a $20 user fee attached to PornHub! Monies used will Build the Wall and finance the next Zionist Invasion!
Mark Dankof: "People keep stealing Slattery's ideas."😂
Jackboots in The Morning : John Whitehead from Lew Rockwell
Trump and Kushner thought firing Flynn would get rid of the "Russia thing," Chris Christie says: Vice News
I don't know if Chris Christie's memoirs can be considered authoritative, but because of his horrible relationship with Jared Kushner we should pay attention to what he says.
Congresswoman Who Fixed Primaries for Clinton Now Fixing Democracy in Venezuela : From RT
The Synagogue of Satan has more than one High Priestess who flies around the world with a broomstick.
Kamala Harris Has An Israel Problem: That's a Deal Breaker for Me: Michael Byrne from Antiwar.com
Mark Dankof: Harris photo-ops with Bibi on Netanyahu's Twitter page during the last AIPAC conference tell the tale of the tape.
The New York Times Smears The President : David Stockman from Lew Rockwell
Democrat America: The Heart of Darkness : Pat Buchanan from Lew Rockwell
Video: Marzieh Hashemi Slams U.S. Injustice in First Video Since Release : From Press TV Iran
Press TV Anchor Marzieh Hashemi Released From Jail: From Press TV
Sanhedrin Invites Nikki Haley to be Honorary President of Organization of 70 Nations: From Breaking Israel News
Amazing: Nikki Haley is a Zionist Agent. Who Woulda Thunk It? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮
Dr. Jerome Corsi Amends Complaint Against Mueller to Include Jeff Bezos and his Washington Post : From RBN
A Tale of Two Walls: Congress Prefers the Israeli Version: Philip Giraldi from Lew Rockwell
The Shutdown and Liberty : From Gary North
Bill Barr's CIA Resume: Cover Ups, Covert Operations, and Pardons: From The Deep State
And Ruby Ridge. Look out.
Texans Capitulate to Israel: Paul Craig Roberts from Russia Insider
Why Conservative Media and the Far Right Love Tulsi Gabbard for President: The Daily Beast
We love her be because she is the only person in Congress (besides Rand Paul) who wants us to withdraw from Syria. How diabolical is that?
Hawaii Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard Is Running for President With Focus on 'War and Peace': CommonDreams
The New Gray Lady: Comfort Zone for the War Party: David Stockman for Antiwar.com
Stockman on the latest War Party lunacies and Russia Gate.
The FBI Investigation of Donald Trump as a "National Security Danger" Is Itself a Danger but J. Edgar Hoover Pioneered the Tactic: Glenn Greenwald from The Intercept
The endgame is the achievement of The Empire's War With Iran and Putin's Russia. Can you spell I-n-s-a-n-e??? And when will Trump initiate his own survival by axing Bolton and Pompeo and telling the American people why? Or has the President been threatened with another Dealey Plaza?
Curious Bedfellows: The Progressive and Neo Con Alliance to Destroy Donald Trump: Dr. Philip Giraldi from the American Herald Tribune
This tremendous analysis from ex-CIA Station Chief Philip Giraldi, President of The Council for the National Interest, could also be titled "The Alliance for War With Putin and Iran." Mitt Romney needs to apply for another war deferment for himself and his sons.
Tulsi Gabbard Runs Afoul of LGBTQ Pervs After Presidential Announcement : From ABC News
Mark Dankof's advice to Tulsi Gabbard: "Tell the LGBTQ crowd in the Jewish media and the Democratic Party that you're running to reclaim the Democratic Party, the State of Hawaii, and the entire country from moral perversion, job exporters, globalists, Central Bankers, and Warmongers for Israel. Mention that JFK was a Life Member of the NRA for good measure."
Jewish Porn Star Jenna Jameson Leaves Twitter Over "Anti-Semitism"😂: From Jewish Telegraphic Agency
How a Neo-Con Fact Checker Plans To Wage War on Alternative Media: Whitney Webb from Mint Press News
Slattery and Dankof Discuss the Ed Butt Case on NBR/RBN: Vkontakte
Gratis photo of Hillary Clinton and Ed Buck included! Link to the RBN show! Link to the Daily Mail story entitled, "I Thought I Was Going to Be The Next Black Man To Die at Ed Buck's House!"
(And don't forget, Ed Buck Career Highlights include being named 1989 Grand Marshal of the International Gay Rodeo!)
A Rash of Evil: Becky Akers from Lew Rockwell
Ms. Akers indicates Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) is no Muslim, but a foul mouthed Commie.
German AfD MP Struggling For His Life After Brutal Beating By Masked Men: From RT via Russia Insider
More of this is coming in the United States as well, where political hatred and the tactics of groups on the Marxist left like Antifa and Black Lives Matter will eventually be responded to in kind by the Right, with no regard for human life, decency, and the law on the frightening increase everywhere.
Second Body Found in Home of LGBTQ Democratic Megadonor Ed Butt: From Fox News
Something is very Queer here.😂😂😂
U.S. Senate First Bill In the Midst of a Shutdown, Is a Bipartisan Defense of Israel From Boycotts: Ryan Grim and Glenn Greenwald from The Intercept
The Fifth Column rears its head again.
RussiaHoax: Democrats Dash Madly to Impeachment Circus: It Will Be Their Waterloo : James Howard Kunstler from Russia Insider
CBC: Jewish Charity in Canada Used Donations to Support Israeli Army Projects: From Al Jazeera
Jewish National Fund of Canada.
Exculpatory Russia Evidence on Mike Flynn Withheld by U.S. Intelligence : John Solomon from The Hill
Former San Antonio Mayor and HUD Chief Julian Castro Readying Presidential Announcement January 12th: From KSAT 12 ABC News San Antonio
The San Antonio Military and National Security Establishment is actually starting to miss Cuba's late President Fidel Castro after hearing today's announcement. 😂
Syria Withdrawal: Trump Turning Against Sheldon Adelson After Alliance With Jewish Oligarch Backfired: Philip Weiss from Russia Insider
"Jonathan Tobin writes that "Trump just gave the finger to his Jewish voters."
We at National Bugle Radio certainly hope Mr. Tobin is right. No More Wars for Israel in 2019 or thereafter.
McCain Was Responsible For Steele Dossier Leak: Tyler Durden from Lew Rockwell
Slattery and Dankof on NBR/RBN December 21st: From the Republic Broadcasting Network
Patrick Slattery and Mark Dankof talk about the James Mattis resignation, the need for President Trump to form an informal "kitchen cabinet" of advisors who share his priorities, Ruth Bader Ginsberg and Chuckie Schumer's lifelong careers in undermining the goyim, and much much more. Tulsi Gabbard for Secretary of Defense!
Judge Emmet Sullivan is some affirmative action Reagan appointee who made a plane turn around because deporting someone trying to make a bogus asylum claim is somehow unconstitutional.

Judge Sullivan busts a move between cases.
Phoenix: Christian Artists Face 6 Months in Jail for Refusing to Use Artwork to Promote Same Sex Weddings : From Caldron Pool
Top Aide to Kamala Harris Resigns After Sexual Harassment Settlement Payoff Revealed : From Political Insider
Larry Wallace was a Democrat point man in the Show Trial of Brent Cavanaugh. The truth now emerges about a Democrat Workplace Harasser and Perv.
BBC Seeks to "Prove" Moscow Link to Yellow Vest Protests, Leaked Messages Suggest : From Russia Today
Water Cannon and Firecrackers as Thousands Protest Brussels UN Migration Treaty : From Russia Today
The Maria Butina Case is Not About Russian Spying : Leonid Bershidsky from Bloomberg Opinion
MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski Apologizes for "Crass and Insensitive" Remark : From NBC News
U.S. Gay Ambassador to Germany, Richard Grenell, is among the offended.
We are offended at National Bugle Radio.
The Pro Israel Push to Purge U.S. Campus Critics: Katherine Franke from the New York Review
In Sheldon Adelson, Far Right Israel Hits the Jackpot: From The American Conservative
Report: Trump Looking at Jared Kushner as Chief of Staff : From Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Broken by Torture, Butina "Admits" Guilt on Absurd Charges : From RT via Russia Insider
Trump Predicts Public Would 'Revolt' If Congress Impeaches Him: Bloomberg
Let's hope so.
Mika Missing at Morning Joe's After Calling Pompeo "A Wannabe Dictator's 'Buttboy'": From RT
Mika Brezezinski will join Patrick Slattery and Mark Dankof on National Bugle Radio next week to discuss Queer Zionist control of MSNBC.
CNN Agitation Propaganda from Berlin: "Being 'a Jew' Was Not a Slur When I Was in School. It is Now.": Michael Kaplan from CNN
Blackmailed to Lie? Roger Stone Associate Jerome Corsi Sues Mueller and Intelligence Agencies for $350 Million : From RT
The Jerome Corsi case heats up.
Ocasio-Cortez Reveals Her Jewish Heritage: "I Knew It! I Sensed It!": From NBC News
Add a Sephardic Jewish Bolshevik to the long list of Ashkenazic Jewish Bolsheviks.
🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱 🤮🤮🤮🏳️🌈🏳️🌈🏳️🌈🤢🤢🤢👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻
New York Times Editorial on Flynn's Misdeeds Has a Laughable Omission: Israel's Role: Philip Weiss from Mondoweiss
Israeli Scammers Swindle 3000 French, Many Other Countries. No Wonder Macron is Hated: Alison Weir of If Americans Knew from Russia Insider
Patrick Slattery and Mark Dankof on NBR on RBN: A "Tribute to George H.W. Bush": From the Republic Broadcasting Network
Patrick Slattery and Mark Dankof pay (((tribute))) to the late President George Herbert Walker Bush for his work in destroying the Russian people and bringing permanent war to the Middle East.
Leaked: "The Lobby," The Censored Investigative Series on the Jewish Lobby in America : Luis Castillo from Russia Insider
Links to all 4 parts of the series here!
There is No Case Against Julian Assange: Lies Take The Place of Evidence : Paul Craig Roberts from Lew Rockwell
CNN Fires Journalist Who Criticizes Israeli: From Press TV
Trump's Interior Secretary Suggests Top Natural Resources Democrat Needs to Stop "Thinking Out of the Bottom of a Bottle": From CNN
Bottoms Up, Natural Resources Democrats!
FBI Raids Home for 'Dirt' on Clinton Foundation and Mueller Whistleblower : From RT
Report from Charlottesville : Greg Conte from Russia Insider
Can James Fields get a fair trial?
Patrick Slattery and Mark Dankof Ride the Range on NBR/RBN Radio : From the Republic Broadcasting Network
Patrick Slattery and Mark Dankof break down the on-again, off-again Trump-Putin meeting, the Jerome Corsi affair, and then advise Trump on personnel for the much-needed shake-up in his administration.
Assange Never Met Manafort: Luke Harding and the Guardian Publish More MI6 Lies: Craig Murray from Lew Rockwell
Mark Dankof to The American Conservative: Does the Constitution Party Have a Future : From Mark Dankof's America
Jerome Corsi of "Atomic Iran" fame was exposed by Mark Dankof as a Zionist Neo-Con fraud in 2008 in the latter's show on the Republic Broadcasting Network. Now as a longtime pal of Alex Jones of Infowars and the late Howard Phillips, Corsi's close relationship with Roger Stone and possibly as Stone's liaison with Julian Assange, is coming under the scrutiny of the Robert Mueller investigation. Corsi believes he is about to be indicted.
Jerome Corsi: I Expect to Be Indicted : From Real Clear Politics
Israeli friendly Neo Con Jerome Corsi, author of "Atomic Iran," expects to be indicted by Robert Mueller. An associate of Roger Stone and the late Howard Phillips of the Conservative Caucus and the Constitution Party, the Corsi situation is worth watching. How does he supposedly fit into the larger Mueller strategy? Weird.
In Historic Move, Rand Paul Moves to Block $38 Billion to Israel : From If Americans Knew
Time for The Media to Tell Americans About Congressional Bills to Hand Israel $38 Billion : From If Americans Knew
Revenge is Mine Sayeth Washington : Paul Craig Roberts from Lew Rockwell
Paul Craig Roberts on the Assange case and its ominous implications.
Terrorists, Cultists, or Champions of Iranian Democracy? The Wild, Wild Story of the MEK: Arron Merat from The Guardian
The Art of The Smear: The Israeli Lobby Busted: Sheldon Richman from Antiwar.com
Whose Money Stoked Religious Conflict in Ukraine and Who Tried to Steal It?: James George Jatras of Strategic Culture from Lew Rockwell
Israeli Minister Uri Ariel and Settlers Storm Al-Asqa Mosque : From Press TV
Rand Paul Urges Trump to Kill Saudi Arms Deal Over Khashoggi Murder: From Press TV
Meet Felisha and Rosendo Rodriguez: Democratic National Committee Woman and Man in Texas: From Gateway Pundit
Mark Dankof Explains U.S. Congressman Eric Swallwell's Crusade Against the 2nd Amendment In a Photo for Vkontakte (Russia): From Vkontakte
Facebook Facing New Scandal and Losing Friends : From RT
CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg are caught with their hands in the cookie jar over Facebook's relationship with a fake news organization. Their strategy: Call in the ADL and complain about the Octopus with the Global Tentacles as a "classic anti-Semitic trope."
Do these guys ever hire new scriptwriters?
The ADL Cries in Its Beer During Facebook Protests : From Twitter
Rumor: White House Chief of Staff John Kelly to be Fired After Clash with First Lady: The Political Insider
Empress Melania is Awesome!
Trump Set to Fire DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen Over Immigration Failures: RBN
Finally! Is John Kelly next?
Video: Tucker Carlson Takes Down CNN as "Enemy of Free Speech": From Russia Insider
How Political Elites Use Mainstream Media to "Maintain and Expand Power": Kit Klarenberg from Sputnik News
The Declaration of War on Alternative Right media by the Tribal Electronic Nexus of Facebook, YouTube, Google, Twitter, Apple, and Company discussed on National Bugle Radio is underscored here with the implications involved.
Israel Wins 2018 Election : Philip Giraldi from the Unz Review
Macron to Trump: "You're No Patriot!": Pat Buchanan from Lew Rockwell
Pat Buchanan tells Macron to take his Globaloney and, well, you know. 😂
The Mid Terms Were All About Trump: Thomas Luongo from Lew Rockwell
Paul Ryan Globalist GOP House members took a bath. Demokkrat Election Fraud underway in Florida and Arizona.
Trumped by The President: How The Democrats' Blue Wave Turned Into a Blue Rinse : George Galloway for RT
International Zionism and Satanism Are Indistinguishable : Jonas E. Alexis for Veterans Today
This fine essay includes a video of the Eric Gajewski interview with Mark Dankof for TradCatKnight.
Jewish Americans Are The Face of The Trump Resistance : From Mark Glenn of the Ugly Truth on the Jerusalem Post Spin
Disarming the goyim population, polluting it with Queer Perversion, massive illegal immigration and open borders, and using Goy American blood and money for Zio Wars of thievery, ethnic cleansing, and mass murder, is the largely Jewish Agenda that drives and funds a Democratic Party desirous of destroying a once European American majority in the United States. Mark Glenn of The Ugly Truth draws attention to what the Jerusalem Post freely admits.
Mouthpiece for Judea, Inc Jake Tapper– Trump's life will be a 'living hell' now: The Ugly Truth
Trump Spars With Reporters During Post-Midterms News Conference, Calls CNN Reporter 'Enemy of the People': KTLA Channel 5
Trump was totally awesome at his press conference. Jim Acosta (((CNN))) had to change his diapers after their confrontation.
Mid Term Elections: Anti Israel Democrats, Pro Israel Republicans Win Key Races : From Breitbart
An interesting article but Breitbart News, born in the Zionist State of Israel, repeats the canard that support for Israel is a "Conservative " issue. The Real American Right understands that support for Israel and its 5th Column in the United States is support for the New World Order and the destruction of the Old Republic.
What This Election is Really About : Paul Craig Roberts from The Duran
What Ever Happened to the Russia-Gate Scandal? It Fizzled Big Time : Justin Raimondo from RT via Russia Insider
Who is the "mysterious Republican financier" initially behind this after Trump prevailed in the 2016 GOP primaries?
Israeli-Lovers Bail Out Crown Prince as Netanyahu' s Next Stop on Gulf Tour Emerges : From Haaretz
Jeff Bezos Puts The Pentagon On His Monopoly Board : Jason C. Ditz from TAC
Senate Report Says "No Evidence " of Sexual Misconduct by Kavanaugh : From Sputnik News
See How Your Congressmen and Senators Rank on Israel and Palestine : From Mondoweiss
Is America Finished?: Paul Craig Roberts from Lew Rockwell
Dr. Roberts examines the question closely. Compare with Mark Dankof's assessment and conclusions in "Why We're Finished" from a few years ago. It was Michael Collins Piper's favorite Dankof essay. See https://mark1marti2.wordpress.com/2014/08/23/mark-dankof-on-why-were-finished/.
Fox Condemns Rhetoric Used by Lou Dobbs' Guest as Channel's Star Faces Growing Criticism : Oliver Darcy from CNN Business
The reference to the American State Department as "Soros Occupied Territory " is condemned by the ADL and the rest of Zionist Occupied Media.
Far Right Candidate Jair Bolsonaro Wins Brazilian Presidency : From CNN
29 year old gay Brazilian fashion designer Felipe Lago tells CNN he's frightened.😂😂😂😂😂
Nikki Haley for President?: Philip Giraldi from Russia Insider
The ramifications of this are draconian.
Facebook's Censorship of Alternative Media Just the Beginning Says Neo Con Insider : Max Blumenthal and Jeb Sprague from Gray Zone
Jamie Fly, senior fellow and director of the Asia fund at the German Marshall Plan, funded by NATO and the U.S. Government.
Adelson-influenced IAC and Other Groups May Soon Rival AIPAC for Influence and Power : Allan C. Brownfeld for WRMEA
Time for Trump to Cut the Prince Loose?: Pat Buchanan from Lew Rockwell
Please Remember Not to Vote: C. J. Hopkins from the Unz Review and Lew Rockwell
Mark Dankof: "The Ted Cruz-Beto O'Rourke U.S. Senate Clown Act in Texas underscores the point."
Bolton and Kelly get into heated shouting match sparking resignation fears: CNN
Did the Saudis and CIA Fear a Khashoggi 9-11 Bombshell?: Finian Cunningham from Lew Rockwell
Ex-CIA Officer: Trump to Help Saudis Whitewash Khashoggi Murder : Philip Giraldi from Tasnim News Agency
First a Political Coup and Now a Religious Takeover in Ukraine : Valerie K. Nollan from Russia Insider
Are Western Zionists and Neo Cons targeting the Russian Orthodox Church? Poroshenko buys the Patriarch of Constantinople for $25 million.
Saudi Arabia, Donald Trump, and Assassination : Jonas E Alexis and Mark Dankof from Veterans Today
The US MSM is Ignoring the Israeli-Saudi Alliance: James North from Mondoweiss
Should the US-Saudi Alliance Be Saved?: Pat Buchanan from Lew Rockwell
Ron Unz Demolishes the ADL, Denounces Them as Enforcers of Jewish and Israeli Power: From Russia Insider
Khashoggi Was No Critic of Saudi Regime : As'ad AbuKhalil from Consortium News
Fascinating read.
Analysis Trump's 'Sanity Translator' Nikki Haley Will Be Missed Most Sorely by Netanyahu and Right-wing American Jews: Haaretz
Mark Dankof: Trump "Playing Games" Over Khashoggi Disappearance: From Press TV Iran
Trump Snubs Feinstein and Harris to Nominate Conservatives to 9th Circuit Court: From Fox News
With Friends like These: Pat Buchanan from Antiwar.com
Buchanan on Our Bums in Riyadh.
Trump likes Dina Powell for U.N. job, but she could face some resistance within the White House: The Washington Post
This is completely retarded. And gay.
Trump likes Dina Powell for U.N. job, but she could face some resistance within the White House: The Washington Post
This is completely retarded. And gay.
Not Just Canary Mission : SF Jewish Federation Bankrolls These Hate Groups: Mairav Zonszein for +972 Magazine
Hate Groups are AOK as long as they support Zio-Wars and killing Palestinians, Syrians, and Iranians. Zio-Right Fronts also do well when they keep their mouths shut about the Jewish-led Cultural Marxist takeover of the United States and what was the West.
+972 has a good list of the cash recipients. 😂👍🇮🇱
SF Jewish Federation Funding Far Right Fringe Groups, Not Just Canary Mission : From Haaretz
Geert Wilders, Pamela Geller, Robert Spencer, and ... the Zionist infiltrated Tea Party Patriots! (Pat Buchanan, David Duke, Mark Dankof, and Patrick Slattery did have their applications turned down.😂🍺)
What if the President and The Senate Just Pulled a Fast One?: Judge Andrew Napolitano from Lew Rockwell
As suggested on National Bugle Radio, the Ford-Cavanaugh Circus failed to examine what the Judge really believes about the 4th Amendment, National Security Surveillance, and Presidential War Powers.
Eight Significant Links Between Dina Powell and The Clintons : From Breitbart News
If Trump names Dina "Goldman Sachs " Powell as the "American" Ambassador to the UN, he's truly hopeless.
Remembering Serena Shim of Press TV: From Stan of Staś blog
True investigative reporting, targeted assassination by Turkey, Erdogan-ISIS oil trade on the Syrian-Turkish border, and silence from the United States Government over the death of an American citizen. From October 2014.
Aux Barricades Mes Infants!: Dr. Philip Giraldi from Lew Rockwell
Always the tasteful gentleman, Dr. Philip Giraldi observes that NATO Ambassador Kay Bailey Hutchison is "not known as a deep thinker." National Bugle Radio guest Mark Dankof observes less tactfully that Ambassador Hutchison is "the quintessential idiot."
Standing Guard: Democrats Make Gun Control a "Litmus Test"—a Test They'll Fail: From Wayne LaPierre, NRA Executive VP from NRA's America's 1st Freedom Site
Queer Marriage, Abortion on Demand, and Gun Grabbing are the Democratic Party's version of the Holy Trinity says Wayne LaPierre.
Cavanaugh Will Uphold Keller: Chris W. Cox from the NRA's America 1st Freedom
Gun Grabbers and Limp Wristed Pinkos are wailing over Brett Cavanaugh and his confirmation to the US Supreme Court.
Saudi Arabia's Dark History of Abducting and Detaining Dissidents : From Press TV Iran
Mark Dankof will go live on Press TV Iran tonight at 8 Eastern/7pm Central Time on this Tuesday, October 9th, to discuss this story before a live audience of circa 10 million.
Does Collins already have a challenger in Maine? 'Me,' says former Obama official: USA Today
Jewish Womens' Groups Denounce Se: From the Times of Israel'
Zionist Cultural Marxist Feminazis Condemn US Senate and Brett Cavanaugh!
Surprise! Surprise! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
udi Officials Linked to Khashoggi Case: From Press TV
Now if only someone would prosecute Turkey for assassinating Press TV correspondent Serena Shim on the Syrian-Turkish border in October 2014. Seems Ms. Shim's reporting on the Erdogan-ISIS trade in oil stolen from Assad was too accurate for comfort, especially when some of the purloined oil ended up in Haifa, Israel.
Casualty Lists from the Cavanaugh Battle: Pat Buchanan from Lew Rockwell
Pat Buchanan on the Cavanaugh fallout and what it means.
There Was No Debate When We Needed One: Paul Craig Roberts from Lew Rockwell
Paul Craig Roberts underscores the critical questions Kavanaugh wasn't asked by the Senate Judiciary Committee, and the disturbing implications.
CIA Democrats Call for Aggression Against Russia, Run Pro-War Congressional Candidates in 2018 Elections : From the World Socialist Web Site
Even the World Socialist Web Site admits it! Amerikkan Demokkrats want war with Putin. Imagine a country evil and audacious enough to oppose having NATO military forces building up on its borders, the CIA sponsoring coup de etats on its southern flank (Ukraine), and the employment of preemptive military force designed to keep them at gunpoint in a global system of Usury, Fiat Petrodollars, the IMF, the World Bank, SWIFT, International Kosher LGBTQ Perversion, Abortion on Demand, and unrestrained 3rd World Immigration. Who the hell does this guy Putin think he is, the President of a sovereign nation state with the right to govern and defend itself from Demokkrat Demokkracy?
Vandal Sprays 19 Swastikas on Jewish Community Center in Fairfax County Virginia : From CNN
How convienient: Less than 12 hours before the Cavanaugh Senate Confirmation Floor Vote and Zio CNN reports that the Nazis are threatening Jews just outside Washington, D.C. One wonders if Soros paid the kid in unmarked bills. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Israel Deports FL Student of Palestinian Ancestry as Debbie Wasserman Schultz Defends Israel's Right to Deport BDS Supporters : Philip Weiss from Mondoweiss
Seven Days in September : Joe Lauria from Consortium News
Joe Lauria is no Trump partisan, but he notes the Seven Days in May template in the 1963 film as the basis for the obvious and dangerous Deep State attempt to overthrow a legitimately elected President? The reason: Lauria says it relates to Deep State hatred of Russia and a desire for war.
National Bugle Radio Promo: Mark Dankof : From Vkontakte
Love Us,or Hate Us, Tune In When the Show Does Go On!
US Senate Race in North Dakota: Democrat Heitkamp in Trouble : From CNN
The Republicans may hold their Senate majority status after the 2018 elections.
Trump Accused of "Anti Semitism" for Claim That Soros is Funding "Elevator Screamers": From Russia Today
RT notes that the President speaks the undeniable truth.
Sexual Harassment Comedy Wars in San Antonio : KSAT 12 News San Antonio
"Eres de Todos" in Spanish is roughly translated as "Sie sind eine schmierige Frau und ein Demokrat!" in German.
Canary Blacklist Secretly Funded by Major Jewish Federation : From the Jewish Forward
No kidding!😅😅😅😅😅
Is Cavanaugh Guilty or Innocent? Democrat Senator Says It Doesn't Matter, Sparking Internet Outrage : Russia Today
Democrat US Senator Cory Booker of New Jersey is actually honest. The Soros and Frankfurt Institute Crowd wants to Stop Cavanaugh at Any Cost.
Christine Blasey Ford Published 2008 Article on Self Hypnosis Used to Create and "Retrieve Artificial Situations": Jim Hoft from The Gateway Pundit
We can only hope she remembers her real appointments this week with George Soros and the Zio Freudian Psychobabblers whispering in her ear courtesy of the Frankfurt Institute's Institute of Social Research.
California Could Send Two Jews (and Two Women) to the U.S. Senate: From the Jewish Telegraphic Agency
The People's Republic of California is getting more darkly Pink heading to Bolshevik Red.
The Cavanaugh Confirmation Circus and its Real Implications : David Stockman from Lew Rockwell
GOP Continues to Support Planned Parenthood : Chuck Baldwin from the American Freedom Union
Pastor Chuck Baldwin joins his old friend, Mark Dankof, in warning conservatives about serious concerns about the real judicial philosophy of Judge Brett Cavanaugh. The Planned Parenthood travesty reveals GOP fraud on this issue past and present.
How They Do It: Mark Glenn from The Ugly Truth
Mark Glenn shreds Zio Jewess Jennifer Rubin of the Washington Post on the demonic context set by Zio Media for the Cavanaugh Supreme Court nomination.
Meet the Jewish professor who singlehandedly raised $209K for Blasey-Ford: GoFundMe
Not to mention over a half million from the GoFundMe account set up by her Jewish lawyers
Dress Rehearsal for Impeachment : Pat Buchanan from Lew Rockwell
Why I Think Blasey Ford Lied Under Oath: Carolyn Yeager from Carolyn Yeager.net
Netanyahu's Lies About Iran Cannot Conceal Israel's Criminal Nature: Iran UN General Assembly Rep from Tasnim News Agency
Israel has violated some 300 UN resolutions, including some 225 related to the Palestinian issue. It operates "The world's largest open-air prison in Gaza."
Israel Project President Urges Donors to Promote Anonymous Pro-Israel Messaging : From Lobe Log
Hasbara Project redux to fool the Sheep in the American Empire.
Soros Confirms He's Funding the Ongoing Trump-Russia Witch Hunt: Russia Insider
The Soros-Feinstein Connection.
Jerusalem Post Attacks Mark Dankof for Agreeing with Biden on Jews and LGBT!: From News4Whites
If you think the Brett Cavanaugh Stalinist Show Trial being staged by the Zio Establishment is an isolated outrage, the Jerusalem Post Love Affair with Joe Biden, and its simultaneous broadside of Mark Dankof for merely agreeing with Biden that Jews played a disproportionate role in bringing gay marriage to America, underscores the demonic mentality behind Judge Cavanaugh's character assassination now playing out.
Christine Blasey Ford Lawyer Michael Bromwich Resigned From His Law Firm Because Partners Objected to His Decision to Represent Her: Slate
The Happy Merchant look-alike lawyer obviously expects to cash in.
Eight big problems for Christine Blasey Ford's story: New York Post
Julie Swetnick Is Third Woman to Accuse Brett Kavanaugh of Sexual Misconduct: New York Times
So the creepy porn lawyer dug up some Jewish lady who says she frequented gang rape parties organized by pimp-master Kavanaugh. Really? Are you going with this?
Julie Swetnick Is Third Woman to Accuse Brett Kavanaugh of Sexual Misconduct: New York Times
So the creepy porn lawyer dug up some Jewish lady who says she frequented gang rape parties organized by pimp-master Kavanaugh. Really? Are you going with this?
New Kavanaugh accuser has tie to firm of Christine Blasey Ford's attorney: CNN
Are the creepy porn lawyer and the Blasey-Ford's Jewish lawyer working together? Even if they are not, why should we let these people having any influence in our society.
WHY CHRISTINE BLASEY FORD'S HIGH SCHOOL YEARBOOKS WERE SCRUBBED: Faculty Approved Racism, Binge Drinking and Promiscuity: Cult of the 1st
Because she's a skank?
Rosenstein still has his job _ at least till Trump showdown: AP News
Rosenstein is at the center of the Jew d'etat.
As Trump Commits to Endless War, Corporate Media Obsess Over Anonymous Op-Ed: FAIR
Regime Change, American Style: Pat Buchanan
Buchanan sees a rerun of the Jewish attack on Richard Nixon in the current anti-Trump media onslaught.
Delaware's Tom Carper defeats progressive challenger Kerri Harris in Democratic Senate primary: CNN
Gay mulatto fails to defeat Democratic incumbent. What is the world coming to?!
McNasty: Counterpunch
This is an old piece from when McCain ran for President in 2008, but could not be more relevant today.
John McCain: When "Tokyo Rose" Ran for President: Ron Unz, the Unz Review
Tokyo Rose wasn't actually so bad, but John McCain...
Duterte 'forgives' Obama just like he 'forgives his girlfriends': Russia Today
Duterte is a bro!
Political Corpses as Propaganda Props: LewRockwell.com
Who plans his own funeral. And why did we have to pay for it?
Incompetent Facebook Identifies Former British Ambassador as Russian Troll, Deletes His Post History: Russia Insider
Beware, the Atlantic Council is now in charge of curating your social media content
Actor Peter Fonda: 'Rip Barron Trump From His Mother… Put Him in Cage With Pedophiles': Breitbart
Bombshell Claim Raises New Questions: Mueller Threatened To Charge Papadopoulos As Unregistered Agent Of Israel: Zero Hedge
MSNBC Interviews White Nationalist Candidates: 'Monstrous Nature of Jewish People' Must Be Exposed: Mediate (with video from MSNBC)
Patrick Little, Paul Nehlan, Art Jones, and others are making great progress.
Lying Liar James Clapper Just Lied Again About His Previous Lies About NSA Spying: The Federalist
'I made a mistake. I didn't lie.'
Byron York: When did Trump-Russia probe begin? Investigators focus on mystery months: The Washington Examiner
The Russia hoax investigation is part of a Jew d'etat (Jewish coup d'etat) against Donald Trump.
End Robert Mueller's investigation: Michael Mukasey: USA Today
"If the administration cannot function, the burden of this constantly shifting investigation will give rise to a narrative that any failure was due to the Mueller diversion — that the Trump administration was stabbed in the back. That is potentially more damaging to our politics than any salaciousness that might be tossed up by Robert Mueller." In other words, the goyim will know.
Stopping Robert Mueller to protect us all: The Hill
The Mueller Inquisition is about to crash and burn.
Malaysia's new 92-year-old prime minister is a proud anti-Semite: Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Mahathir Malaysia's leader again after ruling party booted: AP News
Dr. Mahathir has been one of the world's most prominent anti-Zionists over his 70-year political career.
Porn star's lawyer says Russian paid Trump attorney Cohen: AP News
Big Surprise! Trump's sleezy Jewish lawyer had sleezy transactions with other sleezy Jews.
Let's put this guy into a one-on-one match up with Zio-zombie Diane Feinstein.
Senate Candidate Who Praises Adolf Hitler Ejected From California GOP Convention: Huffington Post
It's nice to see HuffPo defending Senator Little!
Trump eyes Lewandowski for Kelly's job amid White House infighting: Fox News
FBI Raided Manafort's Apartment the One Day They Knew He'd Be There: LifeZette
For some background, check here.
Giuliani Tells Hannity That Comey Is "Perverted" and He Would Defend Ivanka Trump From Mueller Like a Brave Knight: Slate
Trump-allied House conservatives draft articles of impeachment against Rosenstein as 'last resort': Washington Post
We need an impeachment movement that would be aimed at judges and deep state operatives who have been effectively conspiring to overthrow the elected government and aid and abet a foreign invasion of the United States.
Freedom Caucus Drafts Articles of Impeachment Against Deputy AG Rosenstein: Breitbart News
This guy has got to go.
Patrick Little, a Republican, is polling at 18 percent behind Feinstein, a Democrat who has served more than four terms in the senate. HE'S OUR GUY!!!
A Vicious Wolf Gives Trump the Last Laugh: Wall Street Journal
At first the Zio-media loved it, but now they realize how big a gap exists between them and the American people.
Trump or Congress can still block Robert Mueller. I know. I wrote the rules.: Washington Post
Bannon Urges Trump To Fire Rosenstein To "Cripple" Mueller Probe: Zero Hedge
He could also get Sessions to change the Justice Department internal rules about who can fire special prosecutors and fire Mueller himself.
Ryan won't run for re-election as GOP worries about midterms: AP News
This could be an opening for Paul Nehlan
Who's Responsible For The New Cold War? An Interview With Renowned Russia Expert Stephen Cohen: JewishPress.com
Professor Cohen BTFO's paranoid Jewish interviewer about Russia and Putin.
If Trump won't be OUR president, maybe Putin will.
Top Conservative MP tipped as a future Prime Minister admits breaking the law by hacking into a Labour opponent's website: DailyMail
This is your "future prime minister," Britain:

Republicans Seize on Impeachment for Edge in 2018 Midterms: The New York Times
This threat is how they keep Trump hostage.
Kamala Harris Jokes on Being in Elevator With Trump: "Does One of Us Have to Come Out Alive?": The Ellen Show
Isn't she adorable?!
Illinois Primary 2018: Gov. Bruce Rauner, J.B. Pritzker to square off in gubernatorial election: ABC Channel 7, Chicago
Illinois is a focal point of gun control legislation.
Ryan: I've 'received assurances' Mueller won't be fired: The Hill
Why would he want such assurances?
John McCain Mad at Donald Trump for Congratulating Vladimir Putin on Election Victory: Breitbart News
Presidents should only talk to Bibi Netanyahu.
Kallstrom: Brennan And Obama Are The People Who Committed Felonies, Not Gen. Flynn: Real Clear Politics
Donald Trump branded a 'disgraced demagogue' by former CIA director John Brennan over sacking of Andrew McCabe: The Independent
Court rulings boost Democrats' chances of retaking Congress: AP News
'Sex and the City' Star Cynthia Nixon to Challenge New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo: Breitbart News
Obama Campaign Staffer Says Facebook Allowed Them to Harvest Masses of Data: Breitbart News
Trump fires Steve Goldstein, a top Tillerson deputy, in State Department shake-up: CBS News
What does Mike Pompeo as secretary of state mean for Israel and the Jews?: Ron Kampeas, Times of Israel
Is Pompeo good for the Jews? Ron Kampeas says he is.
SPECIAL ELECTION: Conor Lamb and Rick Saccone vie for Congressional seat vacated by Murphy, results too close to call: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Conner Lamb was in the lead by a less than 600 vote with all precincts reporting.
Trump's nominations of Mike Pompeo and Gina Haspel are expected to face a backlash in the Senate: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Man Cited As Trump's "Russian Link" Actually Works For The FBI: Zero Hedge
This is an important article.
Putin suggests 'Jews with Russian citizenship' behind US election interference: The Times of Israel
Putin is right, you know. He always is.
Gary Cohn's breaking point: The Week
Comedian Colbert is 'danger to this country,' Nunes believes: Russia Today
'Jared has faded': Inside the 28 days of tumult that left Kushner badly diminished: The Washington Post
With Hope gone, Trump could soon be left home alone: CNN
Bernie Sanders' son announces run for Congress: Israel National News
Trump calls Schiff a bad
The Silence of Susan Rice: PowerLine
The Schiff Memo Harms Democrats More Than It Helps Them: National Review
The Media Stopped Reporting The Russia Collusion Story Because They Helped Create It: The Federalist
This is a great article that names the (((names))).
Kim Dotcom: "Let Me Assure You, The DNC Hack Wasn't Even A Hack": Zero Hedge
Vanessa Trump Hospitalized After Opening Suspicious Letter Sent to Family Home: Breitbart News
Trump Meets With FBI Director To Discuss Release Of Dem Memo: Sputnik News
New Poll Shows Russians Certain Of US Meddling: Sputnik News
Russiagate or Intelgate?: Stephen F. Cohen, The Nation
The publication of the Republican House Committee memo and reports of other documents increasingly suggest not only a "Russiagate" without Russia but also something darker: The "collusion" may not have been in the White House or the Kremlin.
Exclusive: CIA Ex-Director Brennan's Perjury Peril: Real Clear Politics
Biden: Trump hurting country with clannish
Tea Party group targets Rosenstein in new attack ad: CNN
Pelosi comes out against bipartisan spending deal: CNN
Holder leaves door wide open to White House run: CNN
Trump met with Rosenstein to discuss Democratic intelligence memo: CNN
Transcript: Michael Morell, Fran Townsend, Victoria Nuland on "Face the Nation," Feb. 4, 2018: CBS News
"During the Ukraine crisis in 2014 and '15, Chris Steele had a number of commercial clients who were asking him for reports on what was going on in Russia, what was going on Ukraine, what was going on between them. Chris had a friend at the State Department and he offered us that reporting free, so that we could also benefit from it." -- Victoria Nuland
Ex-Porn Star Stormy Daniels Now Denies Affair With Trump
Trump expected to approve release of memo following redactions requested by intelligence officials: MSNBC
Full Text: Trump's State of the Union address: Fox News
Paul Nehlen Is an Anti-Semitic Clown: The Atlantic
The Atlantic is an evil Jewish propaganda rag.
House Intel committee could vote on Nunes memo as soon as Monday: CNN
Warning: Always be careful clicking on links to CNN, because they can slow down your computer system. Always close CNN tabs immediately after reading article. Proceed at your own risk.
Frustrated by Russia investigation, Trump turns ire toward Rosenstein: CNN
Bitcoin May Become Digital Equivalent of Gold -- Blockchain Architect: Sputnik News
Facebook Says "Insignificant" Overlap Between Russia Ads, Trump: Bloomberg
"But we can't disprove collusion, goy!"
Trump Ordered Mueller Fired But Later Backed Down: Bloomberg
FBI agent Peter Strzok didn't want to join Mueller's team because he didn't think he would find anything 'big' on Trump and Russia: The Business Insider
Trump, FBI blame Samsung for loss of Strzok-Page texts, as 'secret society' details emerge: Fox News
Republicans hope to release 'jaw-dropping' memo on surveillance abuses: Fox News
FBI's Strzok and Page spoke of 'secret society' after Trump election, lawmakers say: Fox News
Trump takes immigration cues from 'Pres. Stephen Miller': CNN
(((The Resistance))) is taking aim at based Stephen Miller. Check out this 3-minute CNN video on him.
Schumer listened to the resistance -- and lost badly: RICH LOWRY, The New York Post
Shutdown lessons: Republicans are shameless, Democrats brainless: MICHAEL A. COHEN, The Boston Globe
Democrats made DACA their "line in the sand"
New Hillary Emails Reveal Knowledge Of Security Problems: Sputnik News
Who's Lying: FBI Says 5 Months Of Texts "Lost," Yet IG Horowitz Says His Office Received Them In August: Zero Hedge
This could be a big deal
NYT: Mueller subpoenas Bannon: CNN
Lily Allen: Grooming Gang Victims Would Have Been Raped 'By Somebody Else' if Muslim Abusers Were Absent: Breitbart
Seriously, we have come to expect this level of idiocy.
Wolff Says Fire And Fury Will Kick Trump Out: Sputnik News
Kushner Companies Under Investigation: Sputnik News
Jake Tapper being thoroughly abnoxious in interview with Steve Miller: CNN
Steve Miller Flies like an Eagle
Democratic official Twitter account calls for Double Jewish Woman Candidates, No White Women: Democratic Party
How are those pussy hats feeling now, eh?
Justice Department investigating Clinton Foundation over 'pay to play' allegations: Fox News
New York Times Colluded With US Government on Cablegate Release - WikiLeaks: Sputnik News
Paul Nehlen, Steve Bannon and the Shape of Things to Come: The Daily Stormer
Republican Candidate Goes Full Nazi: Jews "Pretend" to be White to Undermine the White Race: The Daily Banter
Flake leaves the door open for 2020 presidential run: CNN
'Phony Hillary Clinton Investigation': Trump Smears Retiring FBI Deputy Director: Sputnik News
Trump Ally Claims Proof of White House Plans to Remove Leader for Incompetence: Sputnik News
Roger Stone is talking about the possibility that the 25th Amendment could be invoked to remove Donald Trump.25>
Saakashvili Calls On Porky To Voluntarily Resign: Sputnik News
Burr: Senate Intelligence is examining 2016 Jill Stein campaign: CNN
CNN's Smerconish says Putin built up Green Party to steal election from Clinton. Green Party's Jill Stein says no, they hacked voting machines despite Green Party efforts to save democracy. A really inane interview. Enjoy.
McCain more popular among Dems, CNN poll shows : CNN
SC Gov. Nikki Haley Named As Other Woman In Divorce Case: Crooks and Liars
Affair number two.
Nikki Hailey was #MeToo-ed before it was even a thing!: Huffington Post
Various articles about affair number one.
Bernie Sanders Doubles Down on Calls for Trump to Resign Over Harassment Claims: Sputnik News
Yeah, Bernie, I guess you didn't see the news that women were being offered huge sums of cash to make these claims.
Sanders Again Tells Trump To Quit Over Harassment Claims : Sputnik News
Alabama Supreme Court blocks order to preserve digital voting records: Tech Crunch
'We will not be silenced:' Palos Township meeting unravels after activists confront controversial trustee : The Chicago Tribune
Sen. Gillibrand: President Trump Should "Immediately Resign" Over Sex Abuse Claims: RealClearPolitics
Gillibrand calls on Trump to resign: CNN
Haley on Trump accusers: We
Roy Moore Accuser Says She Added Notes to Yearbook Message: NBC News (San Diego affiliate)
The man trying to beat Putin: CBS News (60 Minutes)
Pence Again Denies Plotting Coup vs Trump : The Daily Mail
Mueller Reassigned Top FBI Agent From Russia Witch
How confronting Democrats now could position Gillibrand to take on Trump in 2020: CNN
Given the latest revelations, it's time for a major change in course.: The American Spectator
Russiagate is a hoax and a (((deep state))) coup d'etat.
Rep. Steve Cohen introduces articles of impeachment against Trump: CBS News
Mueller dismisses top FBI agent in Russia probe over possible anti-Trump texts: Fox News
Suspect in Rand Paul assault appears in court, lawyer cites 'messy yard': NBC News
Rep Cohen Intros Resolution For Trump Impeachment: Sputnik News
Creators of Infamous Trump Dossier Made Mysterious Payments to Journalists: Sputnik News
Congress has handed Trump a historic presidential victory: CNBC
How Dem insiders rank the 2020 contenders: The Hill
The Nationalists Delusion: The Atlantic Magazine
Rep Cohen Intros Resolution For Trump Impeachment: Sputnik News
Can Al Franken survive?: CNN
Gillibrand: Bill Clinton should have resigned over Lewinsky affair: CNN
How a 51-49 Senate could change everything: CNN
Beverly Young Nelson: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know: Heavy
GOP effort to oust Roy Moore from Senate race grows: The Chicago Tribune
Republicans consider expelling Roy Moore if he does win a Senate seat -- a rare and severe punishment: The Los Angeles Times
Report that Roy Moore had sexual contact with a teen raises questions about his Senate run: PBS News Hour
Transcript of WaPo reporter admitting she spent weeks in Alabama looking for women to accuse Moore
Claim: Washington Post offered $1000 to women to accuse Roy Moore: Pacific Pundit
BREAKING: Washington Post Reporter Behind Roy Moore Hit Piece Has History Of Writing Fake Checks: Gotnews
Woman says Roy Moore initiated sexual encounter when she was 14, he was 32: The Washington Post
The Washington Post is on a power play and should never be trusted.
Racist flyers paint Sikh Hoboken mayoral candidate Ravi Bhalla as a terrorist: The New York Daily News
Populists Crush Center-Left Social Democrats in Sicily Elections: Breitbart
US left wing groups travelled to Germany for the G20 Summit last July to meet with Al qaeda and ISIS leaders and plot the destruction of President Trump, secret FBI investigation reveals: Edward Klein, The Daily Mail
The U.S. is no stranger to interfering in the elections of other countries: The Los Angeles Times
This article from last December is particularly relevant now.
Tony Podesta Now Engulfed In RussiaGate: Sputnik News
Tony Podesta Now Engulfed In RussiaGate: Sputnik News
3 Jewish Prosecutors Join Robert Mueller's Team For Russia Meddling Probe: The Forward
Oldie but goodie.
Hillary Clinton Lied, Paid For "Trump Dossier": Zero Hedge
Hillary Clinton Lied, Paid For "Trump Dossier": Zero Hedge
Trump Presidency Is Shifting Finally Into High Gear As Scandal Engulfs Clintons: The New York Sun
Yanks to the Rescue: The Secret Story of How How American Advisors Helped Boris Yeltsin Win: Time Magazine
This cover story from 1996 brags about American "meddling" in the Russian presidential election.
The Pride And (Anti-Korean) Prejudice Of Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike Is A Big Problem: Forbes
By (((Jake Adelstein)))
Senate Launches Probe Into Russian Nuclear Bribery Case That Netted Clintons Millions -- It appears Obama and the FBI knew and covered for Clinton: Russia Insider
Vanity Fair: Bannon believes Trump only has 30% chance of completing full term: CNN
Trump vs. Corker encapsulates GOP civil war: CNN
Trump says he has confidence in Tillerson: CNN
Japanese Election / Official campaigning kicks off / Public to evaluate Abe's half decade in power: The Daily Yomiuri
Israeli Police To Interrogate Netanyahu Over Charges: Sputnik News
Tensions escalate after Tillerson calls Trump moron: CNN
Madrid To Make EVERY Effort To Stop Catalonia: Sputnik News
EU Comm Says Catalonia Independence Vote Illegal : Sputnik News
Trump on Las Vegas massacre: An
Trump, US leaders offer support after mass shooting: CNN
US Senator - No Evidence Trump Campaign-Russia Collusion: Sputnik News
LYNCH STORM: Rapper XXXTentacion sparks outrage with music video showing him HANGING a white child: The Sun
Trump Signs the Joint Resolution That Was Misrepresented by the Washington Post: RedState
Rep. Adam Schiff: Proposed Trump Tower in Moscow shows Trump was dishonest: CNN
O'mei closes after community boycotts Santa Cruz restaurant: Santa Cruz Sentinal
Trump goes on rampage against the media, sitting Arizona senators at Phoenix rally: Fox News
Mike Cernovich: I Was Wrong About The Alt-Right; Duke & Spencer's "Sole Purpose Is To Discredit Trump": Real Clear Politics
This guy is a jerk.
Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal: The New York Times
What's Worse: Trump's Campaign Agenda or Empowering Generals and CIA Operatives to Subvert it?: The Intercept
A letter from H.R. McMaster said Susan Rice will keep her top-secret security clearance: Circa
The National Bugle has been warning you guys about McMaster. Please refer to this podcast.
Miller comments on Lazarus poem echo far-right opinions: The Washington Post
The Strange Case of Imran Awan Only fraud or something more?: The American Conservative
Wasserman Schultz Seemingly Planned To Pay Suspect Even While He Lived In Pakistan: The Daily Caller
'Collusion' Collapses: Dem Congressional Espionage Ring Takes Center Ring: The American Thinker
Trump Wants Final End To 'Witch Hunt' Of Russia Probe : Sputnik News
Trump To Name Wall St Financier Scaramucci
As Communications Director: Sputnik News
Is Batsh*t Crazy Maxine Waters Running For President?: The Daily Mail
McCain Issues Blistering Criticism Of Trump
...For Stopping US CIA Funding Of Terrorism!: The Daily Mail
Report - Hillary Framed Trump On Russia : The Daily Mail
Can Trump stop Mueller?: CNN
First on CNN: Rice privately meets with Senate Intel on Russia probe: CNN
Jared Kushner meets with Lindsey Graham: CNN
New Abedin Emails Show Hillary Donors Getting
Special Treatment At State Department: Sputnik News
US MSM Totally Misses-Hides Clinton's Collusion
Link To Trump-Russia-Gate: Sputnik News
Kobach: We
Russia-gate Flops as Democrats' Golden Ticket: Robert Parry, Consortium News
Why the Government Fails at Welfare by TDB - Jun 19, 2017 1:09 PM When looking to alleviate the suffering of their fellow citizens, Americans need only look inwards. Mr Creosote is Full by Capitalist Exploits - Jun 19, 2017 8:06 PM Not to central bankers: Don't overeat! "Someone's Going To Jail" Gingrich Warns Mueller's Russia 'Witch Hunt' Too Big To Fail Now: Zero Hedge
Gingrich - Mueller
UK Ministers Urge Boris Johnson To Replace May: Sputnik News
Dems Are Done - Party Officials Say Hillary's Gotta Go: Sputnik News
Trump Swallowed All Pre-Election Promises - Assad: Sputnik News
Putin Mocks Claims Of Russian Fingerprints In US Election: Sputnik News
Putin Suggests US Hackers Might Have Framed Russians: Sputnik News
Clapper - Russians 'Genetically Driven' To
Interfere In US Elections: Sputnik News
Comey-mania about to take over Washington: CNN
New Cracks in Russia-gate 'Assessment': Robert Parry, Consortium News
Russia Says Evidence Growing Syria Chemical Attack Was Staged: Bloomberg
Devin Nunes steps aside from House intelligence committee's Russia inquiry : The Guardian
Obama's CIA Director John Brennan and His Allies Are Targeting Trump Supporters For Surveillance: Got News
GOP senator snaps after CNN's Cuomo grills the 'Breitbart poster boy' for smearing Susan Rice: Raw Story
Susan Rice Unmasked: Obama's security adviser sought the name of at least one Trump official in intelligence reports.: Wall Street Journal
The FBI Influenced US Election - Kucinich: Sputnik News
Susan Rice: Absolutely
Trump hits the links with Rand Paul: CNN
Putin calls claims of US election meddling fictional : CNN
Republicans unveil plan to repeal, replace Obamacare: Times of Israel
Trump cabinet member Ben Carson: Slaves were 'immigrants': Times of Israel
French far-right candidate showcases ex-communist converts: Times of Israel
GOP wants to eliminate shadowy DOJ slush fund bankrolling leftist groups: Fox News
What Voter Fraud? Michigan Recount Uncovers Too Many Votes in 37% of Detroit Precincts: Gateway Pundit
Despite Investigations, Obama's IRS Has Never Stopped Targeting Conservatives: The Federalist
Trump Israel ambassador pick said State Department has been anti-Semitic for past
Inside the Recount: Jill Stein and a ragtag team of computer experts decided to take America's elections to court. Here's how it all went wrong.: The New Republic
Inside the Recount: Jill Stein and a ragtag team of computer experts decided to take America's elections to court. Here's how it all went wrong.: The New Republic
Trump: Health care replacement could take until 2018: CNN
McCain basking in Trump tormentor role: CNN
Executive orders issued to start rolling back Obamacare: CNN
Trump brings Churchill bust back to Oval Office: CNN
Al Smith dinner: Most memorable lines from Trump, Clinton: CNN
Could Trump legally challenge the presidential election?: CNN
Obama personal email among in WikiLeaks Podesta document dump: CNN
Pro-Hillary US State Dept ‘behind Assange internet cutoff’ â€" WikiLeaks activist to RT : Russia Today
Trump touts stop-and-frisk practice amid black outreach: CNN
Sources: Bush 41 says he will vote for Clinton: CNN
The anatomy of a white, working-class Trump voter: CNN
Trump: Black communities in worst shape ever,
Kaine breaks with Clinton on abortion provision: CNN
Newt Gingrich argues against himself for VP: Do
Explained: How anti-Trump groups hope to upend the Republican Convention: CNN
Nigel Farage Backs Donald Trump: The Independent
Emails Show Hillary Camp Surveilled Reporters: The Daily Mail
Trump tweets fuel VP speculation: CNN
Gary Johnson: Trump says racist things and should be disqualified from presidency: CNN
Booker stokes VP speculation: CNN
Dem immigration platform courts Hispanics: The Hill
Austria Presidential Election Annulled After 'Serious' Postal Vote Fraud: Breitbart
Benghazi report: Clinton should have realized risks: CNN
Trump's Anti-Interventionism - Neocons Hate It As Anti-War Left Comes Around: Zero Hedge
Trump Ready To Invite Putin To WH As President: Sputnik News
Man with gun at rally wanted to kill Trump: CNN
Sessions doesn't expect to be Trump's VP: CNN
Another Horrific Book About Hillary By Ex-Bill Lover: The Daily Mail
Romney: Trump will change U.S. with trickle-down racism: CNN
Green Party's Jill Stein to Sanders fans: "There's a plan B here": CNN
Christie weighs in on his VP chances and Cory Booker's: CNN
Assange Says Google Has Secret Deal With Hillary: Sputnik News
Clinton celebrates victory, wins California: CNN
Sanders pledges to stay in race: CNN
GOP to Trump: Stop alienating Latinos: CNN
Sanders vows contested convention: CNN
Clinton wins Puerto Rico, on cusp of nomination: CNN
Bill Clinton sasses pro-Sanders protesters at Los Angeles rally: CNN
Trump blames San Jose unrest on thugs, illegals: CNN
Obama urges support for embattled DNC chair: CNN
Trump revives Anthony Weiner feud: CNN
Trump calls for Clinton to be jailed: CNN
California Poll: Sanders, Clinton neck-and-neck: CNN
Jon Stewart on Trump: "He is a man-baby": CNN
North Korean state media op-ed calls Trump "wise," Clinton "dull": CNN
Kristols white knight: David French: CNN
California Gov. Brown endorses Clinton: CNN
Trump: Sessions "absolutely" to be considered for VP: CNN
What Was Hidden In Clintons Emails: Sputnik News
Never-Trump conservatives search for alternative: CNN
Secret Service hop on stage at Sanders rally amid commotion: CNN
Sanders labels Trump Mr. Macho : CNN
Libertarians pick ticket, slam Trump: CNN
Trump jabs at Bill Kristol over independent candidate prediction: CNN
Dole says GOPers should fall in line behind Trump, pushes Gingrich for VP: CNN
Libertarian Party set to pick nominee at convention: CNN
Pro-Trump, anti-Trump groups clash in San Diego: CNN
Hillary SpokesModel Is Face Of Syphilis In Portland: Sputnik News
Support for Right-Wing Parties In EU Explodes: Sputnik News
Clinton on email use: I
Sanders fuels prospect of debate with Trump: CNN
Warren blasts Trump; he calls her Pocahontas: CNN
Graham privately urges Republicans to support Trump: CNN
Libertarian VP hopeful stands by Holocaust reference to Trump plan: CNN
Hillary Clinton: Donald Trump not qualified to be president: CNN
Manafort named campaign chairman, chief strategist for Trump: CNN
Rubio on Trump's North Korea plan: 'This is not an issue he's dealt with' for very long: CNN
Sanders campaign manager: DNC chairwoman throwing: CNN
Hillary To Name Bill For Economic Revitalization!: Sputnik News
Sanders Launches Petition vs Deportations Surge: Sputnik News
RNC chief on Trump VP pick: Diversity is Important: CNN
GOP Goons Also Ask Mark Cuban To Run Indy: Fox News
Erdogan Begins To Defy EU, NATO After PMs' Exit: CNN
Trump breaks with Obama on Brexit: CNN
U.S. cities see spike in homicides, report says: CNN
Trump meets with GOP senators -- and potential VP picks: CNN
Christie: Spot on Trumps s VP shortlist 'doesn't mean a whole heck of a lot': CNN
Transcript: Jon Stewart finally weighs in on 2016, Trump: CNN